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Fifty Years Of Aviation Life

It is my desire to share the disappointments and triumphs associated with living an aviation lifestyle. My hope is that many more individuals who are considering becoming a pilot, an aircraft mechanic, or maybe even an aircraft owner will find this information valuable. This book covers nearly every aspect of becoming involved in aviation, no matter which of these fields you might be interested in pursuing. You can learn what is required by the Federal Aviation Administration in order to become an aircraft mechanic, an aircraft inspector, or even a private pilot. You can learn what you need to do in order to get started with pilot training. You can learn what to look for if you are considering purchasing an aircraft for your training. If you already own an aircraft, you can learn about avionics upgrades and what maintenance you are allowed to do on your own aircraft. It has been brought to my attention that many people may be interested in being involved in aviation, but really have no idea which area suits them best or where to begin, and I believe this will help. I have been involved in the aviation industry for nearly fifty years, as the title indicates, and have worked on military, commercial, corporate, and general aviation aircraft my entire adult life. I have many people asking me aviation-related questions from daylight to dark every day, and I thought it would be a good idea to just make a lot of this information available in one place. This book covers many serious aviation-related topics, but also shares a significant amount of firsthand experiences that I have encountered in different types of aviation careers. Personally, I believe there is something for everyone who has the slightest interest in aviation, but there is also a significant amount of humor. I think it is important for someone who may be considering an aviation career to know what to expect ahead of time. I can tell you firsthand that I had no idea what to expect, and frankly, some of it caught me off guard. For those of you who are already in the business but possibly considering a different aspect or a different job, there is plenty of information related to each possibility. If you have been an aircraft mechanic for a while and are considering starting your own business, that is covered as well. Everything from what you need to be aware of in order to start an aviation business to running an FBO or a CRS, to dealing with full-time employees, contractors, customers, and taxes. There is also a tidbit of information about dealing with the Federal Aviation Administration and its regulations. I have tried to cover some complicated issues while explaining them in terms that are interesting to the experienced aviation fanatic, and yet easy for the aviation novice or mere spectator to comprehend. While all of the stories are true and easy to relate to, I must stress that the lessons learned on my part are strictly my own personal opinion. While I think you will find many of my personal experiences interesting, educational, and even humorous, most of all, I hope they will help you to be motivated to get involved in aviation if you're not already. If you already are involved, then perhaps it will help you decide where you would like to go from where you are in your aviation-related activities. No matter where you are or where you decide to go concerning aviation, I hope reading this material will be a helpful and enjoyable experience.

Tytuł Fifty Years Of Aviation Life
Autor: David Boudreaux
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2024
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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