Sustainable Forestry Practices okładka

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Sustainable Forestry Practices

Sustainable Forestry Practices explores the essential components and concepts of sustainable forest management and development. We begin with an introduction to forests, their classification, roles, human interactions, and the history of forestry. While large forest areas often receive conservation attention, this book emphasizes the importance of smaller forest patches for both conservation and rural development. We discuss the environmental values linked to physical factors driving forest conservation in rural communities and identify key human factors influencing forest patch conservation in tropical agricultural landscapes. Additionally, we cover forest features of hydrological significance, offering insights into effective management techniques. Our book is designed for students, professionals, and anyone interested in sustainable forestry, providing clear explanations and practical strategies for preserving forest ecosystems.

Tytuł Sustainable Forestry Practices
Autor: Ekaaksh Deshpande
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2024
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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