Średnia Ocena:
Palace of the Gods
We all try hard to attain a goal in life, irrespective of whatever field we are in. So, once we have self-discipline and see our desired goals, we can work towards achieving them. Then we can benefit from the hard work and diligent mindset that we impose on ourselves in whatever field of endeavor that may be. Everyone has a certain desire to achieve something in life. So, when we reach it, we can indulge in the satisfaction that it may bring, regardless if it’s a business venture, a sporting record, a science project, or even some unexplored ocean wreck that we seek to find. Then we may set our sights on achieving something even greater because the range is limitless. We impose limitations upon ourselves because we don’t always see the rewards waiting thereafter!
Szczegóły | |
Tytuł | Palace of the Gods |
Autor: | Frank Karan |
Rozszerzenie: | brak |
Język wydania: | polski |
Ilość stron: | |
Wydawnictwo: | PublishDrive |
Rok wydania: | 2024 |
Tytuł | Data Dodania | Rozmiar |
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