Pretty Little Liars 06 Killer by Sara Shepard

Tytuł Pretty Little Liars 06 Killer by Sara Shepard
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Strona 1 Pretty Little Liars #6: Killer by Sara Shepard Give Me More! In picture-perfect Rosewood, Pennsylvania, ash-blond highlights gleam in the winter sun and frozen lakes sparkle like Swarovski crystals. But pictures often lie—and so do Rosewoods four prettiest girls. Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily have been lying ever since they became friends with beautiful Alison DiLaurentis. Ali made them do terrible things — things they had to keep secret for years. And even though Ali was killed at the end of seventh grade, their bad-girl ways didnt die with her. Hannas on a mission to corrupt Rosewoods youth, starting with a very attractive sophomore. Arias snooping into her boyfriends past. Spencers stealing—from her family. And pure little Emilys abstaining from abstinence. Strona 2 The girls should be careful, though. They thought they were safe when Alis killer was arrested and As true identity was finally revealed. But now theres a new A in town turning up the heat. And this time Rosewood is going to burn. Personal Review: Pretty Little Liars #6: Killer by Sara Shepard KILLER (#6 in the Pretty Little Liars series) SARA SHEPARD YA Mystery HarperTeen Rating: 5 Enchantments KILLER, the latest installment of the Pretty Little Liars series, takes its readers on a rollercoaster of a read as the girls find Ian's body, but the moment they bring Wilden back to the scene, Ian's body is gone. Now the girls are being called liars by both the police and the press and no one believes a word they're saying. Even as the new `A' texts the girls, no one wants to believe that the girls are in any danger from anything but fear of being out of the spotlight. But are they crazy or is the newest `A' actually trying to help them solve the mystery this time? With a jaw dropping ending that almost seems impossible, fans of the series will delight in the newest addition to the series. Pretty Little Liars is my favorite YA mystery series, hands down. KILLER is a fast paced, riveting read with characters that've grown over the course of the series and new secrets and scandals being revealed around every corner. As the girls discover and remember more about the night Ali died, the more things point towards Wilden as somehow being involved, but how and why? How can they possibly trust the man who seems to haunt all their memories? Aria's struggling not only with moving into her fa ther's new house with his expecting girlfriend as a mean's to get away from her mother's boyfriend, but also with the fact she keeps bumping into Ali's older brother, Jason. Is it her or is there something going on between them? Surely the rumors about Jason hurting Ali all those years ago were just that. Rumors. Spencer yet again feels the major outcast. Not only because of her possibly being adopted, but because she's the one who first found Ian's supposed body. When her family's home is vandalized because of it and her parents ostracizing her for it, Spencer decides to find out where it is she might belong and answers the e-mail from her possible birth mother. Hanna's forced friendship with her soon-to-be-evil-stepsister isn't working out like her father would hope. And after Hanna blurted out what she did about Kate in the last book, it seems Kate's out for revenge. But Hanna knows how to play that game too. Emily's dealing with her own relationship troubles, especially when her boyfriend's mother seems to hate her. When Strona 3 her boyfriend won't believe her, what's a girl to do, especially after finding a photo in their kitchen with her head cut out. That's not typical friendly mother behavior. What I loved best about KILLER was how the tension never seemed to let up where the mystery was involved and how everything led up to the big party at the new hotel, a place that ends up harboring a very big secret. As all the clues start to fall together, the girls find themselves in deeper danger then they could ever imagine. One of the best scenes in the book is when aria is lured out to Jason's apartment, only to almost be attacked by a dog. When she has no other choice, she's forced to break into the apartment, only to discover what may be the biggest clue yet. Sara Shephard graduation from NYU and has an MFA from Brooklyn College. Her PRETTY LITTLE LIARS novels were inspired by her growing up in Philadelphia's Main Line. [...] Lisa Enchanting Reviews July 2009 For More 5 Star Customer Reviews and Lowest Price: Pretty Little Liars #6: Killer by Sara Shepard 5 Star Customer Reviews and Lowest Price!

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