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John Field Step by step Ksi��ka dla pocz�tkuj�cych z kaset� do samodzielnej nauki j�zyka angielskiego. Wydanie polskie kursu BBC English. P.W.Z.N. "Print 6" Lublin 1995 opracowanie i druk: P.W.Z.N. "Print 6" ul. Wieniawska 13 20-071 Lublin tel. (0-81) 295-18 "Print 6" dzi�kuje Sekcji BBC English i Wydawnictwu Tommy za wsp�prac� i pozwolenie na przedruk podr�cznika Redakcja i adaptacja na podst. podr�cznika "Step by step" cz. 2: Beata Kolasa Redakcja techniczna: Piotr Kali�ski Copyright British Broadcasting Corporation 1993 ISBN 83-85987-60-6 `ns Unit 27: Is there an bread? (some) bread: (troch�) chleba (some) meat: (troch�) mi�sa (some) fish: (troch�) ryby (some) cake: (troch�) ciasta (a) fish: ryba (a) cake: ciastko (a) tomato: pomidor I'm (= I am) hungry: jestem g�odny cold: zimny No (coffee): Nie ma (kawy) (a) piece: kawa�ek There aren't (= are not): Nie ma Na pikniku - Let's sit down here. - Right. - I'm hungry. What's in that bag? - Let me see. - Is there any bread? - Yes, there's some bread. - Meat? Is there any cold meat? - No, there isn't. - Are there any tomatoes? - Er ... yes, there are. - Eggs? Are there any eggs? - No, I'm sorry. There aren't. W kawiarni - Morning. (Good morning: Czasami m�wimy "morning" zamiast "Good morning") - Morning. - I'd like a cup of coffee, please. - Coffee? - Yes. - Sorry. There isn't any coffee. - No coffee? - No. - OK. Then I'll have some tea. - Right ... Here you are. - Um* ... I'd like some milk in my tea, please. - Sorry, there isn't any milk. - Well, some sugar, please. (Well: No c�...) - Sugar? - Yes, some sugar. - There isn't any. This isn't the Ritz Hotel, you know. (the Ritz Hotel: luksusowy hotel w Londynie) (you know: Wiesz) a fish, some fish: ryba - a fish, kawa�ek (porcja) ryby - a piece of fish, some fish, ciasto - a cake, kawa�ek (porcja) ciasta - a piece of cake, some cake. there is, there are: There is some (meat, fish, milk) in the fridge. There are some (eggs, tomatoes, bottles) in the fridge. some, any: - Is there any (meat? bread? coffee?) - Yes, there is some (meat. bread. coffee.) - No, there is not any (meat. bread. coffee.) - Are there any (eggs? tomatoes? biscuits?) - Yes, there are some (eggs. tomatoes. biscuits.) - No, there are not any (eggs. tomatoes. biscuits.) "some" u�ywamy w zdaniach twierdz�cych. "any" u�ywamy w zdaniach przecz�cych i pytaniach. There isn't any Przeczytaj dialogi: - Is there any tea? - No, there isn't any. - I'd like some tea. - There isn't any. Osoba, kt�ra odpowiada nie musi powtarza� wyrazu "tea" (There isn't any tea), wi�c zdanie skracamy do: There isn't any. (There is) no coffee - Znaczy to samo, co: There isn't any coffee Por�wnaj: There isn't any coffee. There is no coffe. 27.1 Przeczytaj listy zakup�w. Nast�pnie podziel wyrazy na cztery grupy. 1. Napoje 2. Produkty piekarnicze 3. Owoce i warzywa 4. Inne Shopping: fish, bread, apples, coffee, meat, tea, cakes, oranges, eggs, bananas, tomatoes, milk, water, biscuits. 1. .... 2. bred ... 3. apples ... 4. ... 27.2 Podziel poni�sze wyrazy na dwie grupy. 1. Rzeczy, kt�re mo�na policzy� 2. Rzeczy, kt�rych nie mo�na policzy� Wstaw "some" lub "a/ an" przed ka�dym s�owem. 1. an apple ... 2. some tea ... 27.3 Podpisz rysunki u�ywaj�c: a, some, cake, fish. 1. ryba ... 2. kawa�ek ryby ... 3. ciasto ... 4. kawa�ek ciasta ... 27.4 Wybierz w�a�ciwe wyra�enie. 1. There is - (There are) some tomatoes in the fridge 2. There is - There are some milk in the fridge. 3. There is - There are some meat in the fridge. 4. There is - There are some biscuits in the packet. 5. There is - There are some cakes on the plate. 6. There is - There are some cake on the plate. 27.5 Zapisz pytania i odpowiedzi dotycz�ce torby, w kt�rej znajduj� si� artyku�y spo�ywcze: jab�ka, pomidory, butelka wody 1. (Is there any) cold meat (in the bag?) (No, there is not any cold meat in it.) 2. (Are there any) apples (in the bag?) (Yes, there are some apples in it.) 3. ... bread...? ... 4. ... tomatoes ...? ... 5. ... water ...? ... 6. ...eggs ...? ... 27.6 Napisz zdania, kt�re znacz� to samo. 1. There is not any water. (There is no water.) 2. There are no apples. (There are not any apples.) 3. There is not any bread. ... 4. There is no sugar. ... 5. There are not any cakes. ... 6. There are no biscuits. ... 27.7 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. There are: some/ any/ a biscuits, but there are not: some/ any/ a cakes. 2. There is not: some/ any/ a tea, but there is: some/ any/ a coffee. 3. There is: some/ any/ a fish, but there is not: some/ any/ a meat. 4. There is not: some/ any/ an apple, but there is: some/ any/ an orange. 5. There are not: some/ any/ a tomatoes, but there are: some/ any/ an eggs. 27.8 Napisz dialog po angielsku. Jeste� w sklepie spo�ywczym. - Pytasz, czy jest mleko. Sprzedawca m�wi, �e nie ma. - Pytasz, czy s� jajka. Sprzedawca m�wi, �e nie ma. - Pytasz, czy jest chleb. Sprzedawca m�wi, �e s� herbatniki i ciasto, ale nie ma chleba. Unit 28: Which is their bell? my: m�j, moja, moje your: nasz their: ich his: jego her: jej your: twoje, wasze Which ones?: Kt�re? the (green) ones: Te (zielone) bell: dzwonek top: (co�) u g�ry bottom: (co�) na dole white: bi�y large: du�y little: ma�y W szatni: Pani prosi o p�aszcz - My coat, please. - Certainly. Which one? - That one. The red one. - Here you are. - Thank you. Dwie panie prosz� o p�aszcze - Our coats, please. - Certainly. Which ones? - Those. The green ones. - Here you are. - Thank you. - Thank you. Kt�ry dzwonek? - Excuse me? - Yes? - Do Mr and Mrs Brown live here? - Yes, they do. - Which is their bell? - That one. The top one. - Thank you. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Does Mr White live here? - Yes, he does. - Which is his bell? - That one. The bottom one. - Thank you. one, ones: - Przeczytaj pytanie i odpowiedz: - Which is your coat? - The red one. W j�zyku angielskim u�ywamy "one", �eby nie powtarza� wyrazu "coat". W liczbie mnogiej u�ywamy "ones": - Which are your coats? - The red ones. (= The red coats.) - Which are your cases? - The white ones. (= The white cases.) U�ywamy "one" i "ones" po "Which?" (Kt�ry?): - My case, please. - Which one? - My cases, please. - Which ones? "One/ ones" mo�emy te� u�y� w zdaniach typu: My case is the large brown one. Our cases are the small green ones. this one, that one: - Which is your coat? - This one. (blisko) - That one. (dalej) - Which are your coats? - These. (blisko) - Those (dalej) Czyje to jest? Wyrazy "my, our, his, her, their" odpowiadaj� na pytanie "Czyj?". I am John White. I'd like my case, please. We are Peter and Sue Black. We'd like our case, please. He is John White. He'd like his case. She is Anne White. She'd like her case. They are Peter and Sue Black. They'd like their case. large, little: "large" znaczy to samo, co "big". "little" znaczy to samo, co "small". Generalnie "big" i "little" s� u�ywane razem I'd like four big ones and two little ones. Generalnie "large" i "small" s� u�ywane razem I'd like four large ones and two small ones. does, do: Does Mr Brown live here? Yes, he does. Do Mr and Mrs Brown live here? Yes, they do. 28.1 Uzupe�nij dialogi. U�yj: "one", "ones" lub zostaw puste miejsce. 1. - My cases, please. - Which ...? - The large ... 2. - My coat, please. - Which ...? - The blue ... 3. - My key, please. - Which ...? - That ... 4. - My keys, please. - Which ...? - Those ... 5. - A cake, please. - Which ...? - This ... 6. - Some cigarettes, please. - Which ...? - These ... 28.2. Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. 3 m�skie koszule: na g�rze bia�a, w �rodku szara, na dole czarna. 2. 3 klucze: na g�rze od pokoju nr 17, na �rodku nr 7, na dole 70. 3. 2 obrazy: na g�rze ma�ych rozmiar�w, pod nim du�y obraz. 1. The bottom shirt is: grey/ white/ black. The top one is: grey/ white/ black. 2. The top key is number: seventy/ seventeen/ seven. The bottom one is number: seventy/ seventeen/ seven. 3. The bottom picture is: a small/ large one. The top one is: a big/ little one. 28.3. Uzupe�nij zdania. U�yj: our, your, their, his, her. 1. Mr Green is in room 3. ... key is number 3. 2. My sister is in room 8. ... key is number 8. 3. We are in room 17. ... key is number 17. 4. The children are in room 2. ... key is number 2. 5. My father is in room 12. ... key is number 12. 6. The Australian women are in room 9. ... key is number 9. 7. You two men are in room 1. ... key is number 1. 28.4 Zapisz zdania u�ywaj�c: grey, white, black, small, large. Walizka pana David Brown jest ma�a w kolorze czarnym. Pa�stwo Peter i Jill Brown maj� 2 du�e walizki w kolorze bia�ym. Walizka pani Anne Brown jest ma�a w kolorze bia�ym. Pa�stwo Tom i Sue maj� jedn� du�� szar� walizk�. Walizka pana Johna Brown jest ma�a w kolorze szarym. 1. John Brown is my brother. (His case is small grey one) 2. Anne Brown is my mother. ... 3. Tom and Sue are my children. ... 4. David Brown is my father. ... 5. We are Peter and Jill Brown. ... 28.5 Wybierz w�a�ciwe wyrazy. - Excuse me? Do Mr and Mrs White leave/ live here? - Yes, they/ he/ you do. - Which is her/ their/ his bell? - That./ That one. / Those. The top one./ ones. 28.6 Zapisz dialog - Jeste� razem ze znajom�. Popro�cie o p�aszcze. - Szatniarz nie wie kt�re. - Wskazujesz na Wasze p�aszcze. Jeden jest czarny, drugi czerwony. - Szatniarz podaje p�aszcze. 28.7 Urz�dnik chce dowiedzie� si�, kto mieszka w Waszym domu. Zapisz pytania i odpowiedzi. - Urz�dnik pyta, czy to Wasz dom. - M�wisz: Tak, to nasz dom. - Urz�dnik pyta: jak si� nazywacie. - M�wisz mu o tym (Mark i Anne Grey). - Urz�dnik pyta czy Wasze dzieci tu mieszkaj�. - M�wisz, �e tak. - Urz�dnik pyta o ich imiona. - M�wisz mu o tym (John i Sue). - Urz�dnik pyta czy mieszka tu Tw�j ojciec. - M�wisz, �e tak. - Urz�dnik pyta o jego imi�. - M�wisz mu o tym (Peter). - Urz�dnik pyta, czy mieszka tu Twoja matka. - M�wisz, �e tak. - Urz�dnik pyta o jej imi�. - M�wisz mu o tym (Pam). Unit 29: It doesn't go to London. It goes to York. to (London): do (Londynu) from (London): z (Londynu) at: tutaj znaczy na (peronie) platform: peron go: jecha� it goes: jedzie it doesn't go: nie jedzie come: przyjecha� it comes: przyje�d�a it doesn't come: nie przyje�d�a come from: przyjecha� z, pochodzi� z Leeds, York: nazwy miast w Anglii New Zealand: Nowa Zelandia Kt�ry poci�g? - Excuse me? - Yes? - Which is the train to London? - The one at platform 4. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Which is the train from Leeds? - The one at platform 8. Czy to poci�g do...? - Excuse me? - Yes? - Does this train go to London? - Yes, it does. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Does this train go to London? - No, it doesn't. It goes to York. W muzeum - Mm. That's very old. - Does it come from Japan? - Er ... let me see ... . No, it doesn't come from Japan. It comes from China. Odjazdy poci�g�w Odjazdy poci�g�w zapowiada si� w nast�puj�cy spos�b: the eight-thirty train in London (nie "the half past-eight train") the nine-forty-five train to Leeds (nie "the quarter-to-ten-train") the twelve-ten train to York (nie "the ten-past-twelve train") Czasami opuszczamy wyraz "train": the eight thirty to London. "Zero", to w angielskich zapowiedziach odjazdu litera "o" the six-O-five train to London (poci�g o 6.05) go, come: M�wimy "go" kiedy poci�g odje�d�a: Does this rain go to London? (Czy ten poci�g jedzie do Londynu?) M�wimy "come" kiedy poci�g przyje�d�a: Does this train come from London? (Czy ten poci�g przyjecha� z Londynu?) Pytania I odpowiedzi na temat pochodzenia: - Does (this vase, this picture, this fruit) come from (India? Japan? England?) - No, it does not come from (India. Japan. England.) - It comes from (Nigeria. China. New Zealand). Uwaga: U�ywamy "come" w pytaniach i zdaniach przecz�cych. U�ywamy "comes" kiedy poci�g przyje�d�a: W j�zyku m�wionym "does not" skracamy do "doesn't". Czy ten poci�g jedzie do...? - Does this train go to London? - No, it does not go to London. It goes to Leeds. Uwaga na pisowni� "goes". Kr�tkie odpowiedzi: Gdy kto� pyta: "Does this train go to London?", nie odpowiadamy: "Yes, it goes to London.", tylko m�wimy kr�tko: "Yes, it does" lub "No, it doesn't." at: Por�wnaj: at the station (na terenie dworca) - in the station (wewn�trz budynku dworcowego) "at" jest mniej precyzyjne ni� "in". U�ywamy "at" r�wnie� w wyra�eniach typu: at platform 3 (na peronie 3) at the bus stop (na przystanku autobusowym) 29.1 Uzupe�nij zdania: Departures: CX 391 Hong Kong RJ 709 Cairo WT 268 Lusaka Arrivals: TG 492 Bangkok GF 513 New York IB 637 Madrit 1. Flight CX 391 (goes to Hong Kong.) 2. Flight IB 637 ... 3. Flight RJ 709 ... 4. Flight GF 513 ... 5. Flight TG 492 ... 6. Flight WT 268 ... 29.2 U�� pytania i odpowiedzi na temat pokazanych samochod�w, kt�re posiadaj� znaki identyfikacyjne. AUS - Australia, WAN - Nigeria, GB - Britain, NZ - New Zealand, ET - Egypt, TR - Turkey, BR - Brazil, PL - Poland. 1. (GB) Does that car come form Britain? Yes, it does. 2. (BR) Does that car come form Australia? No, it doesn't. It comes from Brazil. 3. (TR) ... 4. (AUS) ... 5. (NZ) ... 6. (ET) ... 29.3 Zapisz poni�sze wyra�enia tak, jakby by�y to zapowiedzi odjazd�w poci�g�w. 1. the half-past-nine train. (the nine-thirty train) 2. the ten-to-one train. ... 3. the quarter-to-five train. ... 4. the five-past-two train. ... 5. the twenty-to-seven bus. ... 6. the quarter-past-one bus. ... 29.4 Wybierz w�a�ciwe wyrazy. 1. Does the 8.30 train goes/ go to London? No, it doesn't goes/ go to London. It go/ goes to York. 2. Does this bus comes/ come from Leeds? No, it comes/ come from York. It doesn't come/ come from Leeds. 3. Does Flight CX 391 go/ goes to Delhi? No, it go/ goes to Hong Kong. It doesn't go/ goes to Delhi. 4. Does this vase come/ comes from Japan? No, it doesn't come/ comes from Japan. It come/ comes from China. 29.5 Uzupe�nij zdania na podstawie rozk�adu jazdy. Time - To - Platform 8.30 - London - 3 9.15 - York - 5 10.20 - Leeds - 6 1. The train to (London) goes (from) platform 3. It leaves ... 8.30. 2. The ... York ... It ... 9.15. 3. The ... Leeds ... It ... 10.20. 29.6 Napisz dialog po angielsku. - Pytasz baga�owego, kt�ry poci�g jest tym o 9.30 do York. - Baga�owy m�wi, �e ten z peronu 7. - Pytasz, czy poci�g przyje�d�a z Londynu. - Pytasz, czy zatrzymuje si� w Leeds. - Baga�owy m�wi, �e tak. Przyje�d�a tam o 11.25, a odje�d�a o 11.30 Unit 30: Do you take sugar? husband: m�� wife: �ona go to work: jecha�/ i�� do pracy by (car): samochodem ship: okr�t on foot: pieszo take sugar: s�odzi� (herbat�) smoke: pali� papierosy watch: ogl�da� programme: program the news: wiadomo�ci (np. w TV) football: pi�ka no�na film: film TV: telewizja but: ale too: tak�e Jean: imi� �e�skie David: imi� m�skie Jazda do pracy - Does your husband work in London? - Yes, he does. - Does he go to work by car? - No, he doesn't. He goes by train. - What about you? Do you work? (What about you?: A ty?) - Yes, I do. - Do you go to work by car? - No, I don't. I go by bus. Herbatka z s�siadk� David i Jean, kt�rzy s� ma��e�stwem, pij� herbat� z pann� Grey, ich s�siadk�. Nie znaj� jej zbyt dobrze. Mrs Grey: Some tea? Jean: Yes, please. David: Yes, please. Mrs Grey: Do you take sugar? David: I don't take it. But my wife does. Mrs Grey: How much? Jean: Two spoons, please. Mrs Grey: Here you are. Jean: Thank you. Mrs Grey: A cigarette? Do you smoke? David: I smoke, but my wife doesn't ... Thank you. Ankieta: Ankieter pr�buje dowiedzie� si� jakie programy telewizyjne podobaj� si�. - Do you watch our programmes? - Yes, we do. - Which programmes do you watch? - Well, I watch the news. - And does your husband watch it, too? - No, he doesn't. He watches football. - And what about the children? (A dzieci?) - They watch films. Komunikacja Wyrazu "by" u�ywamy m�wi�c o tym, jakim �rodkiem lokomocji je�dzimy: by bus/ train/ car/ plane/ ship Zwyczaje: I - go there by bus. We - take sugar. They - smoke. My husband smokes. My brothers - watch films. He - goes there by bus. She - takes sugar. My wife - watches films. W trzeciej osobie liczby pojedy�czej dodajemy "s" do czasownika: My wife take-s sugar. The train leave-s at 8.30. Uwaga: I go, he/ she goes. Czasami to "s" wymawiamy jak "z". Na przyk�ad: leaves, arrives, opens, goes. Czasami jak "s". Na przyk�ad: takes, smokes. Niekt�re wyrazy, np."close" czy "watch" ko�cz� si� d�wi�kiem "s", "z", "sz" lub "cz". Dodajemy wtedy litery "s" lub "es", a wymawiamy jak "iz". Na przyk�ad: closes, watches. Pytania o zwyczaje: Do you (go to work by bus? your husband take sugar? wife smoke?) Does your (husband, wife) (go to work by bus? your husband take sugar? wife smoke?) No, (I, we) do not (go to work by bus. take sugar. smoke.) No, (he, she) does not (go to work by bus. take sugar. smoke.) "do not" w j�zyku m�wionym skraca si� na og� do "don't" a "does not" do "doesn't". Kr�tkie formy: - Do you smoke? - Yes, I/ we do. - No, I/ we don't. - Does your husband/ wife smoke? - Yes, he/ she does. - No, he/ she doesn't. My wife takes sugar, but I don't. (= I don't take sugar.) I take sugar, but my husband doesn't. (= My husband doesn't take sugar.) My wife doesn't take sugar, but I do. (= I take sugar.) I don't take sugar, but my husband does. (= My husband takes sugar.) 30.1 Uzupe�nij zdania na podstawie mapki. Podr�: A - statkiem B - samochodem C - poci�giem D - pieszo E - samolotem Go to A by ship. Then ... Then ... Then ... Then ... 30.2 Kiedy m�wimy "he smokes", dodajemy d�wi�k "s" do "smoke". Kiedy m�wimy "he watches", dodajemy d�wi�k "iz" do "watch". Kt�re z poni�szych czasownik�w s� takie jak "watch"? guess, work, arrive, close, open, leave, take. 30.3 Podziel poni�sze wyrazy na dwie grupy wed�ug tego, kt�re z dw�ch zda� mo�na nimi uzupe�ni�. 1. ... work there. 2. ... works there. They, She, We, I, Her husband, Those men, He, John, Mrs Black, Mr and Mrs Black, Three doctors, Peter and Jean. Zdanie 1 They ... Zdanie 2 She ... 30.4 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. I smoke./ smokes. 2. He smoke./ smokes. 3. We drive./ drives. 4. John drive./ drives. 5. She live/ lives her 6. They live/ lives here. 7. It go/ goes at 8.30. 8. We go/ goes by bus. 9. The children watch/ watches football. 1O. My wife watch/ watches films. 30.5 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. Do/ Does he take sugar? No, he don't./ doesn't. 2. Do/Does you take sugar? No, I don't./ doesn't. 3. Do/ Does Sue drive? No, she don't./ doesn't. 4. Do/ Does you drive? No, we don't./ doesn't. 5. Do/ Does you smoke? No, I don't./ doesn't. 6. Do/ Does her husband smoke? No, he don't./ doesn't. 7. Do/ Does it go to London? No, it don't./ doesn't. 8. Do/ Does his wife watch football? No, she don't./ doesn't. 30.6 Uzupe�nij zdania w wywiadzie o tym, kt�re programy telewizyjne ogl�dane s� przez t� rodzin�. U�yj: do, does, doesn't, watch, watches. - ... you ... our programmes? - Yes, we ... - Which programmes ... your husband ...? - He ... football. - And ... you ... it too? - No, I ... I ... films. - And what about the children? - They ... quiz programmes. 30.7 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. Do/ Does your brother work in London? Yes, he do./ does. He work/ works in a bank. 2. Do/ Does you live in America? Yes, we do./ does. We live/ lives in New York. 3. Do/ Does this train go to London? No, it don't./ doesn't. It go/ goes to Leeds. 4. Do/ Does you go to the cinema? No, I don't./ doesn't. I watch/ watches TV. 5. My wife doesn't/ don't go by train. She goes/ go by bus. 6. We don't/ doesn't speak Spanish. But we speak/ speaks Chinese. 30.8 Przeczytaj te zdania: I take sugar. My husband/ wife takes sugar, too. I don't take sugar. But my husband/ wife does. I take sugar. But my husband/ wife doesn't. We don't take sugar. Teraz napisz podobne zdania o sobie i m�u/ �onie/ znajomym. U�yj: 1. watch TV 2. work 3. go to work by ... 4. drive a car 5. smoke 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... Unit 31: Do you have any change. have: mie� have the time: wiedzie�, kt�ra godzina have a light: mie� zapalniczk� (a) match: zapa�ka (some) change: drobne pieni�dze piece: moneta house: dom flat: mieszkanie boy: ch�opiec girl: dziewczyna (some) money: (troch�) pieni�dzy note: banknot coin: moneta cent: cent dollar: dolar bill: banknot (USA) per cent: procent radio: radio Pro�by - Excuse me? - Yes? - Do you have the time? - Yes, I do. It's ten to nine. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Do you have a light? - Yes, I have a box of matches. Here you are. - Thank you. - Excuse me ? - Yes? - Do you have any change? - What change do you need? - I have a fifty-pence piece. I need ten-pence pieces. - Let me see ... Yes, five ten-pence pieces. Here you are. - Thanks very much. Rozmawiamy o rodzinie Dwoje ludzi spotyka si� na przyj�ciu. - Are you married? - Yes, I am. - Where do you live? - In London. - Really? Do you have a house there? - No, we have a small flat. - Do you have any children? - Yes, we have two. A boy and a girl. Pytania i odpowiedzi z "have" Do you have (the time? a light? any change?) Yes, I have (the time. a match. some ten-pence pieces.) Do you have (a house? a car? any children?) Yes, (I, we ...) have (a big house. have a small car. we two children.) No, (I, we ...) don't have (a house. a car. any children.) Kr�tkie odpowiedzi - Je�eli kto� nas pyta: "Do you have any change?": nie nale�y odpowiada�: "Yes, I have some change". Odpowiadamy kr�tko: "Yes, I do" lub "No, I don't". change, money Angielskie wyrazy "change" (drobne) i "money" (pieni�dze) s� rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi, tak jak "water", "sugar" czy "milk". M�wimy wi�c: I have some money/ some change. How much money/ change do you have? (nie: How many?) Nie mo�na te� u�ywa� liczby mnogiej: "moneys" lub "changes". Monety i banknoty a (two-pence, five-pence, ten-pence) piece a (five-pound, ten-pound, twenty-pound) note Wyrazu "piece" u�ywamy tylko razem z warto�ci� monety. W przeciwnym wypadku u�ywamy wyrazu "coin": I have a lot of coins. Uwaga: M�wimy "pound", nie "pounds" gdy podajemy warto�� monety czy banknotu. Uwaga: a pound coin. Dla monety jednofuntowej nie u�ywamy wyrazu "piece". M�wi�c o innych walutach w brytyjskiej odmianie angielskiego u�ywamy "piece" i "note" a (ten-cent, twenty-five-cent) piece a (dollar, five-dollar, twenty-dollar) note 31.1 Uzupe�nij zdania. U�yj: time, change, light, any, a, the. 1. Do you have ...? Yes, I have some matches. 2. Do you have ...? Yes, it's five past six. 3. Do you have ...? Yes, I have some ten-pence pieces. 31.2 Opisz banknoty i monety. 1. 10 funt�w (banknot) - a ten-pound note. 2. 100 dolar�w (banknot) 3. 5 funt�w (banknot) 4. 20 dolar�w (banknot) 5. 10 pens�w (moneta) 6. 50 pens�w (moneta) 7. 25 cent�w (moneta) 8. 1 funt (moneta) 31.3 Poni�ej przedstawiono jaki procent rodzin w pewnym kraju posiada samoch�d, telefon, itd. Napisz zdania u�ywaj�c wyrazu "per cent". 35 % rodzin posiada samoch�d 53 % telewizor 41 % telefon 68 % radio 84 % lod�wk� 1. Thirty-five per cent have a car. 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... 31.4 Przeczytaj pytania i mo�liwe odpowiedzi: - Do you have any cold meat? - Yes, we have some cold meat. - No, we don't have any cold meat./ No, we have no cold meat. Napisz pytania, kt�re klient m�g�by zada� sprzedawcy na temat rzeczy na rysunkach. Nast�pnie zapisz odpowiedzi sprzedawcy. 1. - (chleb) ....? - ... 2. - (mleko) ...? - ... 3. - (cukier) ...? - (nie ma cukru) ... 4. - (pomidory) ...? - (nie ma pomidor�w) ... 5. - (jajka) ...? - ... 6. - (kawa) ...? - (nie ma kawy) ... 31.5 Napisz o sobie i swojej rodzinie wed�ug poni�szych wskaz�wek. (�onaty/ zam�na?) - I am/ am not married. (Ile dzieci?) - I/ We ... (Ch�opcy? Dziewczynki?) - We ... (Imi�/ Imiona?) - His/ Her/ Their ... (Dom? Mieszkanie?) - I/ We ... in ... (Samoch�d?) - I/ We ... The number is ... (Telefon?) - I/ We ... The number is ... Unit 32: He has brown hair. hair: w�osy eye: oko hand: d�o� leg: noga foot: stopa arm: r�ka ear: ucho dark: ciemne (w�osy) fair: jasne (w�osy) long: d�ugi short: kr�tki passport: paszport has: ma have/ has ... on: nosi� (ubranie) have got: mie� I've lost: zgubi�em called: nazywa si� We'll look for (them): Poszukamy (ich) nationality: narodowo�� colour: kolor Brytyjskie Biuro Imigracyjne Urz�dnik biura pyta o paszporty - Do you have a British passport? - No, I don't. I have an Australian one. - What about your wife? Does she have a British passport? - No, she has an Australian one too. Opisujemy ludzi W domu towarowym zgubi�y si� dzieci. Mama prosi kierownika o pomoc. - My children! I've lost my children! - Where? - Here is the shop. - How many children? - Two - a boy and a girl. - And how old are they? - The boy's eleven, and the girl's twelve. - What are their names? - The boy's called John, and the girl's called Anne. - John and Anne. And what are they like? - Like? - What colour hair do they have? - The girl has brown hair. - And the boy? Does he have brown hair too? - No, his hair's black. - What colour eyes? - They have blue eyes. The girl has glasses. - And what do they have on? - Um ... - Do they have coats on? - No, they don't. The girl has a yellow dress on. - Right. And the boy? - He has a blue shirt on and grey trousers. - Thank you. Wait here and we'll look for your children. has, have (He/ She, Alan) has (a car. two children.) (They, Alan and Pam, I/ We) have (a car. two children.) Pytania I odpowiedzi z "has" I "have" - Does your friend have a British passport? - Yes, he/ she has a British passport. / Yes, he/ she does. - No, he/ she does not have a British passport. / No, he/ she doesn't. - Do your friends have British passports? - Yes, they have British passports. I Yes, they do. - No, they do not have British passports./ No, they don't. "has" i "have" w opisach ludzi (He, She) has (dark hair. brown eyes. small hands. long hair.) They have (fair hair. grey eyes. long legs. short hair.) Wyra�enia "has/ have ... on" u�ywamy m�wi�c, �e kto� ma co� na sobie. He/ She has a blue jacket on. They have blue jackets on. short, tall, long Wyrazu "short" u�ywamy m�wi�c o tym, �e kto� jest niski. Peter is short. Wyrazem o przeciwnym znaczeniu jest w�wczas "tall". Wyrazu "short" u�ywamy r�wnie� m�wi�c o d�ugo�ci i czasie: It is a short road. Peter has short legs. (nie d�ugie) The programme is quite short. (nie trwa d�ugo) W tym przypadku wyrazem o przeciwnym znaczeniu jest "long". has/ have got W brytyjskiej odmianie angielskiego, zamiast have u�ywa si� cz�sto "have got". I/ We have got a flat. He has got a flat. They have not got a flat. She has not got a flat. W j�zyku m�wionym "have got" skraca si� cz�sto do 've got (I've got') "has got" skraca si� cz�sto do: 's got (He's got). "have not got" zmienia si� w "haven't got", a "has not got" w "hasn't got". Pytania z "have got": Have (you, they) got a flat? Has (he, she) got a flat? 32.1 Zapisz nazwy cz�ci cia�a. U�yj "left" i "right". 1. (lewa noga) his left leg 2. (prawa stopa) 3. (prawa noga) 4. (prawa r�ka) 5. (w�osy) 6. (lewe oko) 7. (lewe ucho) 8. (lewa d�o�) 32.2 Opisz osoby z rysunk�w. U�yj: short, long, fair, dark, grey, has/ does not have 1. M�czyzna - kr�tkie w�osy. Nosi okulary. He has short fair hair. He has glasses. 2. Kobieta - d�ugie, ciemne w�osy. Nie nosi okular�w. ... 3. M�czyzna - kr�tkie, szare w�osy. Nosi okulary. ... 4. M�czyzna - kr�tkie, ciemne w�osy. Nie nosi okular�w ... 5. Kobieta - kr�tkie, jasne w�osy. Nosi okulary. ... 32.3 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. She has/ have brown eyes. 2. I has/ have dark hair. 3. They has/ have coats on. 4. He has/ have big feet. 5. John and Anne has/ have a large house 6. My sister has/ have long hair. 7. Our friends has/ have a flat in London. 8. We has/ have Nigerian passports. 9. The pilots has/ have blue jackets on. 10. His brother has/ have two children. 32.4 Uzupe�nij zdania. U�yj "have" lub "has". 1. Do you ... any change? Yes, I ... some twenty-pence pieces. 2. Does your wife ... a camera? Yes, she a Japanese one. 3. Do they ... any children? Yes, they three. 4. Does he ... a suit on? Yes, he ... a grey one on. 5. Do your friends ... a phone? No, they don't one. 6. Does Mark ... grey hair? No, he doesn't grey hair. 32.5 Wype�nij formularz A informacjami o sobie. Wype�nij formularz B informacjami o m�u/ �onie/ znajomym. Form A Name ... Nationality ... Eyes (colour) ... Hair (colour) ... Form B Name ... Nationality ... Eyes (colour) ... Hair (colour) ... 2. Napisz trzy zdania, w kt�rych por�wnasz siebie z osob� opisan� w formularzu B. Na przyk�ad: I have brown hair, but ... has black hair. I have brown hair ... has brown hair too. .... Unit 33: Hello I'm Pat's father. grandfather: dziadek grandmother: babcia aunt: ciotka uncle: wujek son: syn daughter: c�rka Have you met ...?: Czy pozna�e� ju� ...? on fire: pali si� friend: znajomy, przyjaciel wedding: �lub Pat; Rose; Madge;: imiona �e�skie Tony, Chris: imiona m�skie Beech; Price: nazwiska �lub Panna m�oda nazywa si� Pat, a pan m�ody Tony. Ich krewni spotykaj� si� po raz pierwszy. - Hello, I'm Pat's father. - How do you do? - You're ...? - I'm Tony's brother. - Hello, I'm Pat's mother. - How do you do? I'm Tony's grandfather. - And this is Tony's sister. - How do you do? Tony: Have you met my aunts? This is Anne. She's my father's sister. Anne: How do you do? Tony: And this is Rose - my mother's sister. Rose: How do you do? Tony: And here are my uncles. This is Anne's husband. Husband: How do you do? Tony: And this is Rose's husband. Po�ar - There's a house on fire! - What number? - Number 67. - That's my friends' house! 's u�ywamy m�wi�c, �e kto� jest w�a�cicielem czego�: John's car - samoch�d Johna Anne's coat - p�aszcz Anny my sister's house - dom mojej siostry the doctor's bag - torba doktora 's u�ywamy r�wnie� do opisywania pokrewie�stwa: John's mother - matka Johna Anne's son - syn Anny my sister's husband - m�� mojej siostry the doctor's children - dzieci doktora Po niekt�rych wyrazach 's wymawia si� jak liter� "s": Pat's, my aunt's, Mr Park's Po niekt�rych natomiast jak "z": John's, Anne's, Tony's, my friend's, my sister's Nie jest to taka istotna r�nica. Nale�y jednak pami�ta�, �e po wyrazach ko�cz�cych si� d�wi�kiem "s", "z", "sz", "cz" itd., 's wymawiamy jak "iz": Chris's, Rose's, Madge's, Mr Beech's, Mr Price's. my friend's, my friends' Por�wnaj zdania: I have a friend. That is my friend's house. I have two friends. That is my friends' house. Wymawia si� je identycznie. R�nice wida� tylko w pisowni: friend's - co� nale��ce do jednego znajomego friends' - co� nale��ce do przynajmniej dw�ch znajomych Por�wnaj: That's my son's bedroom. (jeden syn) That's my sons' bedroom. (wi�cej ni� jeden, dziel�cy pok�j) Pat and Tony's wedding Je�eli wspominamy dwoje ludzi razem, stawiamy "s" po drugiej osobie: John and Anne's children - dzieci Johna i Anny. Mr and Mrs Kirk's house - dom pa�stwa Kirk. my mother and father's wedding - �lub mojej matki i ojca. Uwaga Nie nale�y myli� 's z tego rozdzia�u z 's u�ywanym jako skr�t wyrazu "is". Na przyk�ad: That's Anne's bag. Pierwsze 's znaczy "is",a drugie sygnalizuje nam, �e Anne jest w�a�cicielk� torby. 33.1 W poni�szym drzewie genealogicznym m�czyzny o imieniu Mark, pierwszy rz�d to dziadkowie; drugi - rodzice, ciotki i wujkowie; trzeci - pokolenie Marka. Okre�l ich stopie� pokrewie�stwa. David - Rose (dziadkowie) Peter - Pat - John i Helen (dzieci John i Helen to:) Anne - Mark i �ona Kate - Alan (dzieci Marka i Kate to:) Chris - Sue. 1. Helen is Mark's mother. 2. Anne ... 3. Peter ... 4. Chris ... 5. Alan ... 6. Sue ... 7. David ... 8. John ... 9. Rose ... 10. Pat ... 33.2 Wybierz w�a�ciwe imiona na podstawie �wiczenia 33.1. 1. Who is Mark's aunt? Rose/ Helen/ Pat/ Sue 2. Who is Sue's grandfather? John/ Mark/ Peter/ David 3. Who is John's daughter? Alan/ Anne/ Sue/ Pat 4. Who is Chris's uncle? Peter/ Alan/ John/ David 5. Who is David's son? Peter/ Pat/ Mark/ Anne 6. Who is Chris's grandmother? Anne/ Pat/ Rose/ Helen 33.3 Napisz zdania o ka�dym z dom�w na podstawie poni�szego planu ulicy Numery dom�w w kolejno�ci: 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 -------- ulica ------ Dom numer 15 nale�y do Anna White; 16 do John Brown; 17 do Mr and Mrs Green; 18 do David and Sue; 19 do my uncle. 1. Number seventeen is (Mr and Mrs Green's house.) 2. Number nineteen is ... 3. Number sixteen is ... 4. Number fifteen is ... 5. Number eighteen is ... 33.4 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz. 1. My friends live there. It's my friend's/ friends' flat. 2. I have one son. That is my son's/ sons' bedroom. 3. There are six teachers in the teacher's/ teachers' room. 4. He has two aunts. What are his aunt's/ aunts' names? 5. There is one pilot. That's the pilot's/ pilots' seat. 6. Here's my friend. Those are my friend's/ friends' cases. 33.5 Zapytaj o imiona poni�szych os�b wed�ug przyk�adu. 1. a boy/ two girls What is the boy's name? What are the girls' names? 2. your friends/ your wife ... 3. two teachers/ a doctor ... 4. a film star/ three singers ... 5. a man/ two women 33.6 W poni�szych zdaniach wybierz te 's, kt�re oznaczaj� w�asno�� lub pokrewie�stwo, nie pomyl ich z tymi, kt�re oznaczaj� "is". 1. David's in Mr (Kirk's) office. 2. Sue's bag's on that chair. 3. My father's at his sister's house. 4. John's my mother's brother. 5. My wife's a farmer's daughter. 6. Alan's car's behind Mr Price's car 33.7 Zapisz imiona swoich krewnych (tych, kt�rych masz) �ona - brat/ siostra �ony m�� - brat/ siostra m�a ciotka - m�� ciotki brat - �ona brata c�rka - m�� c�rki wujek - �ona wujka siostra - m�� siostry syn - �ona syna 2 Zapisz, co by� powiedzia�, gdyby� przedstawia� ka�dego z tych ludzi komu� obcemu. Na przyk�ad. This is Anne. She's my uncle's wife. Unit 34: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ... Sunday: niedziela Monday: poniedzia�ek Tuesday: wtorek Wednesday: �roda Thursday: czwartek Friday: pi�tek Saturday: sobota on: w (jaki� dzie� tygodnia) Monday afternoon: w poniedzia�ek po po�udniu Tuesday morning: we wtorek rano message: wiadomo�� phone: telefonowa� We need to meet: Musimy si� spotka� meet: spotka� then: wtedy him : jego, z nim, o nim, itd. her: jej, z ni�, o niej, itd. them: ich, z nimi, o nich, itd. me: mnie, ze mn�, o mnie, itd. us: nas, z nami, o nas, itd. door: drzwi window: okno Czy kto� zostawi� wiadomo��? Pewien businessman wr�ci� w�a�nie do biura. - Are there any messages? - Yes. Please phone Mr Green on Thursday. - Right. I'll phone him on Thursday. (I'll...: Zgoda. Zrobi� to...) - Are there any messages? - Could you please phone Mrs Brown? (Could you...?: Czy m�g�by pan...?) - Right. I'll phone her on Friday. - Are there any messages? - Yes. Could you please phone Mr and Mrs White? - Right. I'll phone them on Monday. Umawiamy si� na spotkanie - We need to meet. - Yes. When? - Could you meet me on Monday at three o'clock? - Right. I'll meet you then. Where? - At my office? - Right. Pro�by I zgoda Prosimy, �eby kto� co� zrobi�: Could you (please) - (phone Mr Green? meet me on Monday? close the door? open the window?) Zgadzamy si� co� zrobi�: (Yes.) (Right.) (Certainly.) I'll (phone Mr Green. meet you on Monday. close the door. open the window.) Kiedy? Por�wnaj: at two o'clock on Thursday on Thursday morning him, her, them, me, us Przeczytaj zdanie: John phoned Mr Green. Johna mo�na zast�pi� zaimkiem "he": He phoned Mr Green Je�eli chcemy u�y� zaimka w miejsce "Mr Green", musimy u�y� "him": John phoned him. Por�wnaj: I phoned Mrs White. Mrs White phoned me. We phoned Mr Brown. Mr Brown phoned us. He phoned Mrs Black. Mrs Black phoned him. She phoned Mr Green. Mr Green phoned her. They phoned Mrs Grey. Mrs Grey phoned them. Zaimek "you" nie zmienia si�. You phoned Mrs Green. Mrs Green phoned you. then Wyraz "then" ma trzy znaczenia: nast�pnie: Go to the end of the road. Then turn right. wtedy: Three o'clock? Yes, I'll meet you then. wi�c There are no buses. Then go by train. 34.1 Czy domy�lisz si�, kt�re dni tygodnia reprezentowane s� przez poni�sze skr�ty? Zapisz pe�nymi wyrazami. 1. Mon. ... 2. Fri. ... 3. Sun. ... 4. Sat. ... 5. Wed. ... 6. Tue. ... 7. Thu. ... 34.2 Uzupe�nij nazwami dni tygodnia. 9 Friday 6 ... 5 ... 8 ... 7 ... 10 ... 4 ... 34.3 Uzupe�nij. U�yj "on" lub "at". 1. Meet Mr Green ... Tuesday ... 8.30 2. Please phone Mrs White ... 3.00 ... Monday afternoon. 3. Please phone me ... Friday morning ... half past ten. 34.4 Zapisz zdania. 1. Popro� kogo�, �eby zadzwoni� do Anne. 2. Zg�d� si� zadzwoni� do Mrs White. 3. Zg�d� si� spotka� z Mr Black o godzinie 2.00. 4. Popro� kogo�, �eby zamkn�� okno. 5. Popro� kogo�, �eby spotka� si� z Twoim bratem. 6. Zg�d� si� otworzy� drzwi. 34.5 Po��cz odpowiednie zdania wed�ug przyk�adu. 1. Please phone her. (d) 2. Please phone them. 3. Please phone us. 4. Please phone him. a) Please phone me and my husband. b) Please phone Mr Brown. c) Please phone Mr and Mrs Brown. d) Please phone Mrs Brown. 34.6 Uzupe�nij zdania. U�yj: him, her, us, them, me. 1. Could you meet ... at three o'clock? Yes, Anne, I'll meet you. 2. Could you phone John and Anne? Yes, I'll phone ... 3. Could you meet me and my wife? Could you meet ... at four o'clock? 4. I'll phone Mrs Green. I'll phone ... at eleven o'clock. 5. I'll meet Mr Black on Tuesday. I'll meet ... at nine o'clock. 6. I'll meet Mr and Mrs Brown. I'll meet ... at my office. 34.7 Zostaw wiadomo�� znajomemu prosz�c go/ j�, �eby zrobili nast�puj�ce rzeczy. U�yj: Could you please ...? My/ His/ Her phone number is ... 1. Zadzwoni� do Ciebie (numer 456-2900) o godzinie 10.00 we wtorek wieczorem. ... 2. Spotka� si� z Mr Peck o godzinie 8.00 w �rod� rano. ... 3. Spotka� was o godzinie 4.00 w sobot� po po�udniu. ... 4. Zadzwoni� do Mrs White (numer 761-8422) o godzinie 11.00 w czwartek rano. Unit 35: We don't eat much fish. We don't eat many eggs. Okre�lenia u�ywane z rzeczownikami policzalnymi: lot of: du�o many: du�o (w pytaniach) not many: niewiele a few: kilka Okre�lenia u�ywane z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi: a lot of: du�o much: du�o (w pytaniach) not much: niewiele a little: troch� more: wi�cej only: tylko eat: je�� drink: pi� W supermarkecie Dwaj sprzedawcy sprawdzaj� ile towaru jest na p�kach. - Do we need more biscuits? How many do we have? - Um ... we don't have many biscuits. Only five packets. - Right. So we need biscuits ... Now, tea? - We don't have much tea. Only seven packets. - O.K. ... Tea. How about coffee? - That's all right. We have a lot of coffee. - And sugar? - Let's see. No, we don't have much. We need more sugar. Co jecie? Ankieter prowadzi wywiad na temat tego, co pewna rodzina je i pije. - Tell me, what do you eat? Do you eat much meat? - Yes, we eat a lot of meat. - How about fish? - No, we don't eat much fish. - Do you eat much bread? - Yes, we eat a lot. - And eggs? Do you eat many eggs? - No, we don't eat many. - How about tea and coffee? Do you drink much coffee? - No, we don't drink much. - And tea? - Oh yes, we drink a lot of tea. a lot "a lot" znaczy "du�o" Zwrotu tego u�ywamy zar�wno z rzeczownikami policzalnymi, jak i niepoliczalnymi: We have a lot of eggs. We have a lot of milk. not many, not much, a few, a little Przeciwie�stwem "a lot" s�: "not ... many" lub "few". Tych wyra�e� u�ywamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi: We do not have many eggs. We only have a few eggs. "not ... much" lub "a little". Tych wyra�e� u�ywamy z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi: We do not have much milk. We only have a little milk. Wyrazu "only" cz�sto u�ywamy z "a few" i z "a little": We only have a few/ a little. Pytania z "much" i "many" Powinni�cie zna� ju� pytania typu: how many eggs do you eat? (rzeczowniki policzalne) How much milk do you drink? (rzeczowniki niepoliczalne) W pytaniach cz�sto u�ywamy "many" i "much" zamiast "a lot": Do you eat many eggs? Do you drink much milk? Podsumowuj�c ... - Do you eat many eggs? - Yes, we eat a lot of eggs. - No, we don't eat many eggs. No, we only eat a few eggs. - Do you drink much milk? - Yes, we drink a lot of milk. - No, we don't drink much milk. - No, we only drink a little milk. Uwaga: Nie musimy powtarza� "eggs" czy "milk" odpowiadaj�c na pytania. Odpowied� mo�na skr�ci� do: Yes, we eat a lot. No, we don't eat many. No, we only eat a few. Yes, we drink a lot. No, we don't drink much. No, we only drink a little. 35.1 Opisz poni�sze artyku�y. U�yj: 1. (3 jajka) - a few eggs. 2. (ma�o wody w butelce) - ... 3. (pe�ny worek cukru) - ... 4. (12 jajek) - ... 5. (�y�eczka cukru) - ... 6. (pe�na beczka wody) - ... 35.2 Podziel poni�sze wyrazy na dwie grupy zale�nie od tego, czy u�ywamy z nimi "a few" czy "a little": bread, eggs, sugar, water, apples, tea, biscuits, meat, butter, tomatoes. few eggs a little bread 35.3 Wybierz w�a�ciwe wyrazy. 1. He only has a little/ a few shirts. 2. We only have a little/ a few milk. 3. I only take a little/ a few sugar. 4. We only have a little/ a few oranges. 5. He does not have much/ many shirts. 6. We do not have much/ many milk. 7. I do not take much/ many sugar. 8. We do not have much/ many oranges. 35.4 Uzupe�nij zdania. U�yj: much, many, a lot 1. Do you eat ... biscuits? - Yes, we eat ... 2. Do you drink ... coffee? - Yes, I drink ... 3. Do you eat ... meat? - No, I don't eat ... 4. Do you eat ... eggs? - No, we don't eat ... 35.5 Wybierz w�a�ciwe wyrazy. 1. We don't have much/ many oranges. But we have a lot of/ much/ many apples. 2. We drink many/ much/ a lot of tea. But we don't drink many/ much coffee. 3. We don't have much/ many biscuits. But we have a lot of/ much/ many bread. 4. We eat a lot of/ much/ many eggs. But we don't eat much/ many meat. 35.6 Uzupe�nij tabelk� informacjami o tym, co sam jesz i pijesz. Nast�pnie napisz dialog w oparciu o te informacje. Na przyk�ad: - Do you eat much fish? - Yes, I eat a lot. - No, I don't eat much. - No, I only eat a little. a lot - a little/ a few 1. meat 2. eggs 3. coffee 4. tea 5. bread 6. biscuits 1. - ... meat? - ... 2. - ...? - ... 3. - ...? - ... 4. ...? - ... 5. ...? - ... 6. - ...? - ... Unit 36: A letter to a Japan, a parcel to India. letter: list a letter to: list do parcel: paczka by air: samolotem by sea: statkiem What does it weigh?: Ile to wa�y? It doesn't weigh much: To nie wa�y du�o It only weighs a little: To nie wa�y du�o It weigh a lot: To wa�y du�o I don't now: Nie wiem gram: gram change: reszta stamp: znaczek luggage: baga� too much: za du�o excess luggage: nadwaga baga�u How much does ... cost?: Ile ... kosztuje? It costs ...: To kosztuje ... Na poczcie - Morning. - Morning. How much does a letter to Japan cost? - To Japan? By air or by sea? - By air. - What does it weigh? - Um, I don't know. - Let's see ... Twenty-five grams. That's seventy pence. - Here you are ... a pound. - Thank you. Thirty pence change. And here are your stamps. - Thank you. Przed odlotem - Your ticket? - Here you are. - Thank you. To Turkey? - That's right. - Any luggage? (U�ywane zamiast: Do you have any luggage?) - Yes. One case. - Let's see. What does it weigh? - Oh, it doesn't weigh much. It only weighs a little. - A little? It weighs a lot ... thirty-four kilos! - Um ... - That's fourteen kilos too much. - Oh dear! How much does excess luggage cost? - It costs a lot. It costs ten pounds a kilo. (dziesi�� funt�w za kilo) Pytania o cen� i wag� How much does (a letter to Brazil, a parcel to Egypt) cost? What does (the letter, the parcel) weigh? It costs (two pounds fifty. sixty pence.) It weighs (forty grams. four kilos.) M�wimy o cenach i wadze Cena: drogie - It costs a lot. tanie - It does not cost much. It only costs a little. Waga: ci�kie - It weighs a lot. lekkie - It does not weigh much. It only weighs a little. too much, too many "Za du�o", to po angielsku "too much" albo "too many". - What does your luggage weigh? - Thirty-four kilos. - That's fourteen kilos too much. - Here you are - twelve eggs. - No, that's six eggs too many. I only want six eggs. 36.1 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz 1. This letter weighs/ costs ninety grams. 2. This paper weighs/ costs fifty pence. 3. A ticket to Madrid costs/ weighs a hundred pounds. 4. Your luggage weighs/ costs twenty-five kilos. 5. The apples cost/ weigh eighty pence. 6. The tomatoes weigh/ cost sixty pence. 36.2 Wybierz w�a�ciwy wyraz 1. How much is/ does that picture? 2. How much is/ does a letter to America cost? 3. What is/ does that parcel weigh? 4. How heavy is/ does your luggage? 5. How much is/ does coffee cost in Brazil? 6. How much is/ does a ticket to London? 36.3 Zapisz cen� lub wag�. Nast�pnie u�� zdania typu: It costs a lot. It does not cost much. It only costs a little. 1. 25 gram (It weighs twenty-five grams. It does not weigh much. It only weighs a little.) 2. 547 funt�w 3. 30 kg 4. 1 funt 20 pens�w 36.4 Uzupe�nij dialog. Jeste� na poczcie i chcesz wys�a� krajowy list lotniczy o wadze 70 gram�w. - How ... cost? - By ... or by ...?

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