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Selected issues of Public Economic Law in Theory, Judicature and Practice in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia okładka

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Selected issues of Public Economic Law in Theory, Judicature and Practice in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia

This book deals with selected issues of public economic law related to the state’s infl uence on the economy and its entities. This influence is particularly visible in the infrastructure sectors, including energy, telecommunications and postal services, as well as in the sector of providing medical services. Th rough legal norms, the state regulates and rations competitive relations in the economy, public aid for entrepreneurs and public procurement, together with relations between the economy and environment protection. The authors, who all work in universities while also practicing law, are from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, and characterise these problems by referring primarily to national regulations based on European Union law, which constitutes the basis and starting point for these issues. The book is intended for: law students, theoreticians and practitioners of law and economic sciences, and anyone who is interested in the relationship between law and the economy in various public law systems.

Tytuł Selected issues of Public Economic Law in Theory, Judicature and Practice in Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia
Autor: Mrkyvka Petr, Vrabko Marian, Powałowski Andrzej
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck
Rok wydania: 2017
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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