John Field Step by step Książka dla początkujących z kasetą do samodzielnej nauki języka angielskiego. Wydanie polskie kursu BBC English. P.W.Z.N. "Print 6" Lublin 1995 opracowanie i druk: P.W.Z.N. "Print 6" ul. Wieniawska 13 20-071 Lublin tel. (0-81) 295-18 "Print 6" dziękuje Sekcji BBC English i Wydawnictwu Tommy za współpracę i pozwolenie na przedruk podręcznika Redakcja i adaptacja na podst. podręcznika "Step by step" cz. 2: Beata Kolasa Redakcja techniczna: Piotr Kaliński Copyright British Broadcasting Corporation 1993 ISBN 83-85987-60-6 `ns Unit 27: Is there an bread? (some) bread: (trochę) chleba (some) meat: (trochę) mięsa (some) fish: (trochę) ryby (some) cake: (trochę) ciasta (a) fish: ryba (a) cake: ciastko (a) tomato: pomidor I'm (= I am) hungry: jestem głodny cold: zimny No (coffee): Nie ma (kawy) (a) piece: kawałek There aren't (= are not): Nie ma Na pikniku - Let's sit down here. - Right. - I'm hungry. What's in that bag? - Let me see. - Is there any bread? - Yes, there's some bread. - Meat? Is there any cold meat? - No, there isn't. - Are there any tomatoes? - Er ... yes, there are. - Eggs? Are there any eggs? - No, I'm sorry. There aren't. W kawiarni - Morning. (Good morning: Czasami mówimy "morning" zamiast "Good morning") - Morning. - I'd like a cup of coffee, please. - Coffee? - Yes. - Sorry. There isn't any coffee. - No coffee? - No. - OK. Then I'll have some tea. - Right ... Here you are. - Um* ... I'd like some milk in my tea, please. - Sorry, there isn't any milk. - Well, some sugar, please. (Well: No cóż...) - Sugar? - Yes, some sugar. - There isn't any. This isn't the Ritz Hotel, you know. (the Ritz Hotel: luksusowy hotel w Londynie) (you know: Wiesz) a fish, some fish: ryba - a fish, kawałek (porcja) ryby - a piece of fish, some fish, ciasto - a cake, kawałek (porcja) ciasta - a piece of cake, some cake. there is, there are: There is some (meat, fish, milk) in the fridge. There are some (eggs, tomatoes, bottles) in the fridge. some, any: - Is there any (meat? bread? coffee?) - Yes, there is some (meat. bread. coffee.) - No, there is not any (meat. bread. coffee.) - Are there any (eggs? tomatoes? biscuits?) - Yes, there are some (eggs. tomatoes. biscuits.) - No, there are not any (eggs. tomatoes. biscuits.) "some" używamy w zdaniach twierdzących. "any" używamy w zdaniach przeczących i pytaniach. There isn't any Przeczytaj dialogi: - Is there any tea? - No, there isn't any. - I'd like some tea. - There isn't any. Osoba, która odpowiada nie musi powtarzać wyrazu "tea" (There isn't any tea), więc zdanie skracamy do: There isn't any. (There is) no coffee - Znaczy to samo, co: There isn't any coffee Porównaj: There isn't any coffee. There is no coffe. 27.1 Przeczytaj listy zakupów. Następnie podziel wyrazy na cztery grupy. 1. Napoje 2. Produkty piekarnicze 3. Owoce i warzywa 4. Inne Shopping: fish, bread, apples, coffee, meat, tea, cakes, oranges, eggs, bananas, tomatoes, milk, water, biscuits. 1. .... 2. bred ... 3. apples ... 4. ... 27.2 Podziel poniższe wyrazy na dwie grupy. 1. Rzeczy, które można policzyć 2. Rzeczy, których nie można policzyć Wstaw "some" lub "a/ an" przed każdym słowem. 1. an apple ... 2. some tea ... 27.3 Podpisz rysunki używając: a, some, cake, fish. 1. ryba ... 2. kawałek ryby ... 3. ciasto ... 4. kawałek ciasta ... 27.4 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie. 1. There is - (There are) some tomatoes in the fridge 2. There is - There are some milk in the fridge. 3. There is - There are some meat in the fridge. 4. There is - There are some biscuits in the packet. 5. There is - There are some cakes on the plate. 6. There is - There are some cake on the plate. 27.5 Zapisz pytania i odpowiedzi dotyczące torby, w której znajdują się artykuły spożywcze: jabłka, pomidory, butelka wody 1. (Is there any) cold meat (in the bag?) (No, there is not any cold meat in it.) 2. (Are there any) apples (in the bag?) (Yes, there are some apples in it.) 3. ... bread...? ... 4. ... tomatoes ...? ... 5. ... water ...? ... 6. ...eggs ...? ... 27.6 Napisz zdania, które znaczą to samo. 1. There is not any water. (There is no water.) 2. There are no apples. (There are not any apples.) 3. There is not any bread. ... 4. There is no sugar. ... 5. There are not any cakes. ... 6. There are no biscuits. ... 27.7 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. There are: some/ any/ a biscuits, but there are not: some/ any/ a cakes. 2. There is not: some/ any/ a tea, but there is: some/ any/ a coffee. 3. There is: some/ any/ a fish, but there is not: some/ any/ a meat. 4. There is not: some/ any/ an apple, but there is: some/ any/ an orange. 5. There are not: some/ any/ a tomatoes, but there are: some/ any/ an eggs. 27.8 Napisz dialog po angielsku. Jesteś w sklepie spożywczym. - Pytasz, czy jest mleko. Sprzedawca mówi, że nie ma. - Pytasz, czy są jajka. Sprzedawca mówi, że nie ma. - Pytasz, czy jest chleb. Sprzedawca mówi, że są herbatniki i ciasto, ale nie ma chleba. Unit 28: Which is their bell? my: mój, moja, moje your: nasz their: ich his: jego her: jej your: twoje, wasze Which ones?: Które? the (green) ones: Te (zielone) bell: dzwonek top: (coś) u góry bottom: (coś) na dole white: biły large: duży little: mały W szatni: Pani prosi o płaszcz - My coat, please. - Certainly. Which one? - That one. The red one. - Here you are. - Thank you. Dwie panie proszą o płaszcze - Our coats, please. - Certainly. Which ones? - Those. The green ones. - Here you are. - Thank you. - Thank you. Który dzwonek? - Excuse me? - Yes? - Do Mr and Mrs Brown live here? - Yes, they do. - Which is their bell? - That one. The top one. - Thank you. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Does Mr White live here? - Yes, he does. - Which is his bell? - That one. The bottom one. - Thank you. one, ones: - Przeczytaj pytanie i odpowiedz: - Which is your coat? - The red one. W języku angielskim używamy "one", żeby nie powtarzać wyrazu "coat". W liczbie mnogiej używamy "ones": - Which are your coats? - The red ones. (= The red coats.) - Which are your cases? - The white ones. (= The white cases.) Używamy "one" i "ones" po "Which?" (Który?): - My case, please. - Which one? - My cases, please. - Which ones? "One/ ones" możemy też użyć w zdaniach typu: My case is the large brown one. Our cases are the small green ones. this one, that one: - Which is your coat? - This one. (blisko) - That one. (dalej) - Which are your coats? - These. (blisko) - Those (dalej) Czyje to jest? Wyrazy "my, our, his, her, their" odpowiadają na pytanie "Czyj?". I am John White. I'd like my case, please. We are Peter and Sue Black. We'd like our case, please. He is John White. He'd like his case. She is Anne White. She'd like her case. They are Peter and Sue Black. They'd like their case. large, little: "large" znaczy to samo, co "big". "little" znaczy to samo, co "small". Generalnie "big" i "little" są używane razem I'd like four big ones and two little ones. Generalnie "large" i "small" są używane razem I'd like four large ones and two small ones. does, do: Does Mr Brown live here? Yes, he does. Do Mr and Mrs Brown live here? Yes, they do. 28.1 Uzupełnij dialogi. Użyj: "one", "ones" lub zostaw puste miejsce. 1. - My cases, please. - Which ...? - The large ... 2. - My coat, please. - Which ...? - The blue ... 3. - My key, please. - Which ...? - That ... 4. - My keys, please. - Which ...? - Those ... 5. - A cake, please. - Which ...? - This ... 6. - Some cigarettes, please. - Which ...? - These ... 28.2. Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. 3 męskie koszule: na górze biała, w środku szara, na dole czarna. 2. 3 klucze: na górze od pokoju nr 17, na środku nr 7, na dole 70. 3. 2 obrazy: na górze małych rozmiarów, pod nim duży obraz. 1. The bottom shirt is: grey/ white/ black. The top one is: grey/ white/ black. 2. The top key is number: seventy/ seventeen/ seven. The bottom one is number: seventy/ seventeen/ seven. 3. The bottom picture is: a small/ large one. The top one is: a big/ little one. 28.3. Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj: our, your, their, his, her. 1. Mr Green is in room 3. ... key is number 3. 2. My sister is in room 8. ... key is number 8. 3. We are in room 17. ... key is number 17. 4. The children are in room 2. ... key is number 2. 5. My father is in room 12. ... key is number 12. 6. The Australian women are in room 9. ... key is number 9. 7. You two men are in room 1. ... key is number 1. 28.4 Zapisz zdania używając: grey, white, black, small, large. Walizka pana David Brown jest mała w kolorze czarnym. Państwo Peter i Jill Brown mają 2 duże walizki w kolorze białym. Walizka pani Anne Brown jest mała w kolorze białym. Państwo Tom i Sue mają jedną dużą szarą walizkę. Walizka pana Johna Brown jest mała w kolorze szarym. 1. John Brown is my brother. (His case is small grey one) 2. Anne Brown is my mother. ... 3. Tom and Sue are my children. ... 4. David Brown is my father. ... 5. We are Peter and Jill Brown. ... 28.5 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. - Excuse me? Do Mr and Mrs White leave/ live here? - Yes, they/ he/ you do. - Which is her/ their/ his bell? - That./ That one. / Those. The top one./ ones. 28.6 Zapisz dialog - Jesteś razem ze znajomą. Poproście o płaszcze. - Szatniarz nie wie które. - Wskazujesz na Wasze płaszcze. Jeden jest czarny, drugi czerwony. - Szatniarz podaje płaszcze. 28.7 Urzędnik chce dowiedzieć się, kto mieszka w Waszym domu. Zapisz pytania i odpowiedzi. - Urzędnik pyta, czy to Wasz dom. - Mówisz: Tak, to nasz dom. - Urzędnik pyta: jak się nazywacie. - Mówisz mu o tym (Mark i Anne Grey). - Urzędnik pyta czy Wasze dzieci tu mieszkają. - Mówisz, że tak. - Urzędnik pyta o ich imiona. - Mówisz mu o tym (John i Sue). - Urzędnik pyta czy mieszka tu Twój ojciec. - Mówisz, że tak. - Urzędnik pyta o jego imię. - Mówisz mu o tym (Peter). - Urzędnik pyta, czy mieszka tu Twoja matka. - Mówisz, że tak. - Urzędnik pyta o jej imię. - Mówisz mu o tym (Pam). Unit 29: It doesn't go to London. It goes to York. to (London): do (Londynu) from (London): z (Londynu) at: tutaj znaczy na (peronie) platform: peron go: jechać it goes: jedzie it doesn't go: nie jedzie come: przyjechać it comes: przyjeżdża it doesn't come: nie przyjeżdża come from: przyjechać z, pochodzić z Leeds, York: nazwy miast w Anglii New Zealand: Nowa Zelandia Który pociąg? - Excuse me? - Yes? - Which is the train to London? - The one at platform 4. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Which is the train from Leeds? - The one at platform 8. Czy to pociąg do...? - Excuse me? - Yes? - Does this train go to London? - Yes, it does. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Does this train go to London? - No, it doesn't. It goes to York. W muzeum - Mm. That's very old. - Does it come from Japan? - Er ... let me see ... . No, it doesn't come from Japan. It comes from China. Odjazdy pociągów Odjazdy pociągów zapowiada się w następujący sposób: the eight-thirty train in London (nie "the half past-eight train") the nine-forty-five train to Leeds (nie "the quarter-to-ten-train") the twelve-ten train to York (nie "the ten-past-twelve train") Czasami opuszczamy wyraz "train": the eight thirty to London. "Zero", to w angielskich zapowiedziach odjazdu litera "o" the six-O-five train to London (pociąg o 6.05) go, come: Mówimy "go" kiedy pociąg odjeżdża: Does this rain go to London? (Czy ten pociąg jedzie do Londynu?) Mówimy "come" kiedy pociąg przyjeżdża: Does this train come from London? (Czy ten pociąg przyjechał z Londynu?) Pytania I odpowiedzi na temat pochodzenia: - Does (this vase, this picture, this fruit) come from (India? Japan? England?) - No, it does not come from (India. Japan. England.) - It comes from (Nigeria. China. New Zealand). Uwaga: Używamy "come" w pytaniach i zdaniach przeczących. Używamy "comes" kiedy pociąg przyjeżdża: W języku mówionym "does not" skracamy do "doesn't". Czy ten pociąg jedzie do...? - Does this train go to London? - No, it does not go to London. It goes to Leeds. Uwaga na pisownię "goes". Krótkie odpowiedzi: Gdy ktoś pyta: "Does this train go to London?", nie odpowiadamy: "Yes, it goes to London.", tylko mówimy krótko: "Yes, it does" lub "No, it doesn't." at: Porównaj: at the station (na terenie dworca) - in the station (wewnątrz budynku dworcowego) "at" jest mniej precyzyjne niż "in". Używamy "at" również w wyrażeniach typu: at platform 3 (na peronie 3) at the bus stop (na przystanku autobusowym) 29.1 Uzupełnij zdania: Departures: CX 391 Hong Kong RJ 709 Cairo WT 268 Lusaka Arrivals: TG 492 Bangkok GF 513 New York IB 637 Madrit 1. Flight CX 391 (goes to Hong Kong.) 2. Flight IB 637 ... 3. Flight RJ 709 ... 4. Flight GF 513 ... 5. Flight TG 492 ... 6. Flight WT 268 ... 29.2 Ułóż pytania i odpowiedzi na temat pokazanych samochodów, które posiadają znaki identyfikacyjne. AUS - Australia, WAN - Nigeria, GB - Britain, NZ - New Zealand, ET - Egypt, TR - Turkey, BR - Brazil, PL - Poland. 1. (GB) Does that car come form Britain? Yes, it does. 2. (BR) Does that car come form Australia? No, it doesn't. It comes from Brazil. 3. (TR) ... 4. (AUS) ... 5. (NZ) ... 6. (ET) ... 29.3 Zapisz poniższe wyrażenia tak, jakby były to zapowiedzi odjazdów pociągów. 1. the half-past-nine train. (the nine-thirty train) 2. the ten-to-one train. ... 3. the quarter-to-five train. ... 4. the five-past-two train. ... 5. the twenty-to-seven bus. ... 6. the quarter-past-one bus. ... 29.4 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. Does the 8.30 train goes/ go to London? No, it doesn't goes/ go to London. It go/ goes to York. 2. Does this bus comes/ come from Leeds? No, it comes/ come from York. It doesn't come/ come from Leeds. 3. Does Flight CX 391 go/ goes to Delhi? No, it go/ goes to Hong Kong. It doesn't go/ goes to Delhi. 4. Does this vase come/ comes from Japan? No, it doesn't come/ comes from Japan. It come/ comes from China. 29.5 Uzupełnij zdania na podstawie rozkładu jazdy. Time - To - Platform 8.30 - London - 3 9.15 - York - 5 10.20 - Leeds - 6 1. The train to (London) goes (from) platform 3. It leaves ... 8.30. 2. The ... York ... It ... 9.15. 3. The ... Leeds ... It ... 10.20. 29.6 Napisz dialog po angielsku. - Pytasz bagażowego, który pociąg jest tym o 9.30 do York. - Bagażowy mówi, że ten z peronu 7. - Pytasz, czy pociąg przyjeżdża z Londynu. - Pytasz, czy zatrzymuje się w Leeds. - Bagażowy mówi, że tak. Przyjeżdża tam o 11.25, a odjeżdża o 11.30 Unit 30: Do you take sugar? husband: mąż wife: żona go to work: jechać/ iść do pracy by (car): samochodem ship: okręt on foot: pieszo take sugar: słodzić (herbatę) smoke: palić papierosy watch: oglądać programme: program the news: wiadomości (np. w TV) football: piłka nożna film: film TV: telewizja but: ale too: także Jean: imię żeńskie David: imię męskie Jazda do pracy - Does your husband work in London? - Yes, he does. - Does he go to work by car? - No, he doesn't. He goes by train. - What about you? Do you work? (What about you?: A ty?) - Yes, I do. - Do you go to work by car? - No, I don't. I go by bus. Herbatka z sąsiadką David i Jean, którzy są małżeństwem, piją herbatę z panną Grey, ich sąsiadką. Nie znają jej zbyt dobrze. Mrs Grey: Some tea? Jean: Yes, please. David: Yes, please. Mrs Grey: Do you take sugar? David: I don't take it. But my wife does. Mrs Grey: How much? Jean: Two spoons, please. Mrs Grey: Here you are. Jean: Thank you. Mrs Grey: A cigarette? Do you smoke? David: I smoke, but my wife doesn't ... Thank you. Ankieta: Ankieter próbuje dowiedzieć się jakie programy telewizyjne podobają się. - Do you watch our programmes? - Yes, we do. - Which programmes do you watch? - Well, I watch the news. - And does your husband watch it, too? - No, he doesn't. He watches football. - And what about the children? (A dzieci?) - They watch films. Komunikacja Wyrazu "by" używamy mówiąc o tym, jakim środkiem lokomocji jeździmy: by bus/ train/ car/ plane/ ship Zwyczaje: I - go there by bus. We - take sugar. They - smoke. My husband smokes. My brothers - watch films. He - goes there by bus. She - takes sugar. My wife - watches films. W trzeciej osobie liczby pojedyńczej dodajemy "s" do czasownika: My wife take-s sugar. The train leave-s at 8.30. Uwaga: I go, he/ she goes. Czasami to "s" wymawiamy jak "z". Na przykład: leaves, arrives, opens, goes. Czasami jak "s". Na przykład: takes, smokes. Niektóre wyrazy, np."close" czy "watch" kończą się dźwiękiem "s", "z", "sz" lub "cz". Dodajemy wtedy litery "s" lub "es", a wymawiamy jak "iz". Na przykład: closes, watches. Pytania o zwyczaje: Do you (go to work by bus? your husband take sugar? wife smoke?) Does your (husband, wife) (go to work by bus? your husband take sugar? wife smoke?) No, (I, we) do not (go to work by bus. take sugar. smoke.) No, (he, she) does not (go to work by bus. take sugar. smoke.) "do not" w języku mówionym skraca się na ogół do "don't" a "does not" do "doesn't". Krótkie formy: - Do you smoke? - Yes, I/ we do. - No, I/ we don't. - Does your husband/ wife smoke? - Yes, he/ she does. - No, he/ she doesn't. My wife takes sugar, but I don't. (= I don't take sugar.) I take sugar, but my husband doesn't. (= My husband doesn't take sugar.) My wife doesn't take sugar, but I do. (= I take sugar.) I don't take sugar, but my husband does. (= My husband takes sugar.) 30.1 Uzupełnij zdania na podstawie mapki. Podróż: A - statkiem B - samochodem C - pociągiem D - pieszo E - samolotem Go to A by ship. Then ... Then ... Then ... Then ... 30.2 Kiedy mówimy "he smokes", dodajemy dźwięk "s" do "smoke". Kiedy mówimy "he watches", dodajemy dźwięk "iz" do "watch". Które z poniższych czasowników są takie jak "watch"? guess, work, arrive, close, open, leave, take. 30.3 Podziel poniższe wyrazy na dwie grupy według tego, które z dwóch zdań można nimi uzupełnić. 1. ... work there. 2. ... works there. They, She, We, I, Her husband, Those men, He, John, Mrs Black, Mr and Mrs Black, Three doctors, Peter and Jean. Zdanie 1 They ... Zdanie 2 She ... 30.4 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. I smoke./ smokes. 2. He smoke./ smokes. 3. We drive./ drives. 4. John drive./ drives. 5. She live/ lives her 6. They live/ lives here. 7. It go/ goes at 8.30. 8. We go/ goes by bus. 9. The children watch/ watches football. 1O. My wife watch/ watches films. 30.5 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. Do/ Does he take sugar? No, he don't./ doesn't. 2. Do/Does you take sugar? No, I don't./ doesn't. 3. Do/ Does Sue drive? No, she don't./ doesn't. 4. Do/ Does you drive? No, we don't./ doesn't. 5. Do/ Does you smoke? No, I don't./ doesn't. 6. Do/ Does her husband smoke? No, he don't./ doesn't. 7. Do/ Does it go to London? No, it don't./ doesn't. 8. Do/ Does his wife watch football? No, she don't./ doesn't. 30.6 Uzupełnij zdania w wywiadzie o tym, które programy telewizyjne oglądane są przez tą rodzinę. Użyj: do, does, doesn't, watch, watches. - ... you ... our programmes? - Yes, we ... - Which programmes ... your husband ...? - He ... football. - And ... you ... it too? - No, I ... I ... films. - And what about the children? - They ... quiz programmes. 30.7 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. Do/ Does your brother work in London? Yes, he do./ does. He work/ works in a bank. 2. Do/ Does you live in America? Yes, we do./ does. We live/ lives in New York. 3. Do/ Does this train go to London? No, it don't./ doesn't. It go/ goes to Leeds. 4. Do/ Does you go to the cinema? No, I don't./ doesn't. I watch/ watches TV. 5. My wife doesn't/ don't go by train. She goes/ go by bus. 6. We don't/ doesn't speak Spanish. But we speak/ speaks Chinese. 30.8 Przeczytaj te zdania: I take sugar. My husband/ wife takes sugar, too. I don't take sugar. But my husband/ wife does. I take sugar. But my husband/ wife doesn't. We don't take sugar. Teraz napisz podobne zdania o sobie i mężu/ żonie/ znajomym. Użyj: 1. watch TV 2. work 3. go to work by ... 4. drive a car 5. smoke 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... Unit 31: Do you have any change. have: mieć have the time: wiedzieć, która godzina have a light: mieć zapalniczkę (a) match: zapałka (some) change: drobne pieniądze piece: moneta house: dom flat: mieszkanie boy: chłopiec girl: dziewczyna (some) money: (trochę) pieniędzy note: banknot coin: moneta cent: cent dollar: dolar bill: banknot (USA) per cent: procent radio: radio Prośby - Excuse me? - Yes? - Do you have the time? - Yes, I do. It's ten to nine. - Excuse me? - Yes? - Do you have a light? - Yes, I have a box of matches. Here you are. - Thank you. - Excuse me ? - Yes? - Do you have any change? - What change do you need? - I have a fifty-pence piece. I need ten-pence pieces. - Let me see ... Yes, five ten-pence pieces. Here you are. - Thanks very much. Rozmawiamy o rodzinie Dwoje ludzi spotyka się na przyjęciu. - Are you married? - Yes, I am. - Where do you live? - In London. - Really? Do you have a house there? - No, we have a small flat. - Do you have any children? - Yes, we have two. A boy and a girl. Pytania i odpowiedzi z "have" Do you have (the time? a light? any change?) Yes, I have (the time. a match. some ten-pence pieces.) Do you have (a house? a car? any children?) Yes, (I, we ...) have (a big house. have a small car. we two children.) No, (I, we ...) don't have (a house. a car. any children.) Krótkie odpowiedzi - Jeżeli ktoś nas pyta: "Do you have any change?": nie należy odpowiadać: "Yes, I have some change". Odpowiadamy krótko: "Yes, I do" lub "No, I don't". change, money Angielskie wyrazy "change" (drobne) i "money" (pieniądze) są rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi, tak jak "water", "sugar" czy "milk". Mówimy więc: I have some money/ some change. How much money/ change do you have? (nie: How many?) Nie można też używać liczby mnogiej: "moneys" lub "changes". Monety i banknoty a (two-pence, five-pence, ten-pence) piece a (five-pound, ten-pound, twenty-pound) note Wyrazu "piece" używamy tylko razem z wartością monety. W przeciwnym wypadku używamy wyrazu "coin": I have a lot of coins. Uwaga: Mówimy "pound", nie "pounds" gdy podajemy wartość monety czy banknotu. Uwaga: a pound coin. Dla monety jednofuntowej nie używamy wyrazu "piece". Mówiąc o innych walutach w brytyjskiej odmianie angielskiego używamy "piece" i "note" a (ten-cent, twenty-five-cent) piece a (dollar, five-dollar, twenty-dollar) note 31.1 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj: time, change, light, any, a, the. 1. Do you have ...? Yes, I have some matches. 2. Do you have ...? Yes, it's five past six. 3. Do you have ...? Yes, I have some ten-pence pieces. 31.2 Opisz banknoty i monety. 1. 10 funtów (banknot) - a ten-pound note. 2. 100 dolarów (banknot) 3. 5 funtów (banknot) 4. 20 dolarów (banknot) 5. 10 pensów (moneta) 6. 50 pensów (moneta) 7. 25 centów (moneta) 8. 1 funt (moneta) 31.3 Poniżej przedstawiono jaki procent rodzin w pewnym kraju posiada samochód, telefon, itd. Napisz zdania używając wyrazu "per cent". 35 % rodzin posiada samochód 53 % telewizor 41 % telefon 68 % radio 84 % lodówkę 1. Thirty-five per cent have a car. 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... 31.4 Przeczytaj pytania i możliwe odpowiedzi: - Do you have any cold meat? - Yes, we have some cold meat. - No, we don't have any cold meat./ No, we have no cold meat. Napisz pytania, które klient mógłby zadać sprzedawcy na temat rzeczy na rysunkach. Następnie zapisz odpowiedzi sprzedawcy. 1. - (chleb) ....? - ... 2. - (mleko) ...? - ... 3. - (cukier) ...? - (nie ma cukru) ... 4. - (pomidory) ...? - (nie ma pomidorów) ... 5. - (jajka) ...? - ... 6. - (kawa) ...? - (nie ma kawy) ... 31.5 Napisz o sobie i swojej rodzinie według poniższych wskazówek. (żonaty/ zamężna?) - I am/ am not married. (Ile dzieci?) - I/ We ... (Chłopcy? Dziewczynki?) - We ... (Imię/ Imiona?) - His/ Her/ Their ... (Dom? Mieszkanie?) - I/ We ... in ... (Samochód?) - I/ We ... The number is ... (Telefon?) - I/ We ... The number is ... Unit 32: He has brown hair. hair: włosy eye: oko hand: dłoń leg: noga foot: stopa arm: ręka ear: ucho dark: ciemne (włosy) fair: jasne (włosy) long: długi short: krótki passport: paszport has: ma have/ has ... on: nosić (ubranie) have got: mieć I've lost: zgubiłem called: nazywa się We'll look for (them): Poszukamy (ich) nationality: narodowość colour: kolor Brytyjskie Biuro Imigracyjne Urzędnik biura pyta o paszporty - Do you have a British passport? - No, I don't. I have an Australian one. - What about your wife? Does she have a British passport? - No, she has an Australian one too. Opisujemy ludzi W domu towarowym zgubiły się dzieci. Mama prosi kierownika o pomoc. - My children! I've lost my children! - Where? - Here is the shop. - How many children? - Two - a boy and a girl. - And how old are they? - The boy's eleven, and the girl's twelve. - What are their names? - The boy's called John, and the girl's called Anne. - John and Anne. And what are they like? - Like? - What colour hair do they have? - The girl has brown hair. - And the boy? Does he have brown hair too? - No, his hair's black. - What colour eyes? - They have blue eyes. The girl has glasses. - And what do they have on? - Um ... - Do they have coats on? - No, they don't. The girl has a yellow dress on. - Right. And the boy? - He has a blue shirt on and grey trousers. - Thank you. Wait here and we'll look for your children. has, have (He/ She, Alan) has (a car. two children.) (They, Alan and Pam, I/ We) have (a car. two children.) Pytania I odpowiedzi z "has" I "have" - Does your friend have a British passport? - Yes, he/ she has a British passport. / Yes, he/ she does. - No, he/ she does not have a British passport. / No, he/ she doesn't. - Do your friends have British passports? - Yes, they have British passports. I Yes, they do. - No, they do not have British passports./ No, they don't. "has" i "have" w opisach ludzi (He, She) has (dark hair. brown eyes. small hands. long hair.) They have (fair hair. grey eyes. long legs. short hair.) Wyrażenia "has/ have ... on" używamy mówiąc, że ktoś ma coś na sobie. He/ She has a blue jacket on. They have blue jackets on. short, tall, long Wyrazu "short" używamy mówiąc o tym, że ktoś jest niski. Peter is short. Wyrazem o przeciwnym znaczeniu jest wówczas "tall". Wyrazu "short" używamy również mówiąc o długości i czasie: It is a short road. Peter has short legs. (nie długie) The programme is quite short. (nie trwa długo) W tym przypadku wyrazem o przeciwnym znaczeniu jest "long". has/ have got W brytyjskiej odmianie angielskiego, zamiast have używa się często "have got". I/ We have got a flat. He has got a flat. They have not got a flat. She has not got a flat. W języku mówionym "have got" skraca się często do 've got (I've got') "has got" skraca się często do: 's got (He's got). "have not got" zmienia się w "haven't got", a "has not got" w "hasn't got". Pytania z "have got": Have (you, they) got a flat? Has (he, she) got a flat? 32.1 Zapisz nazwy części ciała. Użyj "left" i "right". 1. (lewa noga) his left leg 2. (prawa stopa) 3. (prawa noga) 4. (prawa ręka) 5. (włosy) 6. (lewe oko) 7. (lewe ucho) 8. (lewa dłoń) 32.2 Opisz osoby z rysunków. Użyj: short, long, fair, dark, grey, has/ does not have 1. Mężczyzna - krótkie włosy. Nosi okulary. He has short fair hair. He has glasses. 2. Kobieta - długie, ciemne włosy. Nie nosi okularów. ... 3. Mężczyzna - krótkie, szare włosy. Nosi okulary. ... 4. Mężczyzna - krótkie, ciemne włosy. Nie nosi okularów ... 5. Kobieta - krótkie, jasne włosy. Nosi okulary. ... 32.3 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. She has/ have brown eyes. 2. I has/ have dark hair. 3. They has/ have coats on. 4. He has/ have big feet. 5. John and Anne has/ have a large house 6. My sister has/ have long hair. 7. Our friends has/ have a flat in London. 8. We has/ have Nigerian passports. 9. The pilots has/ have blue jackets on. 10. His brother has/ have two children. 32.4 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj "have" lub "has". 1. Do you ... any change? Yes, I ... some twenty-pence pieces. 2. Does your wife ... a camera? Yes, she a Japanese one. 3. Do they ... any children? Yes, they three. 4. Does he ... a suit on? Yes, he ... a grey one on. 5. Do your friends ... a phone? No, they don't one. 6. Does Mark ... grey hair? No, he doesn't grey hair. 32.5 Wypełnij formularz A informacjami o sobie. Wypełnij formularz B informacjami o mężu/ żonie/ znajomym. Form A Name ... Nationality ... Eyes (colour) ... Hair (colour) ... Form B Name ... Nationality ... Eyes (colour) ... Hair (colour) ... 2. Napisz trzy zdania, w których porównasz siebie z osobą opisaną w formularzu B. Na przykład: I have brown hair, but ... has black hair. I have brown hair ... has brown hair too. .... Unit 33: Hello I'm Pat's father. grandfather: dziadek grandmother: babcia aunt: ciotka uncle: wujek son: syn daughter: córka Have you met ...?: Czy poznałeś już ...? on fire: pali się friend: znajomy, przyjaciel wedding: ślub Pat; Rose; Madge;: imiona żeńskie Tony, Chris: imiona męskie Beech; Price: nazwiska Ślub Panna młoda nazywa się Pat, a pan młody Tony. Ich krewni spotykają się po raz pierwszy. - Hello, I'm Pat's father. - How do you do? - You're ...? - I'm Tony's brother. - Hello, I'm Pat's mother. - How do you do? I'm Tony's grandfather. - And this is Tony's sister. - How do you do? Tony: Have you met my aunts? This is Anne. She's my father's sister. Anne: How do you do? Tony: And this is Rose - my mother's sister. Rose: How do you do? Tony: And here are my uncles. This is Anne's husband. Husband: How do you do? Tony: And this is Rose's husband. Pożar - There's a house on fire! - What number? - Number 67. - That's my friends' house! 's używamy mówiąc, że ktoś jest właścicielem czegoś: John's car - samochód Johna Anne's coat - płaszcz Anny my sister's house - dom mojej siostry the doctor's bag - torba doktora 's używamy również do opisywania pokrewieństwa: John's mother - matka Johna Anne's son - syn Anny my sister's husband - mąż mojej siostry the doctor's children - dzieci doktora Po niektórych wyrazach 's wymawia się jak literę "s": Pat's, my aunt's, Mr Park's Po niektórych natomiast jak "z": John's, Anne's, Tony's, my friend's, my sister's Nie jest to taka istotna różnica. Należy jednak pamiętać, że po wyrazach kończących się dźwiękiem "s", "z", "sz", "cz" itd., 's wymawiamy jak "iz": Chris's, Rose's, Madge's, Mr Beech's, Mr Price's. my friend's, my friends' Porównaj zdania: I have a friend. That is my friend's house. I have two friends. That is my friends' house. Wymawia się je identycznie. Różnice widać tylko w pisowni: friend's - coś należące do jednego znajomego friends' - coś należące do przynajmniej dwóch znajomych Porównaj: That's my son's bedroom. (jeden syn) That's my sons' bedroom. (więcej niż jeden, dzielący pokój) Pat and Tony's wedding Jeżeli wspominamy dwoje ludzi razem, stawiamy "s" po drugiej osobie: John and Anne's children - dzieci Johna i Anny. Mr and Mrs Kirk's house - dom państwa Kirk. my mother and father's wedding - ślub mojej matki i ojca. Uwaga Nie należy mylić 's z tego rozdziału z 's używanym jako skrót wyrazu "is". Na przykład: That's Anne's bag. Pierwsze 's znaczy "is",a drugie sygnalizuje nam, że Anne jest właścicielką torby. 33.1 W poniższym drzewie genealogicznym mężczyzny o imieniu Mark, pierwszy rząd to dziadkowie; drugi - rodzice, ciotki i wujkowie; trzeci - pokolenie Marka. Określ ich stopień pokrewieństwa. David - Rose (dziadkowie) Peter - Pat - John i Helen (dzieci John i Helen to:) Anne - Mark i żona Kate - Alan (dzieci Marka i Kate to:) Chris - Sue. 1. Helen is Mark's mother. 2. Anne ... 3. Peter ... 4. Chris ... 5. Alan ... 6. Sue ... 7. David ... 8. John ... 9. Rose ... 10. Pat ... 33.2 Wybierz właściwe imiona na podstawie ćwiczenia 33.1. 1. Who is Mark's aunt? Rose/ Helen/ Pat/ Sue 2. Who is Sue's grandfather? John/ Mark/ Peter/ David 3. Who is John's daughter? Alan/ Anne/ Sue/ Pat 4. Who is Chris's uncle? Peter/ Alan/ John/ David 5. Who is David's son? Peter/ Pat/ Mark/ Anne 6. Who is Chris's grandmother? Anne/ Pat/ Rose/ Helen 33.3 Napisz zdania o każdym z domów na podstawie poniższego planu ulicy Numery domów w kolejności: 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 -------- ulica ------ Dom numer 15 należy do Anna White; 16 do John Brown; 17 do Mr and Mrs Green; 18 do David and Sue; 19 do my uncle. 1. Number seventeen is (Mr and Mrs Green's house.) 2. Number nineteen is ... 3. Number sixteen is ... 4. Number fifteen is ... 5. Number eighteen is ... 33.4 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. My friends live there. It's my friend's/ friends' flat. 2. I have one son. That is my son's/ sons' bedroom. 3. There are six teachers in the teacher's/ teachers' room. 4. He has two aunts. What are his aunt's/ aunts' names? 5. There is one pilot. That's the pilot's/ pilots' seat. 6. Here's my friend. Those are my friend's/ friends' cases. 33.5 Zapytaj o imiona poniższych osób według przykładu. 1. a boy/ two girls What is the boy's name? What are the girls' names? 2. your friends/ your wife ... 3. two teachers/ a doctor ... 4. a film star/ three singers ... 5. a man/ two women 33.6 W poniższych zdaniach wybierz te 's, które oznaczają własność lub pokrewieństwo, nie pomyl ich z tymi, które oznaczają "is". 1. David's in Mr (Kirk's) office. 2. Sue's bag's on that chair. 3. My father's at his sister's house. 4. John's my mother's brother. 5. My wife's a farmer's daughter. 6. Alan's car's behind Mr Price's car 33.7 Zapisz imiona swoich krewnych (tych, których masz) żona - brat/ siostra żony mąż - brat/ siostra męża ciotka - mąż ciotki brat - żona brata córka - mąż córki wujek - żona wujka siostra - mąż siostry syn - żona syna 2 Zapisz, co byś powiedział, gdybyś przedstawiał każdego z tych ludzi komuś obcemu. Na przykład. This is Anne. She's my uncle's wife. Unit 34: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ... Sunday: niedziela Monday: poniedziałek Tuesday: wtorek Wednesday: środa Thursday: czwartek Friday: piątek Saturday: sobota on: w (jakiś dzień tygodnia) Monday afternoon: w poniedziałek po południu Tuesday morning: we wtorek rano message: wiadomość phone: telefonować We need to meet: Musimy się spotkać meet: spotkać then: wtedy him : jego, z nim, o nim, itd. her: jej, z nią, o niej, itd. them: ich, z nimi, o nich, itd. me: mnie, ze mną, o mnie, itd. us: nas, z nami, o nas, itd. door: drzwi window: okno Czy ktoś zostawił wiadomość? Pewien businessman wrócił właśnie do biura. - Are there any messages? - Yes. Please phone Mr Green on Thursday. - Right. I'll phone him on Thursday. (I'll...: Zgoda. Zrobię to...) - Are there any messages? - Could you please phone Mrs Brown? (Could you...?: Czy mógłby pan...?) - Right. I'll phone her on Friday. - Are there any messages? - Yes. Could you please phone Mr and Mrs White? - Right. I'll phone them on Monday. Umawiamy się na spotkanie - We need to meet. - Yes. When? - Could you meet me on Monday at three o'clock? - Right. I'll meet you then. Where? - At my office? - Right. Prośby I zgoda Prosimy, żeby ktoś coś zrobił: Could you (please) - (phone Mr Green? meet me on Monday? close the door? open the window?) Zgadzamy się coś zrobić: (Yes.) (Right.) (Certainly.) I'll (phone Mr Green. meet you on Monday. close the door. open the window.) Kiedy? Porównaj: at two o'clock on Thursday on Thursday morning him, her, them, me, us Przeczytaj zdanie: John phoned Mr Green. Johna można zastąpić zaimkiem "he": He phoned Mr Green Jeżeli chcemy użyć zaimka w miejsce "Mr Green", musimy użyć "him": John phoned him. Porównaj: I phoned Mrs White. Mrs White phoned me. We phoned Mr Brown. Mr Brown phoned us. He phoned Mrs Black. Mrs Black phoned him. She phoned Mr Green. Mr Green phoned her. They phoned Mrs Grey. Mrs Grey phoned them. Zaimek "you" nie zmienia się. You phoned Mrs Green. Mrs Green phoned you. then Wyraz "then" ma trzy znaczenia: następnie: Go to the end of the road. Then turn right. wtedy: Three o'clock? Yes, I'll meet you then. więc There are no buses. Then go by train. 34.1 Czy domyślisz się, które dni tygodnia reprezentowane są przez poniższe skróty? Zapisz pełnymi wyrazami. 1. Mon. ... 2. Fri. ... 3. Sun. ... 4. Sat. ... 5. Wed. ... 6. Tue. ... 7. Thu. ... 34.2 Uzupełnij nazwami dni tygodnia. 9 Friday 6 ... 5 ... 8 ... 7 ... 10 ... 4 ... 34.3 Uzupełnij. Użyj "on" lub "at". 1. Meet Mr Green ... Tuesday ... 8.30 2. Please phone Mrs White ... 3.00 ... Monday afternoon. 3. Please phone me ... Friday morning ... half past ten. 34.4 Zapisz zdania. 1. Poproś kogoś, żeby zadzwonił do Anne. 2. Zgódź się zadzwonić do Mrs White. 3. Zgódź się spotkać z Mr Black o godzinie 2.00. 4. Poproś kogoś, żeby zamknął okno. 5. Poproś kogoś, żeby spotkał się z Twoim bratem. 6. Zgódź się otworzyć drzwi. 34.5 Połącz odpowiednie zdania według przykładu. 1. Please phone her. (d) 2. Please phone them. 3. Please phone us. 4. Please phone him. a) Please phone me and my husband. b) Please phone Mr Brown. c) Please phone Mr and Mrs Brown. d) Please phone Mrs Brown. 34.6 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj: him, her, us, them, me. 1. Could you meet ... at three o'clock? Yes, Anne, I'll meet you. 2. Could you phone John and Anne? Yes, I'll phone ... 3. Could you meet me and my wife? Could you meet ... at four o'clock? 4. I'll phone Mrs Green. I'll phone ... at eleven o'clock. 5. I'll meet Mr Black on Tuesday. I'll meet ... at nine o'clock. 6. I'll meet Mr and Mrs Brown. I'll meet ... at my office. 34.7 Zostaw wiadomość znajomemu prosząc go/ ją, żeby zrobili następujące rzeczy. Użyj: Could you please ...? My/ His/ Her phone number is ... 1. Zadzwonić do Ciebie (numer 456-2900) o godzinie 10.00 we wtorek wieczorem. ... 2. Spotkać się z Mr Peck o godzinie 8.00 w środę rano. ... 3. Spotkać was o godzinie 4.00 w sobotę po południu. ... 4. Zadzwonić do Mrs White (numer 761-8422) o godzinie 11.00 w czwartek rano. Unit 35: We don't eat much fish. We don't eat many eggs. Określenia używane z rzeczownikami policzalnymi: lot of: dużo many: dużo (w pytaniach) not many: niewiele a few: kilka Określenia używane z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi: a lot of: dużo much: dużo (w pytaniach) not much: niewiele a little: trochę more: więcej only: tylko eat: jeść drink: pić W supermarkecie Dwaj sprzedawcy sprawdzają ile towaru jest na półkach. - Do we need more biscuits? How many do we have? - Um ... we don't have many biscuits. Only five packets. - Right. So we need biscuits ... Now, tea? - We don't have much tea. Only seven packets. - O.K. ... Tea. How about coffee? - That's all right. We have a lot of coffee. - And sugar? - Let's see. No, we don't have much. We need more sugar. Co jecie? Ankieter prowadzi wywiad na temat tego, co pewna rodzina je i pije. - Tell me, what do you eat? Do you eat much meat? - Yes, we eat a lot of meat. - How about fish? - No, we don't eat much fish. - Do you eat much bread? - Yes, we eat a lot. - And eggs? Do you eat many eggs? - No, we don't eat many. - How about tea and coffee? Do you drink much coffee? - No, we don't drink much. - And tea? - Oh yes, we drink a lot of tea. a lot "a lot" znaczy "dużo" Zwrotu tego używamy zarówno z rzeczownikami policzalnymi, jak i niepoliczalnymi: We have a lot of eggs. We have a lot of milk. not many, not much, a few, a little Przeciwieństwem "a lot" są: "not ... many" lub "few". Tych wyrażeń używamy z rzeczownikami policzalnymi: We do not have many eggs. We only have a few eggs. "not ... much" lub "a little". Tych wyrażeń używamy z rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi: We do not have much milk. We only have a little milk. Wyrazu "only" często używamy z "a few" i z "a little": We only have a few/ a little. Pytania z "much" i "many" Powinniście znać już pytania typu: how many eggs do you eat? (rzeczowniki policzalne) How much milk do you drink? (rzeczowniki niepoliczalne) W pytaniach często używamy "many" i "much" zamiast "a lot": Do you eat many eggs? Do you drink much milk? Podsumowując ... - Do you eat many eggs? - Yes, we eat a lot of eggs. - No, we don't eat many eggs. No, we only eat a few eggs. - Do you drink much milk? - Yes, we drink a lot of milk. - No, we don't drink much milk. - No, we only drink a little milk. Uwaga: Nie musimy powtarzać "eggs" czy "milk" odpowiadając na pytania. Odpowiedź można skrócić do: Yes, we eat a lot. No, we don't eat many. No, we only eat a few. Yes, we drink a lot. No, we don't drink much. No, we only drink a little. 35.1 Opisz poniższe artykuły. Użyj: 1. (3 jajka) - a few eggs. 2. (mało wody w butelce) - ... 3. (pełny worek cukru) - ... 4. (12 jajek) - ... 5. (łyżeczka cukru) - ... 6. (pełna beczka wody) - ... 35.2 Podziel poniższe wyrazy na dwie grupy zależnie od tego, czy używamy z nimi "a few" czy "a little": bread, eggs, sugar, water, apples, tea, biscuits, meat, butter, tomatoes. few eggs a little bread 35.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. He only has a little/ a few shirts. 2. We only have a little/ a few milk. 3. I only take a little/ a few sugar. 4. We only have a little/ a few oranges. 5. He does not have much/ many shirts. 6. We do not have much/ many milk. 7. I do not take much/ many sugar. 8. We do not have much/ many oranges. 35.4 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj: much, many, a lot 1. Do you eat ... biscuits? - Yes, we eat ... 2. Do you drink ... coffee? - Yes, I drink ... 3. Do you eat ... meat? - No, I don't eat ... 4. Do you eat ... eggs? - No, we don't eat ... 35.5 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. We don't have much/ many oranges. But we have a lot of/ much/ many apples. 2. We drink many/ much/ a lot of tea. But we don't drink many/ much coffee. 3. We don't have much/ many biscuits. But we have a lot of/ much/ many bread. 4. We eat a lot of/ much/ many eggs. But we don't eat much/ many meat. 35.6 Uzupełnij tabelkę informacjami o tym, co sam jesz i pijesz. Następnie napisz dialog w oparciu o te informacje. Na przykład: - Do you eat much fish? - Yes, I eat a lot. - No, I don't eat much. - No, I only eat a little. a lot - a little/ a few 1. meat 2. eggs 3. coffee 4. tea 5. bread 6. biscuits 1. - ... meat? - ... 2. - ...? - ... 3. - ...? - ... 4. ...? - ... 5. ...? - ... 6. - ...? - ... Unit 36: A letter to a Japan, a parcel to India. letter: list a letter to: list do parcel: paczka by air: samolotem by sea: statkiem What does it weigh?: Ile to waży? It doesn't weigh much: To nie waży dużo It only weighs a little: To nie waży dużo It weigh a lot: To waży dużo I don't now: Nie wiem gram: gram change: reszta stamp: znaczek luggage: bagaż too much: za dużo excess luggage: nadwaga bagażu How much does ... cost?: Ile ... kosztuje? It costs ...: To kosztuje ... Na poczcie - Morning. - Morning. How much does a letter to Japan cost? - To Japan? By air or by sea? - By air. - What does it weigh? - Um, I don't know. - Let's see ... Twenty-five grams. That's seventy pence. - Here you are ... a pound. - Thank you. Thirty pence change. And here are your stamps. - Thank you. Przed odlotem - Your ticket? - Here you are. - Thank you. To Turkey? - That's right. - Any luggage? (Używane zamiast: Do you have any luggage?) - Yes. One case. - Let's see. What does it weigh? - Oh, it doesn't weigh much. It only weighs a little. - A little? It weighs a lot ... thirty-four kilos! - Um ... - That's fourteen kilos too much. - Oh dear! How much does excess luggage cost? - It costs a lot. It costs ten pounds a kilo. (dziesięć funtów za kilo) Pytania o cenę i wagę How much does (a letter to Brazil, a parcel to Egypt) cost? What does (the letter, the parcel) weigh? It costs (two pounds fifty. sixty pence.) It weighs (forty grams. four kilos.) Mówimy o cenach i wadze Cena: drogie - It costs a lot. tanie - It does not cost much. It only costs a little. Waga: ciężkie - It weighs a lot. lekkie - It does not weigh much. It only weighs a little. too much, too many "Za dużo", to po angielsku "too much" albo "too many". - What does your luggage weigh? - Thirty-four kilos. - That's fourteen kilos too much. - Here you are - twelve eggs. - No, that's six eggs too many. I only want six eggs. 36.1 Wybierz właściwy wyraz 1. This letter weighs/ costs ninety grams. 2. This paper weighs/ costs fifty pence. 3. A ticket to Madrid costs/ weighs a hundred pounds. 4. Your luggage weighs/ costs twenty-five kilos. 5. The apples cost/ weigh eighty pence. 6. The tomatoes weigh/ cost sixty pence. 36.2 Wybierz właściwy wyraz 1. How much is/ does that picture? 2. How much is/ does a letter to America cost? 3. What is/ does that parcel weigh? 4. How heavy is/ does your luggage? 5. How much is/ does coffee cost in Brazil? 6. How much is/ does a ticket to London? 36.3 Zapisz cenę lub wagę. Następnie ułóż zdania typu: It costs a lot. It does not cost much. It only costs a little. 1. 25 gram (It weighs twenty-five grams. It does not weigh much. It only weighs a little.) 2. 547 funtów 3. 30 kg 4. 1 funt 20 pensów 36.4 Uzupełnij dialog. Jesteś na poczcie i chcesz wysłać krajowy list lotniczy o wadze 70 gramów. - How ... cost? - By ... or by ...? - By ... - How much ... the letter ...? - It ... , - ... one pound seventy-five. 36.5 Uzupełnij dialog. Tym razem chcesz wysłać paczkę do Ameryki pocztą morską. Nie znasz wagi paczki. Masz banknot dziesięciofuntowy. - How ... - By ... or by ...? - By ... - What ... the parcel ...? - I ... - Let's see. Two kilos. That's seven pounds eighty. - Here you are : a ... note. - Thank you ... change. Unit 37: What do you do in your spare time? (a) welcome: powitanie real (name): prawdziwe (nazwisko) What do you do ...?: Co robisz..? in your spare time: w swoim wolnym czasie a lot: tutaj znaczy: często quite a lot: dosyć często How interesting: To ciekawe! like: lubić very much: bardzo read: czytać music: muzyka What kind of ...?: Jaki rodzaj? pop music: muzyka pop classical music: muzyka poważna how about ...?: a co z ... sport: sport tennis: tenis I quite like: dosyć lubię play football: grać w piłkę nożną play records: odtwarzać płyty the cinema: kino the theatre: teatr Winston: imię męskie Drake; Smith: nazwiska Wywiad z gwiazdą Gwiazdor filmowy, Winston Drake, ma wywiad w telewizji. Prowadzący program chce stworzyć wrażenie, że zwykle życie Winstona jest bardzo ciekawe. - And now a big welcome for British film star Winston Drake. ... Winston, welcome to the programme. - Thank you. - Winston Drake. Is that your real name? - Er, no. - What is your name? - Er ... John Smith. - Winston, what do you do in your spare time? - Well, I ... er ... I watch TV a lot. - How interesting! What programmes do you like? - I like films. And I like quiz programmes very much. - What else do you do, Winston? - Oh, I ... er ... I read a lot. - Do you? How interesting! What books do you read? - Oh, I don't read books much. - What do you read, then? - I read the paper. - Do you like music, Winston? - Yes, I do. - What kind of music? Do you like pop music? - Yes, I do. - And how about classical music? - No, I don't like classical music much. - Which sports do you like? Tennis? - I quite like tennis. - How about football? - Yes, I like football very much. - How interesting! So you play football a lot? - Er ... no, I don't play it. I watch it. Jak często? Do you (read, play tennis, watch TV) much? Często: Yes, I (read, play tennis, watch TV) a lot. Dosyć często: I (read, play tennis, watch TV) quite a lot. Niezbyt często: No, I do not (read, play tennis, watch TV) much. To lubię I like (the cinema, football, classical music) (very much. a lot.) "Bardzo to lubię" I quite like (the cinema, football, classical music) "Dosyć to lubię" I do not like (the cinema, football, classical music) much. "Niezbyt to lubię" gra "play" używamy mówiąc o grach: I play tennis a lot. I play football a lot. Uwaga: Przed nazwami gier lub sportów nie stawiamy "a" ani "the". "play" używamy też mówiąc o muzyce: I play record a lot. The cinema, the theatre "Kino" w sensie "miejsca, gdzie oglądamy filmy", to "a cinema". "Teatr" w tym samym znaczeniu, to "a theatre". Mówiąc o kinie lub teatrze w sensie dziedziny sztuki, używamy "the": I like the cinema. (Lubię kino, oglądanie filmów) I like the theatre. (Lubię teatr, oglądanie sztuk) 37.1 Połącz wyrazy (a-j) ze zdaniami (1-7). Czasami dwa wyrazy będą pasować do jednego zdania. 1. I play (a,d) 2. I watch ... 3. I read ... 4. I eat ... 5. I drink ... 6. I go to ... 7. I drive ... a) football b) a paper c) tea d) pop music e) the theatre f) a lot of meat g) television h) the cinema i) books j) a car 37.2 Uzupełnij zdania używając "a", "the" lub zostawiając puste miejsce. 1. Do you go to ... theatre? 2. Do you like ... television? 3. Do you go to ... cinema? 4. Do you play ... football? 5. Do you play ... pop music? 6. Do you have ... son? 7. Do you drive ... car? 8. Do you watch ... news? 37.3 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. Do you watch TV much?/ many? Yes, I watch it much./ a lot. 2. Do you read much?/ many? No, I don't read much./ many. 3. Do you go to the cinema much?/ lot? Yes, we go much./ a lot. 4. Do you play tennis much?/ lot? No, we don't play much./ many. 37.4 Zapisz zdania dodając do nich wyraz "quite". 1. He likes pop music. (He quite likes pop music) 2. We go to the theatre a lot. ... 3. This watch is expensive. ... 4. She plays tennis a lot. ... 5. I like that car. ... 37.5 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. I like classical music very much./ a lot. My husband likes it much/ a lot too. 2. He phones us much./ a lot. 3. We go to the theatre much./ a lot. 4. I don't like the cinema much./ lot. 5. I meet Peter White quite much./ a lot. 6. He plays football a lot./ much. 7. My wife goes to London quite much./ a lot. 8. Anne likes your new house much./ a lot. I like it very much/ a lot too. 9. We don't go to the cinema much./ a lot. 10. I don't like pop music very much./ a lot. 37.6 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy - And now, British singer, Cora Macey. ... Cora, welcome at/ in/ to the programme. - Thank you. - Cora Macey. Is that your really/ royal/ real name? - Er, no. It's Joan Brown. - Cora, what do/ are you do in your spare time? - Well, I ... er ... I play records much./ a lot. - Who/ How interesting! What music does/ do you play? Pop music? Classical music? - I don't play classical music much./ lot. But I play pop music much./ a lot. - And what too/ else/ about do you do, Cora? - I go to a cinema./ cinema./ the cinema. - Really? What films are/ do/ does you like? - I like American films very much./ a lot. - Do you watch television much?/ many?/ very? - Yes, I watch it a quite/ quite a lot. - What programmes are/ do/ does you like? - I like quiz programmes very much./ a lot. And I like quite/ quite like sports programmes. - Do you go to restaurants much? - Yes, I do. - What restaurants? - I like Chinese food very much./ a lot. And I go to Indian restaurants quite much./ a lot. 37.7 Napisz zdania na temat własnych zainteresowań. Użyj odpowiedzi typu: Yes, I (read) a lot./ I (read) quite a lot. No, I do not (read) much./ No, I do not (read). Yes, I like it very much./ I quite like it. No, I do not like it much./ No, I do not like it. 1. Do you like sports? ... 2. Do you read much? ... 3. Do you like pop music? ... 4. Do you like classical music? ... 5. Do you watch TV much? ... 6. Do you like the cinema? ... 7. Do you play tennis much? ... Unit 38: What are you doing? What are you/ they doing?: Co teraz robisz/ oni robią? What's (= What is) he doing?: Co on teraz robi? wash: myć się follow: iść/ jechać za carry: nieść cook: gotować armed: uzbrojony all right:w porządku out of: z into: do happy: zadowolony tired: zmęczony Co robisz? - David? Da-vid? David where are you? - I'm in the sitting room. - What are you doing? - I'm reading. Co za hałas? - Who's in the sitting room? - John is. - What's he doing? - He's watching TV. - Who's in the bathroom? - John is. - What's he doing? - He's washing. Pościg Dwaj podekscytowani policjanci w policyjnym samochodzie śledzą inny samochód. Jeden z nich melduje przez radio do centrali. - Hello? This is car number 396. - Hello, car 396. - We're following a car. There are two armed men in it. - OK, number 396. Where are you? - We're going along Wood Street. - Right. Wood Street. - Hello? This is 396. They're turning left. - OK. Follow them. - They're going along Park Street. Now, they're turning right ... Hello? - Yes? - They're stopping. They're stopping in front of the bank ... . - 396? Hello? 396? Are you all right? - Yes. - What are the men doing? - They're carrying money. - Money? They're carrying money out of the bank? - Er, no. They're carrying money into the bank. * Jak myślicie, co mężczyźni robili? Odpowiedź znajdziecie poniżej w tekście. Pytamy co się dzieje? What are (you, they) doing? What is (he, she) doing? W języku mówionym "What is he/ she doing" często skraca się do: "What's he/ she doing?" Mówimy co się dzieje I am in the (sitting room. kitchen. bathroom. dining room.) We are in the (sitting room. kitchen. bathroom. dining room.) I am (reading. cooking. washing. eating.) We are (reading. cooking. washing. eating.) W języku mówionym "I am" i "We are" skraca się często do "I'm" i "we're". Porównaj polecenia z nową formą czasownika. Read it. - I'm reading it. Turn left. - I'm turning left. Follow them. - I'm following them. Co robią inni? He/ She is (turning left. watching TV. drinking coffee. going into the shop. carrying bags.) They are (turning left. watching TV. drinking coffee. going into the shop. carrying) bags.) W języku mówionym "He/ She is" często skraca się do "He's/ She's" a "They are" do "They're". * Odpowiedź: Mężczyźni w dialogu, to pracownicy agencji ochrony, którzy przywieźli pieniądze do banku. Pisownia Jeżeli czasownik kończy się na "e", litera ta znika przed końcówką "-ing". Phone him. I'm phoning him. Write a letter. I'm writing a letter. Come here! I'm coming. Uwaga na zmianę pisowni w takich rzeczownikach: Stop! I'm stopping. Wyrazy z końcówką "ing" z tego rozdziału carrying, coming, cooking, doing, drinking, eating, following, going, phoning, reading, stopping, turning, washing, watching, writing. 38.1 Uzupełnij zdania najbardziej prawdopodobną czynnością: phoning, cooking, reading, eating, washing, watching. 1. He is in the kitchen. He is ... 2. He is in the bathroom. He is ... 3. She is in her bedroom. She is ... a book. 4. She is in the sitting room. She is ... television. 5. He is in the dining room. He is ... 6. He is in his office. He is ... Mr Grey. 38.2 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. She is in the kitchen. She is cook./ cooking. 2. Could you please go/ going to the shops? 3. - I'm turning/ turn left now. - No! Don't turn/ turning left! Turn/ Turning right! 4. - Do you read/ reading much? - Yes, I read/ reading quite a lot. 5. - What is John do?/ doing? - He is wash./ washing. 6. Does he go/ going to the theatre much? - No, he doesn't go/ going much. 7. She is carry/ carrying a box of eggs. 8. - Come/ Coming to the kitchen and eat./ eating. - Just a moment! I'm watch/ watching TV. 9. - What are you do?/ doing? - I'm read/ reading a book. 10. - Where does he live?/ living? - He lives/ living in Leeds. 38.3 Wybierz właściwą pisownię. 1. She is (go-, goe-)ing to the cinema. 2. He is (carry-, carr-)ing our cases. 3. I am (write-, writ-)ing letters. 4. We are (arriv-, arrive-)ing in London. 38.4 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. I am/ is/ are washing. 2. They am/ is/ are cooking. 3. She am/ is/ are reading. 4. We am/ is/ are turning left. 5. My friends am/ is/ are eating. 6. My husband am/ is/ are watching TV. 7. John am/ is/ are carrying a case. 8. John and Anne am/ is/ are drinking tea. 38.5 Obserwujesz pewien samochód, który jedzie drogą pokazaną na mapie. Opisz co się dzieje. Wyrazy w nawiasach pomogą Ci. 1. Samochód jedzie ulicą Patk Street. 2. Samochód skręca w prawo w ulicę Wood Street. 3. Jedzie prosto do końca ulicy Wood Street. 4. Skręca w lewo w Station Street. 5. Wjeżdża na parking, dwaj mężczyźni idą z bagażami na dworzec kolejowy. 1. The car ... (go) along Park Street. 2. It ... (turn) right. 3. The car ... (go) along Wood Street. 4. It ... (turn) left. 5. The car ... (stop) in front of the station. 6. Two men ... (go) into the station. They ... (carry) cases. Unit 39: It isn't singing. It doesn't sing in the day. driver: kierowca cleaner: sprzątaczka writer: pisarz drive (a woman) to: wieźć (kobietę) do sing: śpiewać clean: sprzątać write: pisać teach: uczyć fly: latać taxi: taksówka from ... to: od ... do ... airport: lotnisko street: ulica in the afternoon: po południu in the evening: wieczorem during the day: w ciągu dnia at night: w nocy London Airport: nazwy miejsc Oxford Street: nazwy miejsc Victoria Station: nazwy miejsc Praca taksówkarza I'm driver. I drive a taxi in London. I work from one o'clock in the afternoon to ten in the evening. Co godzinę, taksówkarz informuje przez radio gdzie jest. It's three o'clock. I'm driving to London Airport. It's four o'clock. I'm driving along Oxford Street. It's five o'clock. I'm driving a woman to Victoria Station. It's six o'clock. Now I'm waiting at the Ritz Hotel. It's seven o'clock. I'm driving a man to the theatre. Wywiad z żoną znanego pisarza - Your husband writes his books in this room? (codziennie) - Yes - When does he work? (codziennie) - Only in the morning. - He doesn't work in the afternoon or evening? (codziennie) - No, he doesn't. - So he isn't working now? (teraz) - No. - What's he doing? Is he reading? (teraz) - No, he's playing football: (teraz) Obserwujemy ptaki - There it is! - It's very small. - Yes. - And isn't singing. (teraz) - Oh, it doesn't sing in the day. (codziennie) It only sings at night. (co wieczór) A driver drives I'm a (driver. teacher. singer. cleaner. writer.) I (drive a taxi. teach English. sing. clean offices. write books.) Codziennie/ teraz Codziennie: I drive a taxi. I teach English. I sing. I write books. Zwyczaje: I am driving a taxi. I am teaching English. I am singing. I am writing a book. Teraz, w tej chwili: I read a lot. We eat a lot of oranges. John smokes. Teraz: I am reading the paper. We are eating some oranges. John is smoking a cigarette. Porównaj: I drive a taxi from one o'clock to seven o'clock. (codziennie) It is five o'clock. I am driving the taxi. (teraz) It is ten o'clock. I am not driving the taxi. (teraz) The bird sings at night. (co wieczór) It is night. The bird is singing. (teraz) It is afternoon. The bird is not singing. (teraz) Pisownia Zwróćcie uwagę na zmiany pisowni po dodaniu końcówki "-ing": drive - driving, smoke - smoking Pory dnia in the (morning, afternoon, evening) at night six o'clock in the morning, eight o'clock in the evening, three o'clock in the afternoon, twelve o'clock at night. W angielskim używamy czasami liter "a.m" dla oznaczenia czasu rano, a liter "p.m." dla oznaczenia czasu po południu i wieczorem: 39.1 Uzupełnij zdania. 1. I drive a bus. I'm a ... 2. I ... I'm a singer. 3. I ... in a school. I'm a teacher. 4. I write books. I'm a ... 5. He cleans houses. He's a ... 39.2 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj: in, at, on. 1. The train leaves ... five past ten. 2. Please phone me ... Monday. 3. She only works ... the morning. She does not work ... the afternoon. 4. This bird only sings ... night. It does not sing ... the day. 5. The shop opens ... 8.30 ... the morning. It does not open ... Sundays. 6. We watch TV a lot ... the evening. 7. The plane from New York arrives ... four twenty ... the afternoon. 39.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenia na podstawie opisu. 1. Kierowca taksówki myje swój samochód. Jest godzina 11.00. 2. Kobieta siedząc w fotelu czyta gazetę. Jest sobota. 3. Dwóch mężczyzn spożywa posiłek. Jest godzina 15.00. 4. Dwóch mężczyzn ogląda telewizor. 1. He is a taxi driver. He drives/ is driving a taxi. He works/ is working from 2.00 p.m. to 10.00. p.m. It is 11.00 a.m. now. He is not driving./ does not drive. He cleans/ is cleaning his taxi. 2. She is a teacher. She teaches/ is teaching in a school. She works/ is working from Monday to Friday. It is Saturday. She does not teach./ is not teaching. She reads/ is reading the paper. 3. They are pilots. They fly/ are flying planes. They work/ are working in the morning. It is the afternoon now. They do not fly./ are not flying. They are eating./ eat. 4. They are cleaners. They are cleaning/ clean offices. They are working/ work in the evening. It is the afternoon now. They are not cleaning/ do not clean an office. They watch/ are watching TV. 39.4 Uzupełnij zdania. Wyrazy w nawiasach powinny Ci pomóc. 1. These birds only ... (sing) at night. It is night now. Listen! The birds ... (sing). 2. She ... (play) tennis on Saturdays. It is Saturday now. Look! She ... (play) tennis. 3. John ... (phone) his mother on Sundays. Listen! He ... (phone) her now. 4. He is a smoker. He ... (smoke) a lot. But he ... (eat) now, so he not ... (smokes) 5. I ... (go) to work from Monday to Friday by train. The train ... (leave) at 8.00 in the morning. It is 8.45 now. I am on the train. I ... (go) to work. 39.5 Rozkład codziennych zajęć Tony. time - a.m./ p.m. - czynność 7.00 - a.m. - wash 7.30 - a.m. - drink some tea 8.00 - a.m. - go to work by bus 8.45 - a.m. - arrive at the office 9.00 - 1.00 - work 1.00 - p.m. - eat 2.00 - 5.00 - p.m. - work 5.00 - p.m. - leave the office 7.30 - p.m. - eat 9.30 - p.m. - watch TV 11.00 - p.m. - go to bed 1. Napisz, co Tony robi każdego dnia: (He washed at seven o'clock in the morning. He...) 2. Teraz wyobraź sobie, że mówisz o różnych porach dnia. Napisz, co Tony robi w danej chwili: (It is seven o'clock in the morning. Tony is washing. Now it is ...) Unit 40: What's the weather like? What's the weather like?: jaka jest pogoda? the weather: pogoda terrible weather: okropna pogoda lovely weather: piękna pogoda It's ...: Zwrot służący do opisywania pogody cloudy: pochmurno windy: wietrznie warm: ciepło sunny: słonecznie wet: mokro hot: gorąco sun: słońce wind: wiatr rain: deszcz shine: świecić (o słońcu) blow: wiać (o wietrze) snow: śnieg today: dzisiaj umbrella: parasolka spring: wiosna summer: lato autumn: jesień winter: zima Zła pogoda - Terrible weather, isn't it? (Czy nie?) - Yes, it is. - It's very cold today. - Yes, and it's cloudy, too. - And windy ... Oh dear! - What's the matter? (Co się stało?) - Now it's raining. And I don't have an umbrella. Ładna pogoda - Lovely weather, isn't it? - Yes it is. - It's very warm today. - Yes, and it's sunny, too. Rymowanka: Angielskie pory roku In summer, the sun shines. In autumn, the wind blows. In spring, it rains. In winter, it snows. Pogoda Teraz: It is (raining. snowing. windy. cloudy. sunny.) It is (wet. cold. warm. hot.) Uwaga: Można powiedzieć "It is sunny" lub "The sun is shining". "It is raining" albo "It is wet". Co roku: In winter, (it) (rains a lot. snows a lot. is windy. is cloudy.) In summer, (the sun) (shines a lot.) In winter, (the sun) (does not shine much.) Pory roku Mówiąc o porach roku używamy "in": in winter, it snows. In summer, the sun shines. Porównaj: on Monday at ten o'clock Można powiedzieć: in (winter, spring, summer, autumn) lub in the (winter, spring, summer, autumn) Znaczenie się nie zmienia. 40.1 Zapisz jakie znaczenie mają te symbole. 1. słońce, 2. chmura, 3. chmura z kroplami deszczu, 4. chmura popychana przez wiatr, 5. chmura ze śniegiem, 6. termometr pokazujący wysoką temperaturę. Przykład 1. It is sunny. 40.2 Napisz zdania o pogodzie w różnych krajach. 1. In Australia... (the sun is shining. It is quite hot.) 2. In Egypt... (jest wietrznie. Jest całkiem ciepło) 3. In Brazil... (świeci słońce. Jest gorąco) 4. In Britain... (pada deszcz. Jest chłodno) 5. In India... (jest pochmurno. Jest ciepło) 6. In China... (pada śnieg. Jest zimno) 40.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. - Terrible weather, is/ doesn't/ isn't it? - Yes, it does./ it is./ it's. - It's a very/ very cold today. - Yes, and it's cloudy too./ to./ so. - And windy... Oh dear! - What's the time?/ matter?/ size? - Now it rains./ it's raining. And I am not/ don't/ doesn't have an umbrella. 40.4 Porównaj zimę i lato w Anglii i w Indiach. Opisz każdą porę roku. Utwórz zdania na podstawie tabelki. The sun shines a lot. It rains quite a lot. (The sun, It) does not (shine, rain) much. 1. In India, the sun (shines quite a lot in winter.) It (does not rain much) 2. In Britain, the sun ...(nie ma zbyt wiele słońca - dosyć dużo deszczu) in winter It ... 3. In India, the sun ... (dużo słońca - dużo deszczu) in summer. It ... 4. In Britain, the sun ... (całkiem dużo słońca - całkiem dużo deszczu)in summer. It ... 40.5 Wybierz najlepszy zwrot. 1. Kiedy pogoda jest ładna, mówimy: Lovely weather! Oh dear! Terrible weather! 2. Kiedy chcemy wiedzieć dlaczego ktoś się martwi, mówimy: What do you do? What's it like? What's the matter? 3. Kiedy coś nas zmartwi, mówimy: Sorry! Oh dear! Really? How interesting! 4. Kiedy chcemy, by ktoś zgodził się z nami, że jest zimno, mówimy: do you? does it? isn't it? like? is it? 5. Pytając o pogodę, mówimy: What's the weather like? What does the weather do? How's the weather? What does the weather have? 40.6 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. The weather's terrible. It rains./ is raining. 2. In Bangkok, it rains/ is raining a lot in summer. 3. What's the weather like? The sun shines./ is shining. 4. It is cold today. Look! It snows./ is snowing. 5. In Poland, it snows/ is snowing in winter. 6. In Nigeria, the sun shines/ is shining a lot. Unit 41: On the hone. Hello?: Tak odbieramy telefon Is that...?: Tak pytamy z kim mówimy This is...: Tak podajemy swoje nazwisko przez telefon double four: 44, podwójna czwórka w numerze telefonu the wrong number: pomyłka What do you want?: Z kim chcesz rozmawiać I'm putting you through: Łączę How can I recognize you?: Jak pana/ panią rozpoznam? wear: nosić (ubranie) visit: odwiedzić photograph: robić zdjęcia British Rail: Koleje Brytyjskie Cathy: imię żeńskie Wood; Lee; Lane: nazwiska Sptkanie z nieznajomym Anne Wood ma spotkać się z kimś o nazwisku David Lee. Nigdy go przedtem nie widziała. Rozmawiają przez telefon, ale na linii są zakłócenia. - Hello? - Hello. Is that Anne Wood? - Yes. - This is- - Sorry? Who is it? - David Lee. - Oh, hello. - I'm waiting- - Sorry? Where are you waiting? - I'm waiting at the. station. - How can I recognise you? - I'm wearing- - Sorry? What are you wearing? - A green coat. And I'm carrying- - Sorry? What are you carrying? - A small black case. Rozmowy telefoniczne - Hello? 2-O-double 4-6-5. (2-0-double 4-6-5: 204465) - Hello. Is that Cathy? - Who are you phoning? - Cathy Lane. - I'm sorry. There's no* Cathy Lane here. You have the wrong number. (There's no...: nie ma nikogo o nazwisku...) - Hello? Double 7-O-4-9. (Double 7-O-4-9: 77049) - Hello? Is that British Rail? - Yes. Who do you want? - Mr Green. - Right. Who's phoning him? - My name's Brow. - Right, Mr Brown. I'm putting you through. Pytania typu "where?", "what?" itp. dotyczące tego co dzieje teraz What is he wearing? Where are you waiting? How far are they driving? Pytania typu "who?" O to, co dzieje się teraz Porównaj: Who are you phoning? I am phoning John. Who is phoning you? John is phoning me. "who" można używać w dwojaki sposób: a pytając o osobę, która coś robi b pytając osobę, z którą się coś robi Peter is phoning Helen. a Who is phoning Helen? b Who is Peter phoning? My brother is visiting Tony. a Who is visiting Tony? b Who: is my brother visiting? Cathy is photographing the children. a Who is photographing the children? b Who is Cathy photographing? The taxi driver is meeting Mr Lane. a Who is meeting Mr Lane? b Who is the taxi driver meeting? 41.1 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. Kiedy odbieramy telefon, mówimy: Sorry? Well done! Excuse me? Hello? Yes. 2. Żeby sprawdzić czy to David odebrał telefon, mówimy: Is this David? Are you David? Is he David? Is that David? 3. Podajemy swoje nazwisko przez telefon, mówiąc: I am... This is... Here is... That is... 4. Jeżeli wykręcimy zły numer, mówimy: "Sorry, I have a..." double number. wrong number. no good number. 5. Jeżeli chcesz, by ktoś opisał jak sam wygląda, mówimy: How can I recognise you? Who can I recognise you? What can I recognise you? Which can I recognise you? 6. Żeby zapytać z kim ktoś chce rozmawiać, mówimy: What do you like? What do you do? Who do you want? Who are you putting through? 7. Jeżeli nie słyszymy wyraźnie co ktoś mówi, powiemy: I'm sorry? How? Really? Sorry? 41.2 Zapisz poniższe numery telefoniczne słownie. Używaj wyrazu "double", gdzie jest to możliwe. 1. 3956093. 2. 5224877. 3. 4869001. 41.3 Uporządkuj wyrazy tak, by powstały pytania. Podane odpowiedzi powinny Ci pomóc. 1. waiting they are where ? (They are waiting at the hotel.) Where are they waiting? 2. are writing you what ? (I am writing a letter.) ... 3. carrying he what is ? (He is carrying his coat.) ... 4. going are how far we ?(We are going twenty miles.) ... 5. the train where stopping is ? (It is stopping at Leeds.) ... 41.4 Nie słyszysz co ktoś mówi. Zadaj pytania. 1. I'm wearing a- What are you wearing? 2. He's wearing a- ... 3. She's reading a- ... 4. They're carrying a- ... 5. Her sons are watching a- ... 6. We're meeting Cathy at the- ... 7. Alan's waiting in the- ... 41.5 Rysunek pokazuje kto kogo odwiedza. Wybierz właściwe pytania: John odwiedza Cathy, Sue odwiedza Peter(a), David odwiedza Helen. 1. Who is visiting Peter?/ Who is Peter visiting? Sue 2. Who is visiting John?/ Who is John visiting? Cathy 3. Who is visiting David?/ Who is David visiting? Helen 4. Who is visiting Sue?/ Who is Sue visiting? Peter 5. Who is visiting Cathy?/ Who is Cathy visiting? John 6. Who is visiting Helen?/ Who is Helen visiting? David 41.6 Trzy samochody jadą jeden za drugim. Wybierz właściwe odpowiedzi. Jako pierwszy jedzie samochód biały, za nim samochód w kolorze czarnym a na końcu samochód szary. 1. What is the black car following? The white car./ The grey car. 2. What is following the black car? The grey car./ The white car. 41.7 Rozmowa telefoniczna. Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. - Yes./ Sorry?/ Hello? - Are you/ Is this/ Is there/ Is that the BBC? - Yes, it is. Who do you phone?/ want?/ like? - John Park. - Right. Who is he phoning?/ is phoning him? - Pat Lane. - Thank you. Just/ Stop a moment. Unit 42: He's at the butcher's. at (a shop): w (sklepie) the burcher's: sklep mięsny the geengrocer's: sklep z warzywami the chemist's: apteka baker's: piekarnia bookshop: księgarnia shoe shop: sklep obuwniczy paper shop: sklep papierniczy cake shop: cukiernia the doctor's: gabinet lekarski the dentist's: gabinet dentystyczny my brother's: u mojego brata over there: tam over here: tutaj into (a shop): do (sklepu) out of (a shop): ze (sklepu) medicine: lekarstwo buy: kupić sell: sprzedać party: przyjęcie bus stop: przystanek autobusowy W sklepach Spotyka się sąsiad z sąsiadką - Hello, Cathy. - Hello, David. - Where's your husband? - He's at the butcher's. He's buying some meat. - What about your wife? Where's she? - She's at the greengrocer's. She's buying some fruit. Ludzie robią zakupy - Oh, look! There's John. - John? Where? - Over there. - Where? - There. He's going into the butcher's. - Look! There's Sue. - Sue? Where? - Over there. - Where? - There. She's coming out of the chemist's. into, out of into: do out of: z Kiedy jesteśmy przed sklepem możemy powiedzieć: John's going into the bookshop. John's coming out of the bookshop. Kiedy jesteśmy w sklepie możemy powiedzieć John's coming into the bookshop./ John's going out of the bookshop. over here, over there "over there" znaczy "tam", na przykład w drugim końcu pokoju czy po drugiej stronie ulicy. - Excuse me? Where is the toilet? - Over there. "over here" znaczy "tutaj" mówione do osoby, która jest w pewnej odległości od nas. Przykład: Mąż i żona spacerują po lesie. Mąż traci żonę z oczu: Husband: Sue? Sue? Where are you? Wife: Over here. Nazwy sklepów Wiele nazw sklepów tworzymy dodając "s" do wyrazu oznaczającego właściciela sklepu: Właściciel sklepu: a butcher Sklep: a butcher's shop lub (częściej) "a butcher's" Inne przykłady: a baker's, a greengrocer's, a chemist's. Zwróćcie uwagę na wyjątki: a bookshop, a shoe shop, a paper shop, a cake shop. Przed nazwami sklepów częściej występuje "the" niż "a". I'm going to the baker's. She's in the chemist's. Please buy some fruit at the greengrocer's. the doctor's, my brother's Uwaga: the doctor's (gabinet lekarski) the dentist's (gabinet dentystyczny) Można też powiedzieć: "my brother's", co znaczy "dom mojego brata"; "Pat and Tony's", co znaczy "dom Pat i Tonyego". - Where are you going? - To my sister's. - Where is David? - He's at Peter's. 42.1 Napisz zdania mówiące o tym, co kto sprzedaje. Użyj: 1 fruit, 2 medicine, 3 bread, 4 tomatoes, 5 meat, 6 cakes. baker, greengrocer, butcher, chemist. 1. A greengrocer sells fruit. 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... 42.2 Uzupełnij zdania nazwami sklepów. 1. I need some medicine. I'm going to... 2. I need some new shoes. I'm going to... 3. I want a paper. I'm going to... 4. We need some bread. I'll go to... 5. We need some meat. I'll go to... 6. We need some tomatoes. I'll go to... 42.3 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. You buy/ sell meat at a butcher's. 2. A baker buys/ sells bread. 3. My husband needs some new shoes. He is buying/ selling some new shoes. 4. My wife works in a shoe shop. She buys/ sells shoes. 5. They buy/ sell good tomatoes at that greengrocer's. 6. John needs some medicine. He's buying/ selling the medicine at the chemist's. 42.4 Napisz odpowiednie wyrażenie. a into the box, b in the box, c out of the box, d on the box. 1. (kula wypada na zewnątrz pudełka) 2. (kula jest na pudełku) 3. (kula wpada do pudełka) 4. (kula jest w pudełku) 42.5 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie. 1. mężczyzna wchodzi do pomieszczenia 2. kobieta wychodzi z pomieszczenia 3. kobieta wchodzi do pomieszczenia 4. mężczyzna wychodzi z pomieszczenia 1. He is going/ coming into/ out of the bookshop. 2. She is going/ coming into/ out of the bookshop. 3. She is going/ coming into/ out of the bookshop. 4. He is going/ coming into/ out of the bookshop. 42.6 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy 1. He is visiting his brother./ his brother's. 2. He is at his brother./ his brother's. 3. I'll meet David/ David's at his house. 4. The party is at David/ David's at 8.00 5. - Where is the butcher's?/ butcher? - He is over there. 6. - Where is the butcher's?/ butcher? - It is in Park Road. 7. My wife is waiting at the doctor./ doctor's. But the doctor/ doctor's is not there. 8. His two sisters/ sister's are both teacher's/ teachers at the school. 9. The chemist's/ chemist opens at 9.00. But the chemist's/ chemist arrives there at 8.30. 10. I think I left my coat at my friends./ friends'. So I am phoning my friends. / friends'. 42.7 Uzupełnij dialog. - Where's your husband? - He's ... the ... He's ... some bread. What ... your wife? Where's she? - She's ... the ... She's ... some meat. 42.8 Napisz dialog po angielsku. - Mąż pyta czego potrzebują. - Żona odpowiada, że trochę mięsa. - Mąż proponuje, że pójdzie do sklepu mięsnego. Pyta, czy coś jeszcze. - Żona mówi, że tak - potrzeba jeszcze trochę owoców. Proponuje, że pójdzie do sklepu warzywnego. - Mąż pyta czy to wszystko. - Żona mówi, że nie - potrzeba trochę chleba. - Mąż proponuje, że pójdzie do piekarni. Unit 43: I want, I need I'd like ... Why?: Dlaczego? need to (buy): potrzebować (kupić) want to (buy): chcieć (kupić) want: chcieć What would you like?: Co byś chciał? (she) would like: (ona) by chciała we'd like: chcielibyśmy Yes, please: Tak, proszę No thanks/ No, thank you: Nie dziękuję (some) chicken: (trochę) kurczaka (a) vegetable: warzywo green beans: zielona fasola (a) chocolate: czekolada (some) soup: (trochę) zupy Dokąd idziesz? John wychodzi z domu. Żona pyta go dokąd idzie. - Where are you going? - To the post office. - Why? - I need to buy some stamps. - Where are you going? - To the paper shop. - Why? - I want to buy a paper. W restauracji Kelner przyjmuje zamówienie. - Good evening. What would you like? - I'd like fish, please. And my wife would like chicken. - Certainly. Would you like any vegetables? - Yes, please. We'd like some green beans. Może czekoladę? - Would you like a chocolate? (Would you like...? Czy chciałbyś.) - No, thanks. - Do you like chocolates? Do you like...? Czy lubisz...? - No, I don't. need, want "need" znaczy, "potrzebować": I need some stamps. "want" znaczy, "chcieć": I want a new car. Do (you, they) (need a key? want any sugar?) Does (he, she) (need a key? want any sugar?) Yes (I, we, they) do. No (I, we, they) don't. Yes (he, she) does. No (he, she) doesn't. I need to (buy some stamps. go to the doctor's.) I want to (buy that house. go to the cinema.) would like Przypuśćmy, że jesteśmy z grupą znajomych i mówimy o tym, co robić dziś wieczorem. Byłoby dość nieprzyjemnie powiedzieć "I want to go to the cinema". Lepiej użyć wyrażenia "would like": I would like to go to the cinema. W języku mówionym "would" często skraca się do "d": I'd, we'd, he'd, she'd, they'd Uwaga! "would" nie skraca się po wyrażeniach typu: John, my husband, our friends. (We, He, She, They)'d like to (watch that programme. go to India. live in London.) (John, Our friends) would like to (watch that programme. go to India. live in London.) "would like" używane jest często przez kelnerów, sprzedawców, itd. - What would you like (to eat)? - I'd like chicken, please. Przeciwieństwem "I'd like" jest "I don't want". - Would you like any soup? - Yes, please. I'd like some. - No, thank you. I don't want any. do you like?, would you like? What fruit do you like?: Pytanie o to, co kto lubi. What fruit would you like?: Pytanie o to, co ktoś by chciał. 43.1 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenia. 1. Kelner do klienta: What do you want?/ What would you like? 2. Mąż do żony - chce wyrzucić jej starą książkę: Do you want this book?/ Would you like this book? 3. Chcesz komuś podarować książkę: Do you want this book?/ Would you like this book? 4. Ktoś do gościa: Would you like some sugar?/ Do you want some sugar? 5. Konsument w restauracji: I want some soup./ I'd like some soup. 6. Złodziej w banku: I want the money./ I'd like the money. 7. O programie telewizyjnym: I want to watch the news./ I'd like to watch the news. 8. Jesteś u kogoś. Mówisz o tym, co chcesz oglądać: I want to watch the news./ I'd like to watch the news. 9. Zapraszasz kogoś, kogo nie znasz zbyt dobrze: Do you want to visit us?/ Would you like to visit us? 43.2 Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj "do" albo "are". 1. Where ... you? What ... you doing? 2. What ... you want? 3. ... you need any money? 4. Who ... you phoning? 5. ... you want to buy a ticket? 6. What ... you need to buy? 7. What ... you buying? 43.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenia. 1. Would you like any soup? No, please./ thank you. We don't want any. 2. A chocolate? Yes, I'd like one, please./ thanks. 3. Would you like any fruit? Yes, please./ thank you. We'd like some oranges. 4. Would you like fish? No, we don't want any, please./ thank you. 43.4 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenia. 1. What TV programmes do you/ would you like? I like/ I'd like sports programmes and films. 2. What vegetables do you/ would you like? I like/ I'd like some green beans, please. 3. Do you/ Would you like a piece of cake? Yes, please. I like/ I'd like a small piece. 4. Do you / Would you like pop music? Yes. I like/ I'd like it very much. 5. What do you/ would you like to drink? I like/ I'd like a cup of tea, please. 6. Which sports do you/ would you like? I'd like/ I like football and tennis. 43.5 Uzupełnij odpowiedzi. 1. Would you like a cigarette? No, I ... 2. Would you like a chocolate? Yes, I ... 3. Would you like any soup? Yes, we ... 4. Would you like any coffee? No, we ... 5. Would your son like any vegetables? Yes, he ... green beans 6. Would your son like any biscuits? No, he ... 43.6 Chcesz zamówić coś w restauracji. Uzupełnij dialog. Użyj: soup, fish, chicken, green beans - Good evening. Would you like any soup? - Yes, ... We ... - Then what would you like? - I ... - My friend. - Certainly. Would you like any vegetables? - Yes, ... We ... `ss Unit 44: Going up! First floor, second floor, third floor. first: pierwszy second: drugi third: trzeci fourth: czwarty fifth: piąty sixth: szósty seventh: siódmy eight: ósmy ninth: dziewiąty tenth: dziesiąty twelfth: dwunasty thirtieth: trzydziesty January: styczeń February: luty March: marzec April: kwiecień May: maj June: czerwiec July: lipiec August: sierpień September: wrzesień October: październik November: listopad attendant: ktoś, kto coś obsługuje floor: podłoga (the) ground floor: parter (the) first floor: pierwsze piętro birthday: urodziny (a) queue: kolejka (a) race: wyścig month: miesiąc W windzie Winda jedzie do góry. Attendant: Ground floor! Going up! ... Which floor? (Going up!: Winda jedzie do góry!) Woman: Third floor, please. Man: Fifth floor, please. Attendant: Right ... First floor ... second floor ... third floor ... this is the third floor. Woman: Thank you. Attendant: Fourth floor ... fifth floor. Man: Thank you. Miesiące Nauczcie się rymowanki ułatwiającej zapamiętanie ile dni ma każdy miesiąc. Thirty days in September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one Except for February alone. Trzydzieści dni we wrześniu kwietniu, czerwcu i listopadzie. Cała reszta ma trzydzieści jeden oprócz lutego. Urodziny - When's your birthday, Sue? - September the fifteenth. When's your birthday? In March? - Yes. March the eighth. Urodziny - When's your birthday, Sue? - September the fifteenth. When's your birthday? In March? - Yes. March the eighth. Liczebniki porządkowe - Mówiąc o kolejności rzeczy lub ludzi używamy liczebników porządkowych. W większości przypadków liczebniki porządkowe tworzymy dodając "th" do zwykłych liczebników: seventh, tenth, fourteenth Zwróćcie uwagę jak zmienia się pisownia liczebników typu "twenty", "thirty", itp. kiedy dodamy "th": twenty-twentieth, thirty-thirieth Zwróćcie też uwagę na pisownię następujących liczebników porządkowych: fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth Litery "f" w liczebnikach "fifth" i "twelfth" nie są wymawiane. Liczebniki porządkowe można zapisać cyframi: 5th, 8th, 14th, 20th Pierwsze trzy liczebniki porządkowe nie mają końcówki "th". Na przykład, kolejność na mecie wyścigu jest następująca: 1 John Green, 2 John Black, 3 John Grey. Można wówczas powiedzieć: Green is first in the race. Black is second. Grey is third. Liczebniki te zapisujemy: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Piętra - W brytyjskiej odmianie angielskiego parter, to "the ground floor". Kolejne piętra, to "the first floor" ... itd. W amerykańskiej odmianie angielskiego, parter, to "the first floor". Daty Podając daty używamy liczebników porządkowych. Trzeci czerwca, to: "June the third" Dziesiąty lipca, to: "July the tenth" Zwróćcie uwagę na daty pomiędzy "the twentieth" i "the thirtieth": the twenty-first the twenty-second the twenty-third the twenty-fourth the twenty-fifth the twenty-sixth itd. itd. Zamiast mówić "June the third", możemy też powiedzieć "the third of June". November the fifth - the fifth of November August the tenth - the tenth of August May the fifteenth - the fifteenth of May Daty zapisujemy w następujący sposób: June 3rd/ 3rd June, November 5th/ 5th November, August 1Oth/ 1Oth August 44.1 Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy na podstawie wyników wyścigu. 1. J. Wood 2. R. Park 3. N. Smith 4. G White 5. S. Green 1. S. Green was (fifth) 2. R. Park was ... 3. N. Smith was ... 4. J. Wood was ... 5. G. White was ... 44.2 Zapisz liczebniki słownie. 3rd, 6th, 1Oth, 1st, 8th, 5th, 17th, 9th, 20th, 15th, 30th, 12th, 24th, 22nd 44.3 Zapisz nazwy miesięcy. 1. the seventh month: (July) 2. the tenth month: ... 3. the fourth month: ... 4. the eleventh month: ... 5. the sixth month: ... 6. the first month: ... 7. the third month: ... 8. the ninth month: ... 44.4 Zapisz brakujące nazwy miesięcy. July, (August), September, ... November, ... January, February, ... April, ... June, ... August, ... , October, ..., December, ..., ..., March. 44.5 Odpowiedz na pytania na podstawie planu domu towarowego. 3 - Televisions Radios Coats (women's) Coats (men's) Bags and cases 2 - Tables Chairs Cupboards Beds Skirts Blouses 1 - Men's wear Books Clocks and watches Records Chocolates Shoes G - Cups Plates Kitchen knives Glasses Vases Tea and coffee 1. Where are the shoes? (On the first floor) 2. Where are the women's coats? ... 3. Where are the glasses? ... 4. Where are the beds? ... 44.6 Zapisz daty słownie 1) 1 May, 2) 20 June, 3) 16 July, 4) 23 May, 5) 12 June, 6) 27 July. 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... 44.7 Zapisz daty słownie. 1. Aug. 21st 2. Apr. 13th 3. Dec. 3rd 4. Mar. 30th 5. Feb. 28th 6. Oct. 9th 7. Jan. 12th 8. Sep. 16th 1. ... 5. ... 2. ... 6. ... 3. ... 7. ... 4. ... 8. ... 44.8 Zapisz daty liczbami i słownie. 1. Aktualna data 2. Najbliższy piątek 3. Twoje urodziny Unit 45: I'm going to be a doctor. study: studiować medicine: madycyna (I'm) going to: zamierzać show: pokazać (np. film) in (January): w (styczniu) Italian: włoski French: francuski fly: latać Plany na przyszłość Dwoje studentów mówi o swoich planach na przyszłość. - What are you studying? - Medicine. - And what are you going to do? - I'm going to work in a hospital. I'm going to be a doctor. What are you studying? - I'm studding music. I'm going to be a singer. Co będzie w kinie Kierownik kina ogłasza program. - We are going to show a lot of good films this year. In January, we're going to show Italian films. Then in March, we're going to show British films. In April, we're going to show Australian films, and in June we're going to show French films. - What British films are you going to show? - Er ... let me see. On March the fourth, we're going to show "The Third Man." Then on the sixth, we're going to show "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning"; and on the eighth, we're going to show "Henry V". ("Henry V" - mówimy "Henry the fifth"). going to Wyrażenia "going to" używamy mówiąc o czymś, co już zdecydowaliśmy się zrobić, czy jutro, czy za dwadzieścia lat. (I am, We are, He/ She is) going to (write a letter. buy a camera. watch TV. work in a hospital. study English.) Zwróćcie uwagę na użycie wyrazu "be" (być). Porównajcie: Now - In the future I am a doctor. - I am going to be a doctor. I am in London. - I am going to be in London. Godziny i daty I'm going to meet him (at ten o'clock. on Tuesday. on Tuesday afternoon. in the afternoon. on August the fourth.) Pisownia Porównaj pisownię. I am going to watch TV. - I am watching TV. ( W wyrazie "watch" - bez zmian) I am going to drive to London. - I am driving to London. (drive/ driving) The car is going to stop. - The car is stopping. (stop/ stopping) 45.1 Uzupełnij wyrażenia. Użyj: in, on, at. 1. ... Sunday 2. ... August 3. ... the morning 4. ... June the tenth 5. ... six o'clock 6. ... Friday 7. ... Tuesday, May the sixth 8. ... March 9. ... night 10. ... the fifteenth of July 11. ... half past nine 12. ... Wednesday 13. ... April the third 14. ... October 15. ... the afternoon 45.2 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. We are going to meet/ meeting some friends. 2. They are speak/ speaking English. 3. What are you going to buy?/ buying? 4. I am going to cook/ cooking some fish. 5. My two sons work/ working in a bank. 6. What are you carry/ carrying in that bag? 7. What is she going to wear/ wearing at the wedding? 45.3 Zapisz brakujące zdania. Użyj "going to". 1. It is 7.30. (I am going to write a letter.) It is 7.45. I am writing a letter. 2. It is 8.15 ... It is 8.30. I am driving to the office. 3. It is 12.55 ... It is 1.00. I am eating some fruit. 4. It is 8.55 ... It is 9.00. They are watching TV. 5. It is 10.25 ... It is 10.30. He is phoning Mr Green. 6. It is 11.55 ... It is 12.00. The driver is stopping. 7. It is 2.55 ... It is 3.00. We are playing tennis. 8. It is June ... It is December. She is working in a bank. 45.4 Odpowiedz na pytania. Użyj słówek, które znasz. 1. Why do you need a pen? (I'm going to write a letter.) 2. Why do you need your glasses? ... 3. Why do you need a knife and fork? ... 4. Why do you need some hot water? ... 5. Why do you need your passport? ... 6. Why do you need fifty pounds? ... 45.5 Wybierz prawidłową pisownię. 1. He is (drive/ driv)ing to the factory. Then he is going to (driv/ drive) to the station. 2. The car is going to (stop/ stopp). Now it is (stop/ stopp)ing. 3. Are you (phon/ phone)ing Peter? No, I am going to (phon/ phone) him on Saturday. 4. He is (close/ clos)ing the door. But he is not going to (close/ clos) the windows. 45.6 Opisz plan podróży służbowej. Użyj: She is going to be in ... She is going to fly to ... She is going to visit ... She is going to meet ... Monday 12 - 10.00 To Delhi Tuesday 13 - In Delhi. Visit factory. Wednesday 14 - 9.15 To Hong Kong. 4.00 Meet Mr Chan. Thursday 15 - In Hong Kong. Visit new office there. On Monday, she ... On Tuesday, ... On Wednesday, ... On Thursday, ... Unit 46: What is my diary? (an) hour: godzina (60 minut) (a) week: tydzień (a) year: rok this afternoon: dziś po południu tomorrow: jutro tomorrow morning: jutro rano day after tomorrow: pojutrze next week: w przyszłym tygodniu in a week: za tydzień diary: terminarz holiday: święto, wakacje have a holiday: mieć dzień wolny od pracy Thailand: Tajlandia how long?: Jak długo? stay: pozostać Jones: nazwisko Plany na przyszły tydzień Pewien businessman jest tak zajęty, że chce by sekretarka przypominała mu, co ma zrobić w przyszłym tygodniu. - Miss Jones? - Yes, Mr Wood? - What's in my diary? - Well, today, that's Monday the twenty-first, you're going to meet Mr Green. - When? - At three o'clock this afternoon. - Right. And tomorrow? - Tomorrow morning you're going to fly to New York. - Er, New York? - You're going to be in New York the day after tomorrow. Wakacje - Are you having a holiday (Czy jedziecie na wakacje?) this year? - Yes, we are. - Are are you going? (Dokąd jedziecie?) - To Thailand. - Thailand! And how long are you staying there? - Three weeks. - And when are you going? (Kiedy jedziecie?) - Next month. - Lucky you ! (Macie szczęście!) - What about you? - We're having a holiday next week. - Oh. Where are you going? - Er ... to my mother's. - Really? How long are you staying there? - A month. Teraźniejszość i przyszłość Teraz - W przyszłości today - tomorrow; the day after tomorrow this morning - tomorrow morning this afternoon - tomorrow afternoon this evening - tomorrow evening this week - next week this month - next month this year - next year now - in an hour; in three hours; in a week/ month/ year. next week, in a week today: Monday - 10 - March this week: Sunday 9th - Saturday 15th March next week: Sunday 16th - Saturday 22nd March this month: March next month: April in a week: Monday 17th March in a month: 10th April Plany na przyszłość Umiemy już mówić o rzeczach, które zdecydowaliśmy się robić: I am going to buy a car. Można to powiedzieć w prostszy sposób jeżeli coś zostało już zaaranżowane. Na przykład, podróż czy wakacje, na które zarezerwowaliśmy już bilety, hotel, itd.: I am flying to America tomorrow. I am going to Thailand in June. zamiast: I am going to fly to America. I am going to go to Thailand. Kilka pytań dotyczących planów podróży: Where are you going? When are you going? How long are you staying? Wymowa Litery "h" w wyrazie "hour" nie wymawia się. Dlatego przed "hour" używamy "an" (a nie "a"). 46.1 Napisz jaki to okres czasu. 1. 7th July - 14th July (a week) 2. 1988 - 1990 ... 3. 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. ... 4. March 3rd - May 3rd 5. 12.00 p.m. Tuesday - 12.00 p.m. Friday ... 6. 3.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. ... 46.2 Odpowiedz na pytania. 1. Tomorrow is Friday. What is today? ... 2. Today is Tuesday. What is tomorrow? ... 3. This month is July. What is next month? ... 4. Next month is April. What is this month? ... 5. Today is Thursday. What is the day after tomorrow? ... 6. Next year is 1993. What is this year? ... 7. This week is from Sunday 3rd to Saturday 9th. What is next week? ... 46.3 Zegar i kalendarz określają czas i dzisiejszą datę. Zapisz która godzina lub jaka data będzie: 8 June - godzina 16.00 1. in a month 2. in an hour 3. in a week 4. in five hours 5. in two months 6. in three weeks 1. July the eight 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... 46.4 Załóżmy, że dzisiaj jest poniedziałek, 3 marca: Kiedy będzie: 1. Friday, March 7th (in four days) 2. April 3rd ... 3. Wednesday, March 5th ... 4. Monday, March 1Oth ... 5. Thursday, March 6th ... 6. July 3rd ... 7. Tuesday, March 4th ... 8. Monday, March 24th ... 46.5 Zapisz brakujące wyrazy. Użyj "in" lub "on". Gdzie nie brakuje wyrazu, zapisz "- ". 1. I am meeting him ... a week. 2. I am flying there ... tomorrow. 3. I am phoning John ... this afternoon. 4. I am going to London ... Monday. 5. I am visiting them ... two days. 6. I am arriving ... Tuesday afternoon. 7. I am leaving ... tomorrow morning. 8. I am going to a party ... three hours. 9. I am having a holiday ... next month. 10. I am meeting him ... May the fifth. 46.6 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenia. 1. Zdecydowałeś się zadzwonić do Anne. Powiesz: I'm phoning Anne./ I'm going to phone Anne. 2. Zaplanowałeś podróż do Londynu. Powiesz: I'm going to London tomorrow./ I'm going to go to London tomorrow. 3. Mówisz o planach, które poczyniłeś na przyszły rok. Powiesz: I'm going to study English next year./ I'm studying English next year. 4. Zdecydowałeś się napisać list. Powiesz: I'm writing a letter./ I'm going to write a letter. 46.7 Wybierz właściwe wyrażenia. 1. How long is the film? Two hours./ Twenty kilometres. 2. How far is the hotel? Two hours./ Twenty kilometres. 3. How far/ How long is London? It is quite near. 4. How far/ How long is the programme? An hour. 46.8 Zapisz dialogi o planach podróży. 1. - Znajomy mówi, że zaplanował podróż do Warszawy. - Okazujesz zainteresowanie i pytasz kiedy przyjedzie. - Znajomy mówi, że za trzy tygodnie. - Pytasz dlaczego przyjedzie. - Mówi, że będzie pracował. - Pytasz jak długo zostanie. - Mówi, że dwa miesiące. 2. - Mówisz znajomej, że jedziesz do Anglii. - Ona okazuje zainteresowanie i pyta: Dlaczego? - Mówisz, że będziesz się uczył tam angielskiego. - Znajoma pyta jak długo zostaniesz. - Mówisz, że rok. - Znajoma pyta kiedy wyjedziesz. - Mówisz: w przyszłym miesiącu. - Znajoma mówi: Masz szczęście! Unit 47: Stand up ... sit down. in: w out: z come in: wejść go out: wyjść breathe in: wdychać the out: wydychać down: w dół up: do góry sit down: usiąść stand up: wstać lie down: położyć się turn down: ściszyć (np. TV) turn up: pogłośnić (TV) off: wyłączony on: włączony take off: zdjąć (ubranie) put on: założyć (ubranie) turn off: wyłączyć się turn on: włączyć a pain: ból have a pain in: mieć ból w ... back: plecy stomach: brzuch light: światło tap: kran fire: kominek, ogrzewanie U lekarza - Come in! ... Ah Mr Jones. (Dźwięk sugerujący "oczekiwałem Ciebie". - Good morning ... Sit down. - Thank you. - What's the matter? (Co się stało?) - I have a pain in my back. - Your back? Right. Stand up, would you? (would you?: Dodajmy "please" - będzie bardziej uprzejmie.) Breathe in ... breathe out ... in ... out ... Thank you. Now take off your shoes. Take off your shirt. And lie down here ... Right ... Thank you. Put on your shoes. Put on your shirt. Then come and sit down. Zrób coś dla mnie Żona bez przerwy prosi męża o różne rzeczy podczas gdy on chce czytać gazetę. - John? - Yes? - Could you turn on the TV? - All right. - John? ... John? - Yes? - Could you turn off the light? - OK. - John, it's cold in here. Could you turn on the fire? (turn on the fire: włączyć elektryczny lub gazowy kominek) - All right. - John ... could you turn up the TV? - Yes. (He turns it up very loud) - John! Please turn it down! Czasowniki składające się z dwóch wyrazów W angielskim jest wiele takich czasowników. Czasami łatwo domyślić się co oznaczają jeżeli znamy znaczenie obu wyrazów. Na przykład: "in" znaczy, "w" "out" znaczy, "z" Stąd: "come in" (wejść) "go out" (wyjść) "up" znaczy, "do góry" "down" znaczy "w dół!" Stąd: "go up" (iść w górę) "go down" (iść w dół) sit down/ stand up Porównaj: I am sitting. (Siedzę) I am sitting down. (Siadam) I am standing. (Stoję) I am standing up. (Wstaję) on/ off Te wyrazy mają dwa znaczenia: 1. on: włączony The light is on. (Światło jest włączone) off: wyłączony The light is off (Światło jest wyłączone) W tym znaczeniu "on" i "off" używane są często z "turn". Please turn (off, on) the (tap. television. radio.) 2. on: na of: z Często mówimy: put on (założyć ubranie) take off (zdjąć ubranie) I am putting on my coat. I am taking off my coat. Boli mnie I have a pain in my (back. stomach. leg) My (back, stomach, leg) hurts. 47.1 Zapisz polecenie dla każdego rysunku. Użyj: out, down, up, in, come, sit, stand, lie, go. 1. iść w górę - go up 2. usiąść na krześle - ... 3. wejść do środka - ... 4. wstać - ... 5. położyć się - ... 6. iść w dół - ... 7. wyjść - ... 47.2 Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy. Użyj: take, turn, put. 1. Please ... off the lights. 2. Could you ... on the radio? 3. Please ... off your shoes. 4. I am going to ... on a coat. 5. Could you ... on that tap? 47.3 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. 1. That is the end of the programme. Could you turn out/ in/ up/ off the television? 2. I need some water. Could you turn on/ off/ in/ down the tap? 3. I am cold. I am going to put on/ up/ off a jacket. 4. I want to read. Could you turn up/ off/ in/ on the light? 5. I am hot. I am going to take out/ up/ off/ on my jacket. 6. It is very hot here. Could you turn on/ off/ in/ up the fire? 47.4 Peter mówi o tym, co robi kiedy wraca do domu z pracy. Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy. Well, I open the front door, and go ... Then I take ... my shoes. I take ... my jacket. I go to the kitchen and make a cup of tea. I turn ... the radio. Then I sit ... Then I sit ... and drink my tea. At seven o'clock, I turn ... the radio and turn ... the TV. I watch the news. I eat at eight o'clock. At half past ten, I turn ... the light and go to bed. 47.5 Napisz zdania, w których poprosisz kogoś o coś. 1. Chcesz posłuchać radia. ( Could you turn on the radio?) 2. Z kranu kapie woda. ... 3. Znajomi mają brudne buty. ... 4. Chcesz, żeby ktoś założył płaszcz. ... 5. Telewizor gra zbyt cicho. ... 6. Jest ciemno w pokoju. ... 47.6 Zapisz rozmowę pomiędzy Tobą, a Twoim lekarzem. - Lekarz mówi, żebyś wszedł. Prosi, żebyś usiadł. Pyta co Ci dolega. - Mówisz, że boli Cię brzuch. - Doktor prosi, żebyś zdjął płaszcz i buty, i położył się. Mówi, żebyś zrobił wdech i wydech. Mówi, żebyś wstał i założył buty. Unit 48: You can't turn left. You must go straight on. I can: mogę, potrafię I can't/ cannot: nie mogę, nie potrafię reach: dosięgnąć shelf: półka next to: obok must: musieć mustn't/ must not: nie wolno straight on: prosto turn (into a street): skręcić (w ulicę) (a) sign: znak put out: zgasić swim: pływać take photos: robić zdjęcia Czy możesz dosięgnąć? John pomaga pewnej pani sięgnąć po książkę. - Oh dear! I can't reach that book. - Where? - There. On the top shelf. Can you reach it? - No ... no, I can't. Just a moment. - Yes, I can. I can just reach it. (Ledwo mogę dosięgnąć.) (Dosięga kilku książek i spada z krzesła) Well, here you are. - Oh, that isn't it. I don't want that book. - I want the red one next to it. Nauka jazdy Zdenerwowany kursant prosi instruktora o rady. - Oh dear! I want to turn left. Can I turn here? - No, you can't. - Can I turn here? - No, you can't. You must go straight on. - Where can I turn? Can I turn here? - Yes, you can. You can turn into this street. W samolocie Stewardessa prosi pasażera, żeby nie palił. - Excuse me? - Yes? - You mustn't smoke. - Sorry? - The no-smoking sign is on. You must put out your cigarette. can Najbardziej popularne znaczenie "I can",to "umiem, potrafię". Przeciwieństwem jest "I cannot". (I; My brother; We; My friends) (can; can't) (reach that shelf. swim. speak English. drive.) W języku mówionym "cannot" skraca się często do "can't". Zwróćmy uwagę na to, jak tworzymy pytania: Can (you; your brother; they; your friends) (reach that shelf? swim? speak English? drive?) "I can" znaczy również "Mogę, wolno mi". Can (I; we) (read this? turn left here? stop here?) Yes you can (read this. turn left here. stop here.) No, you can't (read this. turn left here. stop here.) "You must" zwykle znaczy, "Musisz". "Must not" znaczy, "nie wolno". You must (stop. turn right. put out your cigarette.) You must not (go. turn left. smoke.) W języku mówionym "must not" często skraca się do "mustn't". Pierwsze "t" nie jest wymawiane. Zwróćmy uwagę na to, jak tworzymy pytania: Must I (stop? turn right? put out my cigarette?) Krótkie odpowiedzi Jeżeli ktoś pyta "Can you swim?", nie trzeba powtarzać wyrazu "swim" w odpowiedzi (Yes, I can swim./ No, I can't swim.). Zwykle mówimy: Yes, I can. No, I can't. To samo dotyczy "must". Yes, you must. No, you mustn't. 48.1 Napisz, co oznaczają światła uliczne. Użyj: can, must, must not, stop, go, wait. 1. a red light: You ... You ... 2. an orange light: You ... 3. a green light: You ... 48.2 Napisz, co znaczą poniższe znaki. Użyj: must, must not, stop, turn left, turn right, wait, take photos, smoke, wash it. 1. (Zakaz skrętu w prawo) You must not turn right. 2. Nakaz zatrzymania się ... 3. Zakaz palenia ... 4. Nakaz skrętu w lewo ... 5. Zakaz postoju ... 6. Zakaz fotografowania ... 7. Zakaz prania tego ... 8. Nakaz skrętu w prawo ... 48.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. They want sell/ to sell their car. 2. He cannot reach/ to reach the top shelf. 3. We are going play/ to play tennis. 4. I would like watch/ to watch a programme on TV. 5. You must not open/ to open this box. 6. Can I turn/ to turn left here? 7. Do we need buy/ to buy any bread? 8. Must I put out/ to put out my cigarette? 9. When are you going be/ to be in Cairo? 10. I cannot speak/ to speak English, but my son can. 48.4 Napisz słownie, co oznaczają poniższe znaki. Podane wyrazy powinny Ci pomóc: no, swim, talk, smoke, stop. 1. zakaz palenia 2. zakaz zatrzymywania 3. zakaz pływania 4. zakaz rozmawiania 48.5 Napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi: 1. ... I ...? Yes, you can smoke here. 2. ... we ...? Yes, we must turn left. 3. ... you ...? Yes, I can reach the book. 4. ...? Yes, she must show her passport. 5. ...? Yes, they must buy tickets. 6. ...? Yes, he can go in. 48.6 Napisz właściwe wyrażenia. 1 - Excuse me? Must I/ Can I smoke? - No, you don't./ can't. - Oh dear. Can I/ Must I put out my cigarette? - Yes, you must./ do. 2. - Excuse me? Can I/ Must I wear my shoes here? - No, you can't./ don't. - Oh dear. Must I/ Can I take off my shoes? - Yes, you do./ must. 48.7 Odpowiedz we własnym imieniu. Użyj krótkich odpowiedzi 1. Can you swim? ... 2. Can you drive a car? ... 3. Can you fly a plane? ... 4. Can you cook? ... 5. Can you speak English? ... 6. Can you play tennis? ... 48.8 Napisz dialog. Lekarz udziela rad pacjentowi. - Pacjent pyta co musi zrobić (What must I do?). - Lekarz twierdzi, że pacjent musi się położyć (in bed). Nie wolno mu pracować. - Pacjent pyta, co wolno mu jeść. - Lekarz mówi, że wolno mu jeść owoce i warzywa, ale nie wolno mu spożywać mięsa. - Pacjent pyta, co może pić. - Lekarz mówi, że może pić herbatę, ale nie wolno mu pić kawy. - Pacjent pyta, czy wolno mu czytać. - Lekarz mówi, że nie wolno mu czytać zbyt dużo (too much), ale wolno mu oglądać telewizję. - Pacjent pyta, czy musi brać (take) jakieś lekarstwa. - Lekarz mówi, że tak. Daje pacjentowi lekarstwo. - Mówi, że pacjent musi brać lekarstwo o godzinie ósmej rano, o drugiej po południu i o ósmej wieczorem. Unit 49: Where were you last night. yesterday: wczoraj the day before yesterday: przedwczoraj yesterday morning: wczoraj rano a week/ a month/ a year ago: tydzień/ miesiąc/ rok temu last: ostatni, zeszły last Monday/ June: w zeszły poniedziałek / w zeszłym roku w czerwcu last week/ month/ year: w zeszłym tygodniu/ miesiącu/ roku last night: wczoraj wieczorem I/ he/ she/ was: ja/ on/ ona byłem/ był/ była we/ they were: my byliśmy/ oni byli Where were you?: Gdzie byłeś? at home: w domu at work: w pracy with: z prove: udowodnić date: data policeman: policjant Przesłuchanie Policjant przesłuchuje podejrzanych. - where were you last night? - What time last night? - At ten o'clock. - I was at home. - Who was with you? - My wife. - Were you at home at ten o'clock last night? - No, I wasn't. - Where were you? - I was at the cinema. - Can you prove it? - Yes, a friend was with me. - Were were you at ten o'clock last night? Were you at home? - No, we weren't. - Where were you? - We were in a restaurant. - Can you prove it? - Yes, some friends were with us. Przeszłość i przyszłość Teraz - w przeszłości - w przyszłości today - yesterday - tomorrow today - the day before yesterday - the day after tomorrow this morning - yesterday morning - tomorrow morning this afternoon - yesterday afternoon - tomorrow afternoon this evening - yesterday evening - tomorrow evening tonight - last night - tomorrow night now - four days ago - in four days now - a week ago - in a week now - a month ago - in a month now - two years ago - in two years this week - last week - next week this month - last month - next month this year - last year - next year today (Sunday) - last Sunday - next Sunday this month (June) - last June - next June was, were (I; He; My friend; Sue) was (at home. at the cinema. at work. in London.) (We; They; My friends; Sue and Tom) were (at home. at the cinema. at work. in London.) Pytania tworzymy tak, jak z wyrazami "is", "are", "am": Was (he; your friend; Sue) at home? Were (you; they; your friends) at home? Odpowiedzi przeczące: No, I/ he/ she was not at home. No, we/ they were not at home. W języku mówionym "was not" i "were not" skracamy zwykle do: wasn't, weren't Krótkie odpowiedzi: Was he at home? Yes, he was./ No, he wasn't. Were they at home? Yes, they were./ No, they weren't. at home, at work Z wyrazami "work" czy "home" nie używamy na ogół "the". Mówimy: at home, at work Jechać do pracy to "go to work" I go to work by bus. 49.1 Na kartce z kalendarza jest dzisiejsza data. Zapisz poniższe daty. Monday - 23 - April 1. the day before yesterday (April 21st) 2. a week ago ... 3. a month ago ... 4. five days ago ... 5. last Friday ... 6. yesterday ... 7. three weeks ago ... 8. four months ago ... 9. in four days ... 10. next Sunday ... 11. the day after tomorrow ... 12. last Wednesday ... 49.2 Dzisiaj jest siedemnasty, Napisz o dniach oznaczonych liczbami. Sat 10 - (9) Sun 11 - (7) Mon 12 Tue 13 - (5) Wed 14 - (10) Thurs 15 - (4) Fri 16 - (2) Sat 17 - (Today) Sun 18 - (1) Mon 19 - (3) Tue 20 - (6) Wed 21 - (8) Thurs 22 Fri 23 1. (tomorrow) 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... / ... days ... 6. ... / ... days 7. ... / ... days ... 8. ... Wednesday/ ... days 9. ... Saturday/ ... week ... 10. ... Wednesday/ ... days ... 49.3 Odpowiedz na pytania podając datę. 1. Today is August 12th. What was the date four days ago? ... 2. Today is October 19th. What is the date in six days? ... 3. Today is February 7th. What was the date a month ago? ... 4. Today is May 23rd. What is the date the day after tomorrow? ... 5. Today is April 14th. What was the date a week ago? ... 6. Today is Tuesday, July 8th. What was the date last Saturday? ... 7. This year is 1992. What was last year? What is next year? ... 8. Today is March 30th. What was the date three weeks ago? ... 9. Today is June 3rd. What was the date the day before yesterday? ... 10. It is half past five. What was the time three hours ago? ... 11. This week is May 5th to May 11th. What was last week? ... 49.4 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. Where was/ were you yesterday afternoon? 2. My friends was/ were with me. 3. My husband was/ were in a restaurant. 4. I was/ were at work. 5. We was/ were at home. 6. Anne was/ were at the dentist's. 7. John and Pat was/ were in New York. 49.5 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. Policeman: Where were you at ten o'clock last/ yesterday night? Were you at home?/ the home? Man: No, I wasn't./ don't. I was/ were at the cinema. Policeman: Who was/ were with you? Man: My wife was/ were with me./ I. 2. Policeman: Where were you at two o'clock yesterday/ last afternoon? Were you at the work?/ work? Two men: No, we don't./ weren't. We was/ were in a restaurant. Policeman: Who was/ were with you? Two men: Some friends was/ were with we./ us. 49.6 Napisz zdania o trasie turystycznej. May 10th - 13th Japan May 14th - 16th China May 17th - 18th Hong Kong May 19th - 22nd Thailand Today is Friday, May 23rd. The day before yesterday, they ... in ... . A week ago, they ... Ten days ago, they ... . Last Sunday, they ... Unit 50: He painted this picture in 1948. by (Picasso): (namalowane) przez (Picassa) born: urodził się die: umrzeć Spain: Hiszpania France: Francja until: do eighteen eighty-one: rok 1881 nineteen-0-four: rok 1904 nineteen seventy-three: rok 1973 paint: malować I didn't hear: nie słyszałem hear: słyszeć job: praca Picasso, Dickens: nazwiska W galerii Przewodnik pokazuje grupie turystów obrazy Picassa. Jeden z turystów słabo słyszy. - These pictures are by Picasso. Picasso was born in Spain in eighteen eighty-one. He lived in Spain until nineteen-O-four, and then he lived in France. He died in nineteen seventy-three. ... Now, the pictures. Picasso painted this picture in nineteen forty-eight. He painted this in nineteen fifty-two; and he painted this in nineteen fifty-six. - Very interesting. Very interesting. I'm sorry I didn't hear ... did Picasso paint this one in nineteen thirty-eight? - No, in nineteen forty-eight. - Ah, nineteen forty-eight. And this one. Did he paint it in nineteen sixty-two? - No, he painted it in nineteen fifty-two. Mówimy o przeszłości Codziennie: (I; We; They) (live; work). (He; She) (lives; works) W przeszłości: (I; We; They; He; She) (lived; worked) Mówiąc o przeszłości, do wielu czasowników dodajemy końcówkę "-ed". Do czasowników, które kończą się na "e" (np. live), dodajemy tylko "d". Uwaga: carry - I carried, study - I studied Czasami "d" lub "ed" wymawiamy jak literę "d": lived, arrived, turned, opened, cleaned, listened, phoned, closed, reached, weighed, stayed, died. Czasami, jak literę "t": worked, looked, cooked, liked, guessed, washed, watched. Czasami, gdy czasownik kończy się na "t" lub "d", końcówkę wymawiamy "id": want/ wanted, paint/ painted, wait/ waited, visit/ visited, need/ needed. Pytania o przeszłość Did (you; he/ she; they) (work in Spain? live in France? visit John?) Lata 1990 - nineteen ninety 1904 - nineteen hundred and four; nineteen-O-four 1846 - eighteen forty-six 1900 - nineteen hundred be born, die "Urodził się", to po angielsku: "He was born". "Umarł, to: He died." by - wyrazu "by" używamy w stronie biernej, np. "Książka napisana przez... " czy "obraz namalowany przez...": This book is by Dickens. This picture is by Picasso. Korygujemy fakty Gdy poprawiamy kogoś, kto pomylił fakty, akcentujemy zwykle tylko tę część zdania, która była błędna. - Did he die in nineteen thirty-eight? - No, he died in nineteen twenty-eight. - Did he die in eighteen twenty-eight? - No, he died in nineteen twenty-eight. - Was he born in nineteen twenty-eight? - No, he died in nineteen twenty-eight. 50.1 Zapisz słownie 1983 ... 1396 ... 1991 ... 1414 ... 1908 ... 1762 ... 1853 ... 1600 ... 50.2 Uzupełnij odpowiednimi wyrazami. Użyj: on, at, in. 1. ... 1984 2. ... Monday 3. ... June 4. ... the morning 5. ... four o'clock 6. ... November the third 7. ... night 8. ... nineteen forty-three 50.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy - Where do you live? - I live/ lived in London. But from 1985 to 1987, I live/ lived in America. - Where in America? - I live/ lived in New York. I work/ worked in a bank there. - Where do you work now? - I work/ worked in a bank in London. 50.4 Przeczytaj pytania i odpowiedzi. Następnie podkreśl wyraz, który należy zaakcentować w każdej z odpowiedzi. 1. Did he paint it in nineteen fifty-three? No, he painted it in nineteen forty-three. 2. Was he born in nineteen thirty-five? No, he was born in eighteen thirty-five. 3. Did she die in nineteen eighty-six? No, she died in nineteen eighty-seven. 4. Was he born in nineteen fifty-six? No, he died in nineteen fifty-six. 50.5 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy 1. Did they live/ lived in London? Yes, they live/ lived there from 1986 to 1988. 2. Did this factory opened/ open three years ago? No, it open/ opened four years ago. 3. Did you phone/ phoned Anne yesterday? Yes, I phoned/ phone her. 4. Did you work/ worked in a shop in 1987? No, I work/ worked in a shop in 1986. 5. Did they wait/ waited at the station? No, they wait/ waited at the airport. 6. Did Picasso paint/ painted this picture? Yes, he painted/ paint it in 1952. 50.6 Podkreśl wyrazy, w których końcówkę wymawia się jak "id". waited, worked, phoned, lived, visited, opened, needed, wanted. 50.7 Napisz pytania do odpowiedzi. 1. ... ? Yes, he died in 1973. 2. ... ? Yes, she lived in Spain. 3. ... son? No, they visited their daughter. 4. ... three weeks? No, they stayed two weeks. 5. ... ? Yes, he opened the parcel. 6. ... ? Yes, they wanted to watch TV. 50.8 Uzupełnij tekst o autorze Mony Lisy, Leonardo da Vincim. Mona Lisa 1503 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Italy 1452 - 1516 France 1516-1519 The "Mona Lisa" is ... Leonardo da Vinci. He ... the picture in ... Leonardo in 1452 and ... in 1519. ... Italy ... ... France ... 50.9 Uzupełnij formularz własnymi danymi. Lata napisz cyframi. Następnie napisz tekst o swoim życiu. Użyj: lived, was married, worked, was born, was at ... (school). Born: ... (date) Married: ... (date) Lived in: ... (date) ... (town) from ... to ... ... (town) from ... to .... At ... School from ... to ... First job in: ... (town) from ... to ... Second job in: ... (town) from ... Unit 51: I didn't eat chicken. I ate fish. abroad: zagranica work in films: pracować w filmie the shopping: zakupy bill: rachunek salad: sałatka wine: wino sir: tak sprzedawcy tytułują klientów mężczyzn madam: tak sprzedawcy tytułują klientki went: czas przeszły od, "iść", "jechać" bought: czas przeszły, "kupić" ate: czas przeszły, "jeść" drank: czas przeszły "pić" Tom, Ken: imiona męskie Na przyjęciu David, gospodarz przyjęcia, przedstawia gościa, którego sam niezbyt dobrze zna. David: Anne ... Anne, this is Tom. Ken: My name's Ken. David: Oh, yes, sorry. Anne, this is Ken. Anne: How do you do? Ken: How do you do? David: Ken lived abroad until last year. Anne: Really? Where did you live? David: He lived in Brazil. Anne: Brazil! Really! How interesting! Ken: No. No, I didn't live in Brazil. I lived in America. Anne: And what did you do there? (What did you do?: Co robiłeś?) David: Ken worked in films. Anne: How interesting! You worked in films! Ken: Well, no ... I didn't work in films. I worked in a cinema. Zakupy Roztargniony mąż robił zakupy. - Where's the shopping? - The shopping? - Did you buy the meat? - Oh dear! I didn't. - You didn't buy the meat? - No. - Did you buy the bread? - Um ... no, I didn't. - What did you buy? The milk? - Oh, no, I didn't buy the milk. - Well, what did you buy? - Um ... I bought a paper. And I bought a shirt. Rachunek Kelner wręcza klientowi błędnie podsumowany rachunek. - Your bill, sir. - Thank you ... Excuse me? - Yes, sir? - This isn't my bill. - Yes, it is. Look: table 23. - Yes, but it says "chicken". I didn't eat chicken. (it says: jest napisane na rachunku.) - You didn't? What did you eat? - I ate fish. And look: "salad". I didn't eat a salad. I ate green beans. - I see. (rozumiem.) - And it says "wine". I didn't drink wine. I drank water. - Well, I'm very sorry, sir. Pytania i odpowiedzi o przeszłość Did you work in London? Did you live in Brazil? Did you visit your brother? No, I did not work there. No, I did not live there. No, I did not visit him. I worked in New York. I lived in America. I visited my sister. W języku mówionym "did not" skraca się do "didn't". Najczęściej odpowiadamy krótko: Did you work in London? - Yes, I did. (= Yes, I worked in London.) - No, I didn't. (= No, I didn't work in London.) Pytania o przeszłość: where?, who?, what?, when? (Where; Who; What; When) did (you; he; Pat; yours friends) (stay? visit? cook? arrive?) Czasowniki nieregularne W czasie przeszłym często dodajemy do czasowników końcówkę "ed" lub "d": worked, visited, lived, phoned. Jednak wiele często używanych czasowników w czasie przeszłym ma zupełnie inną formę. Na przykład: codziennie - wczoraj I go ... - I went ... I buy ... - I bought ... I eat ... - I ate ... I drink ... - I drank ... W zdaniach twierdzących używamy "went", "bought", "ate", "drank", ale w pytaniach z "did" i przeczeniach z "didn't" używamy "go", "buy", "eat", "drink". - Did you go to the butcher's? - No, I didn't go to the butcher's. But I went to the baker's. - Did you buy any meat? - No, I didn't buy any meat. But I bought some bread. - Did you eat a salad? - No, I didn't eat a salad. I ate green beans. - Did you drink tea? - No, I didn't drink tea. I drank coffee. 51.1 Wstaw brakujące wyrazy. Użyj: do, does, did 1. Where you live? I live in London. 2. Where ... he work? He worked in a hospital. 3. Who ... they visit? They visited their daughter. 4. What programmes ... she like? She likes films. 5. How long ... they stay? They stayed two weeks. 6. When ... he die? He died in 1982. 7. How ... you go to work? We go by train. 8. What ... you do last night? I went to the cinema. 51.2 Napisz pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. 1. Where ...? She stayed at the Park Hotel. 2. How long ...? They waited two hours. 3. When ... He painted the picture in 1937. 4. Where ...? They worked in a bank. 5. When ...? The train arrived at 8.30. 6. When ...? The shop opened an hour ago. 7. What programme ...? We watched the news. 8. What ...? He wanted to buy a book. 51.3 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy - 1. - Did you live/ lived in France? - No, I didn't live/ lived in France. I live/ lived in Spain. 2. - Did she worked/ work in a school? - No, she didn't worked/ work in a school. She work/ worked in a hospital. 3. - Did he paint/ painted the picture in 1966? - No, he didn't paint/ painted it in 1966. He paint/ painted it in 1956. 4. - Did they wait/ waited at the station? - No, they didn't waited/ wait there. They wait/ waited at the airport. 51.4 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy 1. What did you buy? I bought/ buy/ bird a book. 2. What did you eat? I eat/ it/ ate/ end a cake. 3. What did you drink? I drunk/ drink/ drank tea. 4. Where did you go? I want/ went/ were to the shops. 51.5 Uzupełnij wyrazami z nawiasów. 1. (drank; drink) - Did he ... milk? No, he didn't ... milk. He ... tea. 2. (go; went) - Did they ... to the butcher's? No, they didn't ... there. They to the baker's. 3. (ate; eat) - Did you ... in a restaurant? No, we didn't ... in a restaurant. We ... at home. 4. (bought; buy) - Did she ... a new coat? No, she didn't ... a coat. She ... a skirt. 51.6 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. Wife: Did you buying/ buy/ bought the milk? Husband: Oh dear! I don't./ didn't./ am not. Wife: You didn't buy/ bought/ buying the milk! Did you bought/ buying/ buy the bread? Husband: No, I don't./ didn't./ am not. Wife: What did you bought?/ buy?/ buying? Husband: I bought/ buy/ buying a paper. 2. Waiter: Your bill, sir./ man./ madam. Man: This isn't my bill. It speaks/ says "fish". I didn't eat/ ate fish. Waiter: What do/ did you eat? Man: I eat/ ate chicken, not fish. And look: "green beans". I didn't eat/ ate green beans. I eat/ ate a salad. Waiter: Oh dear! Man: And it says/ speaks "coffee". I didn't drink/ drank coffee. I drink/ drank tea. Waiter: I'm very happy./ sorry./ lucky. 51.7 Napisz dialog o tym, co robiłeś wczoraj wieczorem. - Znajomy Anglik pyta co robiłeś wczoraj wieczorem (What did you do?). - Mówisz, że w kinie grają film "Henry V", chciałeś kupić dwa bilety, ale była długa kolejka. - Znajomy pyta czy kupiłeś bilety. - Mówisz, że nie. Kupiłeś bilety na film "The Third Man". - Znajomy pyta, czy po filmie poszedłeś do restauracji. - Mówisz, że tak. Poszedłeś do chińskiej restauracji. - Znajomy pyta co jadłeś. - Mówisz, że jadłeś kurczaka i rybę. Unit 52: What shall we do this evening? at the weekend: podczas weekendu go out: wyjść Sugestie Mąż i żona chcieliby gdzieś pójść. - Well? What shall we do this evening? (Well?: No to jak?) - Let's go to the cinema. - Oh, let's not. We went to the cinema on Tuesday. - Then ... what about playing tennis? - Oh no. We're going to play tennis at the weekend. - We could go out to a restaurant. - I'd rather not. We ate in a restaurant yesterday evening. - How about driving to your brother's? - Let's not. We're going there on Sunday. - Well then, let's stay at home and watch TV. (Well then: W takim razie.) - Watch TV? Oh no! We watch too much TV. We watched it last night, we watched it the night before ... - Right. You decide. What do you want to do? (You decide: Ty zadecyduj.) - I ... um ... Prośba o sugestię What shall we do?: Co będziemy robić? Where shall we go? Gdzie pójdziemy? Propozycje Let's (go). We could (go). What about (going)? How about (going)? Przyjmowanie propozycji Yes, let's. Yes, why not? Odrzucanie propozycji Let's not. I'd rather not. 52.1 Z dialogu na stronie "Sugestie" wypisz wyrażenia mówiące o tym, co: 1. robili w przeszłości ... 2. robią regularnie ... 3. mają zamiar robić w przyszłości ... 52.2 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. 1. What about go/ going to the cinema? 2. Let's watching/ watch television. 3. How about play/ playing tennis? 4. We could drive/ driving to the shops. 5. Let's open/ opening this parcel. 6. How about sitting/ sit in the garden? 7. We could staying/ stay at the Park Hotel. 52.3 Zaproponuj, żeby ... 1. pójść do teatru; We could ... 2. odwiedzić znajomych; How about ... 3. włączyć radio; What about ... 4. zjeść coś w restauracji; Let's ... 5. pouczyć się angielskiego; How about ... 6. poczytać gazetę; Let's ... 52.4 Poproś o sugestie ... 1. co zjeść; What ... 2. dokąd pójść; .... 3. do kogo zadzwonić ... 4. co obejrzeć w TV (on TV); ... 5. jak długo zostać ... 6. ile wziąć (take) pieniędzy; ... 52.5 Napisz zdania używając odpowiednich form czasowników. On Saturdays - Now - Last Saturday - Next Saturday I work. - I am working - I worked - I am going to work. He phones. - ... - ... I watch TV. - ... - ... They wait. - ... - ... We go out. - ... - ... 52.6 Uzupełnij. Użyj odpowiednich form czasownika "buy" (1-4) i "eat" (5-8). 1. Tomorrow, we ... some tickets. 2. Last week, we ... some new chairs. 3. Look! Anne is in the bookshop. She ... a book. 4. We go to the shops on Saturdays and ... food. 5. John has my chocolates. Look! He ... them! 6. The plates are on the table. We ... in an hour. 7. I ... the tomatoes two days ago. 8. My son likes fruit. He ... a lot. 52.7 Wybierz właściwe wyrazy. - What do/ shall/ are we do this evening? - How about go/ going to the cinema? - I'd like/ rather/ let's not. We go/ are going/ went to the cinema last Tuesday. - We could drive/ driving to your brother's. - Let's no./ not. We go/ are going/ went there next week. 52.8 Napisz dialog po angielsku. - Angielski znajomy prosi, żebyś zaproponował coś na weekend. - Proponujesz, żeby pojechać do Londynu. (let's...) - Znajomy zgadza się i prosi, żebyś zasugerował gdzie się zatrzymać. - Proponujesz hotel. (What about ...?) - Znajomy nie zgadza się i proponuje, żeby zatrzymać się w domu jego brata. (We could ...) - Zgadzasz się i prosisz znajomego, żeby zasugerował jak długo pozostać w Londynie. - Znajomy proponuje dwa dni. (How about...?) - Zgadzasz się i pytasz znajomego kiedy wyjechać? - Znajomy sugeruje wyjazd w piątek wieczorem. (Let's...) - Nie zgadzasz się. Proponujesz sobotę rano. (How about...?) - Znajomy zgadza się. Klucz do ćwiczeń 27. Is there any bread? 27.1. 1 coffee, tea, milk, water; 2 cakes, biscuits; 3 oranges, bananas, tomatoes; 4 fish, meat, eggs. 27.2. 1 a tomato, a biscuit, an orange, an egg, a banana; 2 some meat, some sugar, some bread, some water, some coffee, some butter, some milk. 27.3. 1 a fish 2 some fish 3 a cake 4 some cake. 27.4. 2 There is 3 There is 4 There are 5 There are 6 There is. 27.5. 3 Is there any bread in the bag? No,there is not any bread in it. 4 Are there any tomatoes in the bag? Yes, there are some tomatoes in it. 5 Is there any water in the bag? Yes, there is some water in it. 6 Are there any eggs in the bag? No, there are not any eggs in it. 27.6. 3 There is no bread. 4 There is not any sugar. 5 There are no cakes. 6 There are not any biscuits. 27.7. 1 some-any 2 any-some 3 some-any 4 an-an 5 any-some 27.8. Is there any milk? - No, there isn't./ there isn't any milk./ there's no milk. - Are there any eggs? - No, there aren't./ there aren't any eggs./ There are no eggs. - Is there any bread? - There are some biscuits, and there is some cake, but there isn't any bread./ there is no bread. 28 Which is their bell? 28.1. 1 ones-ones. 2 one-one. 3 one-one. 4 ones-nic 5 one-one. 6 ones-nic 28.2. 1 black.-white. 2 seventeen.-seventy. 3 large-.little 28.3. 1 His 2 Her 3 Our 4 Their 5 His 6 Their 7 Your 28.4. 2 Her case is the small white one. 3 Their case is the large grey one. 4 His case is the small black one. 5 Our cases are the large white ones. 28.5. live-they-their-That one.-one. 28.6. Our coats, please. - Which ones? - Those. The black one and the red one. - Here you are. 28.7. Is this your house? - Yes, it is./ Yes, it's our house. - What are your names? - (We're) Mark and Anne Grey. - Do your children live here? - Yes, they do. - What are their names? - John and Sue. - Does your father live here? - Yes, he does. - What's his name? - Peter. - Does your mother live here? - Yes, she does. - What's her name? - Pam. 29. It doesn't go to London. It goes to York. 29.1. 3 goes to Cairo. 4 comes from New York. 5 comes from Bangkok. 6 goes to Lusaka. 29.2. 3 Does that car come from Turkey? Yes, it does. 4 Does that car come from America? No, it doesn't. It comes from Australia. 5 Does that car come from Nigeria? No, it doesn't. It comes from New Zealand. 6 Does that car come from Egypt? Yes, it does. 29.3. 2 the twelve-fifty train 3 the four-forty-five train 4 the two-O-five train 5 the six-forty bus 6 the one-fifteen bus 29.4. 1 go-go-goes 2 come-comes-come 3 go-goes-go 4 come-come-comes 29.5. 1 at 2 train to-goes from platform 5 -leaves at 3 train to-goes from platform -leaves at 29.6. (Excuse me?) Which is the nine-forty-five train to York? - It's the one/ train at platform 7. - Does it come from London? - No, it doesn't. It comes from Cardiff. - Does it stop at Leeds? - Yes, it does. It arrives there at eleven twenty-five and it leaves at eleven thirty. 30. Do you take sugar? 30.1. go to B by car. - go to C by train. - go to D on foot. - go to E by plane. 30.2. guess-close 30.3. 1 We-I-Those men-Mr and Mrs Black-Three doctors-Peter and Jean 2 Her husband-He-John-Mrs Black 30.4. 1 smoke. 2 smokes. 3 drive. 4 drives. 5 lives 6 live 7 goes 8 go 9 watch 10 watches 30.5. 1 Does-doesn't. 2 Do-don't. 3 Does-doesn't. 4 Do-don't. 5 Do-don't. 6 Does-doesn't. 7 Does-doesn't. 8 Does-doesn't. 30.6. Do-watch-do. -does-watch-watches-do-watch-don't-watch-watch 30.7. Does-does. -works 2 Do-do. -live 3 Does-doesn't.-goes 4 Do-don't.-watch 5 doesnt-goes 6 don't-speak 30.8. Zwróćcie uwagę na zdania przykładowe. Zauważcie: 1 I watch - My husband/ wife/ friend watches 2 work-works 3 go-goes 4 drive-drives 5 smoke-smokes. 31. Do you have any change? 31.1. 1 a light 2 the time 3 any change 31.2. 2 a hundred-dollar note/ bill 3 a five-pound note 4 a twenty-dollar note/ bill 5 a ten-pence piece 6 a fifty-pence piece 7 a twenty-five-cent piece/ coin 8 a pound coin 31.3. 2 Fifty-three per cent have a television. 3 Forty-one per cent have a phone. 4 Sixty-eight per cent have a radio. 5 Eighty-four per cent have a fridge. 31.4. 1 Do you have any bread? Yes, we have some bread. 2 Do you have any milk? Yes, we have some milk. 3 Do you have any sugar? No, we don't have any sugar./ No, we have no sugar. 4 Do you have any tomatoes? No, we don't have any tomatoes./ No, we have no tomatoes. 5 Do you have any eggs? Yes, we have some eggs. 6 Do you have any coffee? No, we don't have any coffee./ No, we have no coffee. 31.5. I/ We have no children/ one child/ two children. - (We have a girl/ two girls and a boy/ two boys.) - (His name is/ Her name is/ Their names are ) - I/ We have a house/ flat in ... I/ We have/ do not have a car. (The number is ...) I/ We have/ do not have a phone. (The number is ...) 32. He has brown hair. 32.1. 2 his right foot 3 his right leg 4 his right arm 5 his hair 6 his left eye 7 his left ear 8 his left hand 32.2. 2 She has long dark hair. She does not have glasses. 3 He has short grey hair. He has glasses. 4 He has short dark hair. He does not have glasses. 5 She has short fair hair. She has glasses. 32.3. 1 has 2 have 3 have 4 has 5 have 6 has 7 have 8 have 9 have 10 has 32.4. 1 have - have 2 have - has 3 have - have 4 have - has 5 have - have 6 have - have 32.5. 1 Imię i nazwisko:... Narodowość:... Kolor oczu:... Kolor włosów:... Włosy: (fair, dark, brown, grey, black) 2 I am from ... X is from ... too./ I am from ..., but X is from ... I have ... eyes. X has ... eyes too./ I have ... eyes, but X has ... eyes. I have ... hair. X has ... hair too./ I have ... hair, but X has ... hair. 33. Hello, I'm Pat's father. 33.1. 2 Anne is Mark's sister. 3 Peter is Mark's uncle. 4 Chris is Mark's son. 5 Alan is Mark's brother. 6 Sue is Mark's daughter. 7 David is Mark's grandfather. 8 John is Mark's father. 9 Rose is Mark's grandmother. 10 Pat is Mark's aunt. 33.2. 1 Pat 2 John 3 Anne 4 Alan 5 Peter 6 Helen 33.3. 2 my uncle's house. 3 John Brown's house. 4 Anne White's house. 5 David and Sue's house. 33.4. 1 friends' 2 son's 3 teachers' 4 aunts' 5 pilot's 6 friend's 33.5. 2 What are your friends' names? What is your wife's name? 3 What are the teachers' names? What is the doctor's name? 4 What is the film star's name? What are the singers' names? 5 What is the man's name? What are the women's names? 33.6. 2 Sue's 3 sister's 4 mother's 5 farmer's 6 Alan's-MrPrice's 33.7. This is ... She's my wife. -He's my husband. -She's my aunt. -He's my brother. -She's my daughter. -He's my uncle. -She's my sister. -He's my son. -He's my wife's brother./ She's my wife's sister. -He's my husband's brother./ She's my husband's sister. -He's my aunt's husband. -She's my brother's wife. -He's my daughter's husband. -She's my uncle's wife. -He's my sister's husband. -She's my son's wife. 34. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ... 34.1. 2 Friday 3 Sunday 4 Saturday 5 Wednesday 6 Tuesday 7 Thursday 34.2. Tuesday 6th Monday 5th Thursday 8th Wednesday 7th Saturday 1Oth Sunday 4th 34.3. 1 on-at 2 at-on 3 on-at 34.4. 2 I'll phone Mrs White. 3 I'll meet Mr Black at two o'clock. 4 Could you please close the window? 5 Could you please meet my brother? 6 I'll open the door. 34.5. 2c 3a 4b 34.6. 1 me 2 them. 3 us 4 her 5 him 6 them 34.7. 1 Could you please phone me at ten o'clock on Tuesday evening? My phone number is 456-2900. 2 Could you please meet Mr Peck at eight o'clock on Wednesday morning? 3 Could you please meet us at four o'clock on Saturday afternoon? 4 Could you please phone Mrs White at eleven o'clock on Thursday morning? Her phone number is 761-8422. 35. We don't eat much fish. We don't eat many eggs. 35.1. 2 a little water 3 a lot of sugar 4 a lot of eggs 5 a little sugar 6 a lot of water 35.2. a few: apples, biscuits, tomatoes a little: sugar, water, tea, meat, butter 35.3. 1 a few 2 a little 3 a little 4 a few 5 many 6 much 7 much 8 many 35.4. 1 many-a lot. 2 much-a lot. 3 much-much. 4 many-many. 35.5. 1 many-a lot of 2 a lot of-much 3 many-a lot of 4 a lot of-much 35.6. 1 Do you eat much meat?-Yes, I eat a lot./ No, I don't eat much./ No, I only eat a little. 2 Do you eat many eggs?-Yes, I eat a lot./ No, I don't eat many./ No, I only eat a few. 3 Do you drink much coffee?-Yes, I drink a lot./ No, I don't drink much./ No, I only drink a little. 4 Do you drink much tea?-Yes, I drink a lot./ No, I don't drink much./ No, I only drink a little. 5 Do you eat much bread?-Yes, I eat a lot./ No,I don't eat much./ No, I only eat a little. 6 Do you eat many biscuits?-Yes, I eat a lot./ No, I don't eat many./ No, I only eat a few. 36. A letter to Japan, a parcel to India. 36.1. 1 weighs 2 costs 3 costs 4 weighs 5 cost 6 cost 36.2. 1 is 2 does 3 does 4 is 5 does 6 is 36.3. 2 It costs five hundred and forty-seven pounds. It costs a lot. 3 It weighs thirty kilos. It weighs a lot. 4 It costs one pound twenty. It does not cost much. It only costs a little. 36.4. much does a letter to... -air-sea-air. -does-weigh-weighs seventy grams. -That's 36.5. much does a parcel to America cost-air-sea-sea.-does-weigh-don't know.-ten-pound- Two pounds twenty/ Here's your 37. What do you do in your spare time? 37.1. 2 g 3 b, i 4 f 5 c 6 e, h 7 j 37.2. 1 the 2 - 3 the 4 - 5 - 6 a 7 a 8 the 37.3. 1 much? - a lot. 2 much? - much. 3 much?- a lot. 4 much? - much. 37.4. 2 We go to the theatre quite a lot. 3 This watch is quite expensive. 4 She plays tennis quite a lot. 5 I quite like that car. 37.5. 1 much.- a lot 2 a lot. 3 a lot. 4 much. 5 a lot. 6 a lot. 7 a lot. 8 a lot. - much 9 much. 10 much. 37.6. to-real-do-a lot. -How-do-much. -a lot.-else-the cinema. -do-much. -much?-quite a-do-much. -quite like-much. -a lot. 37.7. 1 Jedna z czterech odpowiedzi z "like". Użyj "them" zamiast "it". 2 Jedna z czterech odpowiedzi z "read". 3, 4 Jedna z czterech odpowiedzi z "like". 5 Jedna z czterech odpowiedzi z "read". Użyj "watch TV" zamiast "read". 6 Jedna z czterech odpowiedzi z "like". 7 Jedna z czterech odpowiedzi z "read". Użyj "play tennis" zamiast "read". 38. What are you doing? 38.1. 1 cooking. 2 washing. 3 reading 4 watching 5 eating. 6 phoning 38.2. 1 cooking. 2 go 3 turning-turn-Turn 4 read-read 5 doing?-washing. 6 go-go 7 carrying 8 Come-eat.-watching 9 doing?-reading 10 live?-lives 38.3. 1 going 2 carrying 3 writing 4 arriving 38.4. 1 am 2 are 3 is 4 are 5 are 6 is 7 is 8 are 38.5. 2 is turning 3 is going 4 is turning 5 is stopping 6 are going-are carrying 39. It isn't singing.It doesn't sing in the day. 39.1. 1 driver. 2 sing. 3 teach 4 writer. 5 cleaner. 39.2. 1 at 2 on 3 in-in 4 at-in 5 at-in-on 6 in 7 at-in 39.3. 1 drives-works-is not driving.-is cleaning 2 teaches-works-is not teaching.-is reading 3 fly-work-are not flying.-are eating. 4 clean-work-are not cleaning-are watching 39.4. 1 sing-are singing. 2 plays-is playing 3 phones-is phoning 4 smokes-is eating-is not smoking. 5 go-leaves-am going 39.5. 1 drinks some tea at half past seven.He goes to work by bus at eight o'clock.He arrives at the office at quarter to nine.He works from nine o'clock to one o'clock.He eats at one o'clock in the afternoon.He works from two o'clock to five o'clock.He leaves the office at five o'clock. He eats at half past seven in the evening. He watches TV at half past nine.He goes to bed at eleven o'clock. 2 half past seven. Tony is drinking some tea. Now it is eight o'clock.Tony is going to work by bus. Now it is quarter to nine.Tony is arriving at the office. Now it is nine o'clock. Tony is working. Now it is one o'clock in the afternoon. Tony is eating. Now it is two o'clock.Tony is working. Now it is five o'clock.Tony is leaving the office. Now it is half past seven in the evening. Tony is eating. Now it is half past nine.Tony is watching TV. Now it is eleven o'clock.Tony is going to bed. 40. What's the weather like? 40.1. 2 It is cloudy. 3 It is raining. 4 It is windy. 5 It is snowing. 6 It is hot. 40.2. 2 it is windy. It is quite warm. 3 the sun is shining./ it is sunny. It is hot. 4 it is raining. It is cold. 5 it is cloudy. It is warm. 6 it is snowing. It is cold. 40.3. isn't-it is. -very-too. -matter? -it's raining. -don't 40.4. 2 does not shine much-rains quite a lot. 3 shines a lot-rains a lot. 4 shines quite a lot-rains quite a lot. 40.5. 1 Lovely weather! 2 What's the matter? 3 Oh dear! 4 isn't it? 5 What's the weather like? 40.6. 1 is raining. 2 rains 3 is shining. 4 is snowing. 5 snows 6 shines 41. On the phone. 41.1. 1 Hello? 2 Is that David? 3 This is ... 4 wrong number. 5 How can I recognise you? 6 Who do you want? 7 Sorry? 41.2. 1 three-nine-five, six-O-nine-three 2 five-double two, four-eight-double seven 3 four eight-six, nine-double O-one 41.3. 2 What are you writing? 3 What is he carrying? 4 How far are we going? 5 Where is the train stopping? 41.4. 2 What is he wearing? 3 What is she reading? 4 What are they carrying? 5 What are her sons watching? 6 Where are we/ you meeting Cathy? 7 Where is Alan waiting? 41.5. I Who is visiting Peter? 2 Who is John visiting? 3 Who is David visiting? 4 Who is Sue visiting? 5 Who is visiting Cathy? 6 Who is visiting Helen? 41.6. 1 The white car. 2 The grey car. 41.7. Hello?-Is that-want?-is phoning him?-Just 42. He's at the butcher's. 42.1. 2 A chemist sells medicine. 3 A baker sells bread. 4 A greengrocer sells tomatoes. 5 A butcher sells meat. 6 A baker sells cakes. 42.2. 1 the chemist's. 2 the shoe shop. 3 the paper shop. 4 the baker's. 5 the butcher's. 6 the greengrocer's. 42.3. 1 buy 2 sells 3 buying 4 sells 5 sell 6 buying 42.4. 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b 42.5. 1 going into 2 coming out of 3 coming into 4 going out of 42.6. 1 his brother. 2 his brother's. 3 David 4 David's 5 butcher? 6 butcher's? 7 doctor's.-doctor 8 sisters-teachers 9 chemist's-chemist 10 friends'. -friends. 42.7. at/ in-baker's.-buying-about-at/ in-butcher's. -buying 42.8. What do we need? -We need some meat. -I'll go to the butcher's. Is there anything else?/ Anything else?/ Do we need anything else? -Yes, we need some fruit. I'll go to the greengrocer's. -Is that all? -No, we need some bread.-I'll go to the baker's. 43. I want, I need, I'd like ... 43.1. 1 What would you like? 2 Do you want this book? 3 Would you like this book? 4 Would you like some sugar? 5 I'd like some soup. 6 I want the money. 7 I want to watch the news. 8 I'd like to watch the news. 9 Would you like to visit us? 43.2. 1 are-are 2 do 3 Do 4 are 5 Do 6 do 7 are 43.3. 1 thank you. 2 please. 3 please. 4 thank you. 43.4. 1 do you-I like 2 would you-I'd like 3 Would you-I'd like 4 Do you-I like 5 would you-I'd like 6 do you-I like 43.5. 1 don't want one, thank you. 2 'd like one, please. 3 'd like some, please. 4 don't want any, thank you. 5 'd like some 6 doesn't want any, thank you. 43.6. please.- 'd like some.- 'd like (fish). -would like (chicken). -please. - 'd like some green beans. 44. Going up! First floor, second floor, third floor. 44.1. 2 second. 3 third. 4 first. 5 fourth. 44.2. 3rd: third, 6th: sixth, 1Oth: tenth, 1st: first, 8th: eighth, 5th: fifth, 17th: seventeenth, 9th: ninth, 20th: twentieth, 15th: fifteenth, 30th: thirtieth, 12th: twelfth, 24th: twenty-fourth, 22nd: twenty-second. 44.3. 2 October 3 April 4 November 5 June 6 January 7 March 8 September 44.4. October- December- March- May- July- September- November- January- February 44.5. 2 On the third floor. 3 On the ground floor. 4 On the second floor. 44.6. 1 May the fourth/ the fourth of May 2 June the twentieth 3 July the sixteenth 4 May the twenty-third 5 June the twelfth 6 July the twenty-seventh 44.7. 1 August the twenty-first 2 April the thirteenth 3 December the third 4 March the thirtieth 5 February the twenty-eighth 6 October the ninth 7 January the twelfth 8 September the sixteenth 44.8. Odpowiedzi będą różne. 45. I'm going to be a doctor. 45.1. 1 on 2 in 3 in 4 on 5 at 6 on 7 on 8 in 9 at 10 on 11 at 12 on 13 on 14 in 15 in 45.2. 1 meet 2 speaking 3 buy? 4 cook 5 work 6 carrying 7 wear 45.3. 2 I am going to drive to the office. 3 I am going to eat some fruit. 4 They are going to watch TV. 5 He is going to phone Mr Green. 6 The driver is going to stop. 7 We are going to play tennis. 8 She is going to work in a bank. 45.4. 2 I'm going to read a book./ the paper./ I'm going to write a letter./ I'm going to watch TV. 3 I'm going to eat. 4 I'm going to wash./ I'm going to make some tea. 5 I'm going to visit (America). 6 I'm going to buy (a camera). 45.5. 1 driving-drive 2 stop. -stopping. 3 phoning-phone 4 closing-close 45.6. is going to fly to Delhi (at ten o'clock). -she is going to be in Delhi. She is going to visit a/ the factory (in Delhi). -she is going to fly to Hong Kong (at quarter past nine/ in the morning). She is going to meet Mr Chan (at four o'clock/ in the afternoon). -she is going to be in Hong Kong. She is going to visit the new office there. 46. What is in my diary? 46.1. 2 two years 3 an hour/ one hour 4 two months 5 three days 6 four hours 46.2. 1 Today is Thursday. 2 Tomorrow is Wednesday. 3 Next month is August. 4 This month is March. 5 The day after tomorrow is Saturday. 6 This year is 1992. 7 Next week is from Sunday 1Oth to Saturday 16th. 46.3. 2 five o'clock 3 June the fifteenth 4 nine o'clock 5 August the eighth 6 June the twenty-ninth 46.4. 2 in a/ one month 3 the day after tomorrow 4 in a week 5 in three days 6 in four months 7 tomorrow 8 in three weeks 46.5. 1 in 2- 3- 4 on 5 in 6 on 7- 8 in 9- 10 on 46.6. 1 I'm going to phone Anne. 2 I'm going to London tomorrow. 3 I'm studying English next year. 4 I'm going to write a letter. 46.7. 1 Two hours. 2 Twenty kilometres. 3 How far 4 How long 46.8. I'm going to (nazwa miasta) - Really? When are you going? - In three weeks. - Why are you going there? - I'm working there. - How long are you staying there? - Two months. 2 I'm going to England. - Really? Why? - I'm studying English there. - How long are you staying there? - A year. - When are you leaving? - Next month.- Lucky you! 47. Stand up ... Sit down. 41.1. 2 Sit down. 3 Come in. 4 Stand up. 5 Lie down. 6 Go down. 7 Go out. 47.2. 1 turn 2 turn 3 take 4 put 5 turn 47.3. 1 off 2 on 3 on 4 on 5 off 6 off 47.4. in. -off -off -on -down -off -on -off 47.5. 2 Could you turn off the tap? 3 Could you take off your shoes? 4 Could you put on your coat? 5 Could you turn up the TV? 6 Could you turn on the light? 47.6. Come in. (Do) sit down. What's the matter? -I have a pain in my stomach./ My stomach hurts. -Take off your coat and shoes. Lie down. Breathe in ... breathe out. Stand up and put on your shoes. 48. You can't turn left. You must go straight on. 48.1. 1 must stop. -must not go. 2 must wait. 3 can go. 48.2. 2 You must stop. 3 You must not smoke. 4 You must turn left. 5 You must not wait. 6 You must not take photos. 7 You must not wash it. 8 You must turn right. 48.3. 1 to sell 2 reach 3 to play 4 to watch 5 open 6 turn 7 to buy 8 put out 9 to be 10 speak 48.4. 1 No smoking. 2 No stopping. 3 No swimming. 4 No talking. 48.5. 1 Can I smoke here? 2 Must we turn left? 3 Can you reach the book? 4 Must she show her passport? 5 Must they buy tickets? 6 Can he go in? 48.6. 1 Can I-can't. -Must I-must. 2 Can I-can't. -Must I-must. 48.7. Yes,I can./ No,I can't. 48.8. What must I do? -You must stay in bed. You mustn't work. -What can I eat? -You can eat fruit and vegetables. But you mustn't eat meat. -What can I drink? -You can drink tea. But you mustn't drink coffee. -Can I read? -You mustn't read too much. But you can watch television/ TV. -Must I take any medicine? -Yes. Here you are. You must take this at eight o'clock in the morning, at two o'clock in the afternoon and at eight o'clock in the evening. 49. Where were you last night? 49.1. 2 April 16th, 3 March 23rd, 4 April 18th, 5 April 20th, 6 April 22nd, 7 April 2nd, 8 December 23rd, 9 April 27th, 10 April 29th, 11 April 25th, 12 April 18th. 49.2. 2 yesterday. 3 the day after tomorrow 4 the day before yesterday 5 last Tuesday/ four days ago 6 next Tuesday/ in three days 7 last Sunday/ six days ago 8 next Wednesday/ in four days 9 last Saturday/ a week ago 10 last Wednesday/ three days ago 49.3. 1 August 8th, 2 October 25th, 3 January 7th, 4 May 25th, 5 April 7th, 6 July 5th, 7 1991-1993, 8 March 9th, 9 June 1st 10 half past two, 11 April 28th to May 4th 49.4. 1 were 2 were 3 was 4 was 5 were 6 was 7 were 49.5. 1 last -home? -wasn't. -was -was -was -me. 2 yesterday -work? -weren't. -were -was -were -us. 49.6. were -Thailand. -were in China. -were in Japan. -were in Hong Kong. 50. He painted this picture in 1948. 50.1. 1983: nineteen eighty-three; 1396: thirteen ninety-six; 1991: nineteen ninety-one; 1414: fourteen fourteen; 1908: nineteen-O-eight/ nineteen hundred and eight; 1762: seventeen sixty-two; 1853: eighteen fifty-three; 1600: sixteen hundred 50.2. 1 in 2 on 3 in 4 at 5 in 6 on 7 at 8 in 50.3. live - lived - lived - worked - work 50.4. 1 forty 2 eighteen 3 seven. 4 died 50.5. 1 live-lived 2 open-opened 3 phone-phoned 4 work-worked 5 wait-waited 6 paint-painted 50.6. waited -visited -needed -wanted 50.7. 1 Did he die in 1973? 2 Did she live in Spain? 3 Did they visit their son? 4 Did they stay three weeks? 5 Did he open the parcel? 6 Did they want to watch TV? 50.8. by -painted - 1503. - was born - he died - He lived in - from 1452 to 1516. He lived in - from 1516 to 1519. 50.9. Urodzony ... (data); Ślub ... (data); Mieszkał w: (miejscowość), od ... do ... (miejscowość), od ... do ... W ... szkole, od ... do ... Pierwsza praca w: ... (miejscowość) Od.; Druga praca w ... (miejscowość) Od ... do ... 51. I didn't eat chicken. I ate fish. 51.1. 1 do 2 did 3 did 4 does 5 did 6 did 7 do 8 did 51.2. 1 did she stay 2 did they wait 3 did he paint the picture 4 did they work 5 did the train arrive 6 did the shop open 7 did you watch 8 did he want to buy 51.3. 1 live-live-lived 2 work-work-worked 3 paint-paint-painted 4 wait-wait-waited 51.4. 1 bought 2 ate 3 drank 4 went 51.5. 1 drink-drink-drank 2 go-go-went 3 eat-eat-ate 4 buy-buy-bought 51.6. 1 buy-didn't. -buy-buy-didn't. -buy?-bought 2 sir. -says-eat-did-ate-eat-ate-says-drink-drank-sorry. 51.7. What did you do last night? -They're showing "Henry V" at the cinema. We wanted to buy two tickets, but there was a very long queue. - Did you buy the tickets? - No, we didn't. We bought tickets for "The Third Man". - Did you go to a restaurant after the film? - Yes, we went to a Chinese restaurant. - What did you eat? - We ate chicken and fish. 52. What shall we do this evening? 52.1. 1 We went to the cinema on Tuesday. - We ate in a restaurant yesterday evening. - We watched it last night,we watched it the night before ... 2 We watch too much TV. 3 We're going to play tennis at the weekend. - We're going there on Sunday. 52.2. 1 going 2 watch 3 playing 4 drive 5 open 6 sitting 7 stay 52.3. 1 We could go to the theatre. 2 How about visiting some friends? 3 What about turning on the radio? 4 Let's eat in a restaurant. 5 How about studying English? 6 Let's read the paper. 52.4. 1 What shall we eat? 2 Where shall we go? 3 Who shall we phone? 4 What shall we watch on TV? 5 How long shall we stay? 6 How much money shall we take? 52.5. Now: He is phoning. I am watching TV. They are waiting. We are going out. Last Saturday: He phoned. I watched TV. They waited. We went out. Next Saturday: He is going to phone. I am going to watch TV. They are going to wait. We are going to go out. 52.6. 1 are going to buy 2 bought 3 is buying 4 buy 5 is eating 6 are going to eat 7 ate 8 eats 52.7. shall-going-rather-went-drive-not.-are going 52.8. What shall we do this weekend? -Let's go to London. -Yes, let's. Where shall we stay? - What about staying at/ in a hotel? -Let's not./ I'd rather not. We could stay at my brother's. -Yes, let's. How long shall we stay? -How about (staying) two days? -Yes, let's. When shall we leave?-Let's leave on Friday evening. -Let's not./ I'd rather not. How about leaving on Saturday morning? -Yes, let's. Lista wyrazów Poniższa lista zawiera wszystkie wyrazy i zwroty występujące w obu częściach kursu. Liczba obok wyrazu oznacza rozdział, w którym dane słowo zostało użyte po raz pierwszy. Kolejne liczby obok wyrazu, to rozdział, w którym słowo zostało użyte w innym znaczeniu. Przykładowo: "birthday 44" oznacza, że wyraz "birthday" został wprowadzony w Rozdziale 44. Jeżeli chcesz sprawdzić znaczenie "birthday", wróć do rozdziału 44, gdzie znajdziesz tłumaczenie tego wyrazu. A A 2; a 6; about 15; abroad 51; address 4; a few 35; afternoon 34; afternoon, good 1; afternoon, in the 39; again 20; ago 49; Ah! 24, 47; air, by 36; airport 39; a kilo 36; a little 35; all right 38; along 20; a lot 36; a lot of 35; a.m. 39; am 1; am I...? 17; America 13; American 13; an 21; and 5; any 27; Anything else? 26; apple 21; April 44; Arabic 23; are 13; are not/ aren't 13; are they...? 16; are we ...? 17; are you...? 13; Are you there? 9; arm 32; armed 38; arrive 25; at 29; at (time) 25; at home 49; at night 39; at the end 20; at the weekend 52; at work 49; ate 51; attendant 44; August 44; aunt 33; Australia 13; Australian 13; autumn 40; B B 2; back 47; bag 22; baker 42; baker's 42; banana 21; Bangkok 8; bank 23; bathroom 10; be 45; bed 19; bedroom 10; behind 19; bell 28; big 22; bill 31, 51; bird 9; birthday 44; biscuit 26; black 24; blouse 18; blow 40; blue 22; book 9; bookshop 42; bottle 26; bottom 28; bought 51; box 11; boy 31; Brazil 13; Brazilian 13; bread 27; breathe in/ out 47; Britain 13; British 13; brother 5; brown 24; bus 14; bus stop 42; but 30; butcher 42; butcher's 42; butter 26; buy 42; by air 36; by (car) 30; by (Picasso) 50; by sea 36; C C 2; Cairo 8; cake 27; cake shop 42; called 32; camera 12; can 48; can I...? 48; Can I help you? 21; cannot/ can't 48; can you...? 2; car 22; car factory 23; card 10; carry 38; case 24; cat 9; cent 31; certainly 24; chair 19; chairman 16; change 31, 36; cheap 22; chemist 42; chemist's 42; chicken 43; child 16; children 16; China 13; Chinese 13, 23; chocolate 43; cigarette 25; cinema 21, 37; classical music 37; clean 39; cleaner 39; close 25; cloudy 40; coat 18; coffee 26; coin 31; cold 27; colour 32; come 29; come from 29; come in 47; contestant 23; cook 38; cost 36; could 52; could you...? 34; cup 11; cupboard 19; D D 2; dark 15; date 49; daughter 33; day 39; day after tomorrow, the 46; day before yesterday, the 49; December 44; Delhi 8; dentist's 42; diary 46; did...? 50; did not/ didn't 51; die 50; dining room 10; dish 11; do not/ don't 20; Do sit down 23; do you? 23; doctor 6; doctor's 42; does 25; does he...? 28; doesn't 29; doing, What are you? 38; dollar 31; don't forget 11; don't worry 9; door 34; double 41; down 47; down, go 47; down, lie 47; down, sit 47; down, turn 47; drank 51; drink 35; drive 23; driver 39; E E 2; ear 32; eat 35; egg 21; Egypt 13; Egyptian 13; eight 3; eighth 44; eighteen 12; eighty 12; eleven 7; English (language) 23; evening 46; evening, good 1; evening, in the 39; excess luggage 36; Excuse me? 11; eye 32; F F 2; factory 23; fair 15; far from 17; farmer 6; fast 22; father 5; February 44; feet 32; few, a 35; fifteen 12; fifth 44; fifty 12; film 30; film star 16; fire 47; fire, on 33; first 44; first floor 44; fish 27; five 3; flat 31; floor 44; fly 39, 45; follow 38; foot 32, (on) 30; football 30; foreman 23; fork 11; forty 12; four 3; fourteen 12; fourth 44; France 50; French 45; Friday 34; fridge 21; friend 33; from 13; from ... to ... 39; fruit 21; G G 2; girl 31; glass 11; glasses 18; glove 18; go 20, (to work) 30; go down 47; go out 47; go up 47; goes 29; going to 45; good 22; Good! 21; good afternoon 1; good evening 1; good morning 1; goodbye 1; gram 36; grandfather 33; grandmother 33; green 22; green beans 43; greengrocer 42; greengrocer's 42; grey 24; ground floor 44; guess 9; H H 2; hair 32; half 26;half past 7; hand 32; happy 38; has 32; has/ have 32; have 31; have a holiday 46; have a light 31; have a pain in 47; have got 32; have the time 31; have you met...? 33; he 6; he is 6; he isn't 16; hear 50; hello 1, 8; Hello? 24, 41; hello again 16; her 28, 34; here 8; Here it is 19; Here they are 19; Here you are 3; he's 6; Hey! 24; him 34; his 28; holiday 46; Hong Kong 23; hospital 23; hot 40; hotel 20; hour 46; house 31; how about...? 37, 52; How can I recognise you? 41; How do you do? 1; How far? 17; How heavy are you? 14; How interesting! 37; How long? 46; How many? 11; How much? 3, 26; How much does it cost? 36; How old are you? 14; How tall are you? 14; hundred 17; hurry 24; husband 30; I I 2; I 1; I am 1; I am going to 45; I didn't hear 50; I'd like 26; I don't know 36; I'd rather not 52; I'll... 4; I'll take 12; I'm 1; I'm hungry 27; I'm not 15; I'm putting you through 41; I'm sorry 19; I quite like 37; I see 10; I suppose... 21; I think I left... 22; I've lost 32; in 8, 19; in (January) 45; in a week 46; in front 19; in front of 19; in the afternoon 39; in the day 39; in the evening 39; in the morning 8; in (the) spring 40; in your spare time 37; India 13; Indian 13; initial 4; interesting 37; into 38, 42; Irish 16; is 5; is... far? 17; is he? 16; is it? 9; is not/ isn't 8; is that...? 41; Is that all? 26; is there? 21; isn't it? 40; it 9; it is/ it's 9; it isn't 9; it's... (weather) 40; it's... o'clock 7; it says 51; Italian 45; J J 2; jacket 18; January 44; Japan 13; Japanese 13, 23; job 50; July 44; June 44; just 48; Just a moment 4; K K 2; key 3; kilo 14; kilometre 17; kitchen 10; knife 11; knives 11; L L 2; landing card 13; large 28; last 49; last night 49; late 7; leave 25; left, on the 10; left, turn 20; leg 32; Let me see 21; let's 52; Let's look 26; Let's not 52; letter (to) 36; lie down 47; light 47; like 37; like, would 43; listen 9; little 28; little, a 35; live 23; London 4; long 32; Look! 14; lot of, a 35; lot, a 37; lovely weather 40; Lucky you! 46; luggage 36; Lusaka 8; M M 2; madam 51; Madrid 8; man 16; many 35; March 44; married 16; match 31; May 44; me 34; meat 27; medicine 42, 45; meet 34; men 16; message 34; metre 14; mile 17; milk 26; Miss 4; Monday 34; money 31; month 44; more 35; morning 27, 34; morning, good 1; morning, in the 8; mother 5; Mr 4; Mrs 4; Ms 4; much 35, 37; music 37; music, play 37; must 48; must I? 48; must not/ mustn't 48; my 5; my key 3; Mystery Photo 16; N N 2; name 2; nationality 32; need 11; need to 43; new 22; New York 8; New Zealand 29; news (the) 30; next 46; next to 48; next week 46; Nigeria 13; Nigerian 13; night 39; nine 3; nineteen 12; nineteen... (year) 50; ninety 12; ninth 44; no 1; no (coffee) 27; no 48; no good 14; no smoking 48; no, thanks/ thank you 43; not 24; not many 35; not much 35; not... much 37; note 31; November 44; now 16; number 14; number, the wrong 41; O O 2, 3; o'clock 7; October 44; of 26; of my wedding 6; off 47; off, take 47; off, turn 47; office 23; Oh 6; Oh dear! 22; OK 11; old 15; on 19, 47; on (Friday) 34; on (May 5th) 45; on fire 33; on foot 30; on the left 10; on the right 10; on, turn 47; on your right 20; one 3, 24; ones 28; only 35; open 25; or 4; orange 21, 22; our 28; out 47; out of 38, 42; over here 42; over there 42; P P 2; packet 26; pain 47; paint 50; paper 22; paper shop 42; parcel 36; Paris 8; party 42; passport 32; past 25; pen 19; pence 24; people 16; per cent 31; person 16; phone 21, 34; photo 6; photograph 41; picture 9; piece 27, (coin) 31; pilot 6; plane 9; plate 11; platform 29; play music 37; play records 37; play football 37; please 2; p.m. 39; Poland 13; policeman 49; Polish 13; pop music 37; post office 20; pound 23, 26; programme 16, 30; prove 49; pull 20; push 20; put on 47; put out 48; Q Q 4; quarter past 7; quarter to 7; queue 44; quite 15; quite a lot 37; quiz programme 16; R R 4; race 44; radio 39; rain 40; reach 48; read 37; real 37; Really? 6; record 9; red 24; restaurant 21; right 10; right, on the 10; right, on your 20; right, turn 20; road 17; room 10; royal 16; S S 4; salad 51; Saturday 34; saucer 11; say... 26; school 23; scissors 18; sea, by 36; seat 19; second 44; secretary 23; See you tomorrow 15; sell 42; September 44; seven 3; seventeen 12; seventh 44; seventy 12; she 6; she is 6; she's 6; shelf 48; shine 40; ship 30; shirt 18; shoe 18; shoe shop 42; shop 25; shopping, the 51; short 15; show 45; sign 14, 48; sing 39; singer 16; sir 51; sister 5; sit 47; sit down 47; sitting room 10; six 3; sixteen 12; sixth 44; sixty 12; size 18; skirt 18; small 22; smoke 30; snow 40; so 16; sock 18; some 21, 26; son 33; Sorry? 2; Sorry! 15; soup 43; Spain 50; Spanish 23; speak 23; spell 2; spoon 11; sport 37; spring 40; stamp 36; stand 47; stand up 47; station 20; stay 46; stomach 47; stop 20; straight on 48; street 39; study 45; sugar 26; sugar, take 30; suit 18; summer 40; sun 40; Sunday 34; sunny 40; swim 48; T T 4; table 19; take 10; take off 47; take photos 48; take sugar 30; talk 20; tall 15; tap 47; taxi 39; tea 26; teach 39; teacher 6; television 21; ten 3; tennis 37; tenth 44; terrible weather 40; Thailand 46; thank you 2; thank you, no... 43; thanks 15; thanks very much 20; that 5; that's... 5; That's (14.70 pounds) 12; that's it 26; That's right 36; the 10; theatre, the 37; their 28; them 34; then 20, 34; there 8; there are 21; there aren't 27; there is 21; there isn't 21; There it is! 19; There they are! 19; there's 21; there's no... 22, 41; these 18; they 16; they are 16; they aren't 16; they're 16; third 44; thirteen 12; thirtieth 44; thirty 12; this 5; this afternoon 46; this is... 5, 41; this one 12; those 18; three 3; Thursday 34; ticket 24; tired 38; to 17; to (a letter to) 36; to (time) 25; to (to buy) 43; to work 30; today 40; toilet 10; Tokyo 8; tomato 27; tomorrow 46; tomorrow morning 46; too 30; too much 36; top 28; town 21; train 25; tree 9; trousers 18; Tuesday 34; Turkey 13; Turkish 13, 23; turn down 47; turn into 48; turn left/ right 20; turn off 47; turn on 47; turn up 47; TV 30; twelfth 44; twelve 7; twentieth 44; twenty 12; twenty-one 14; twenty-two 14; two 3; U U 4; um 27; umbrella 40; uncle 33; under 19; until 50; up 47; up, go 47; up, stand 47; up, turn 47; us 34; V V 4; vase 11; vegetable 43; very 22; very much 37; visit 41 W W 4; wait 20; Wait a moment 24; waiter 6; want 43; want to 43; warm 40; was 49; was born 50; wash 38; watch 12, 30; water 26; we 13; we aren't 13; we could... 52; we need 14; We'll look for (them) 32; we're 13; wear 41; weather 40; wedding 33; Wednesday 34; week 46; weekend 52; weigh 36; welcome 37; welcome to 16; well 27; Well? 52; Well done! 16; Well then 52; went 51; were 49; wet 40; What? 9; what about...? 30, 52; What are you/ they doing? 38; What colour is it? 22; what did you...? 51; what do... need? 11; What do you do? 6, 37; What does it weigh? 36; What else? 11; what kind of...? 37; What languages do you speak? 23; what... like? 15; What number? 3; What number is it? 14; What shall we do? 52; What's he doing? 38; What size? 18; What's that? 9; What's the matter? 40, 47; What's the time? 7; What would you like? 43; When? 25; Where? 8; Where are they? 19; Where are you? 8; Where are you from? 13; where's...? 8; Where shall we go? 52; Where were you? 49; Which? 24; Which one? 24; Which ones? 28; white 28; Who? 5, 41; Who do you want? 41; Who is that/ this? 5; Why? 43; wife 30; wind 40; window 18; windy 40; wine 51; winter 40; with 49; with... in it 22; woman 16; women 16; work 23; work, go to 30; work in films 51; would like 43; would you like?, what 43; write 39; writer 39; wrong number, the 41; X X 4; Y Y 4; year 46; yellow 24; yes 1; yes, but... 11; Yes, let's 52; Yes, please 43; yesterday 49; yesterday morning 49; Yes, why not? 52; you 13, 34; you are 17; you aren't 17; you decide 52; you know 27; you're 17; young 15; your 5; Your address? 4; Your name? 2; Z Z 4; zero 3;