Charles Dickens: The Complete Supernatural Stories (20+ tales of ghosts and mystery: The Signal-Man, A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, To Be Read at Dusk, The Hanged Man's Bride...) (Halloween Stories) [DRM] okładka

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Charles Dickens: The Complete Supernatural Stories (20+ tales of ghosts and mystery: The Signal-Man, A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, To Be Read at Dusk, The Hanged Man's Bride...) (Halloween Stories) [DRM]

Ebook zabezpieczony DRM. Dowiedz się więcej []. Pamiętaj, ebook będzie dostępny do pobrania wyłącznie w wybranym przez Ciebie formacie. Ebook po zakupie nie będzie dostępny do czytania w aplikacji Empik Go. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the 20th century critics and scholars had recognized him as a literary genius. His natural inclinations toward drama and the macabre made him a brilliant teller of supernatural tales such as "The Signal-Man," "To Be Read at Dusk," "The Hanged Man's Bride," "The Mothers' Eyes," and "Captain Murderer and the Devil's Bargain." UWAGA! Ebook chroniony przez Adobe DRM.Otworzysz go za pomocą Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)

Tytuł Charles Dickens: The Complete Supernatural Stories (20+ tales of ghosts and mystery: The Signal-Man, A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, To Be Read at Dusk, The Hanged Man's Bride...) (Halloween Stories) [DRM]
Autor: Dickens Charles
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
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Wydawnictwo: Pandora's Box
Rok wydania: 2025
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Charles Dickens: The Complete Supernatural Stories (20+ tales of ghosts and mystery: The Signal-Man, A Christmas Carol, The Chimes, To Be Read at Dusk, The Hanged Man's Bride...) (Halloween Stories) [DRM] PDF - podgląd:

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