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Strona 1 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 01 Człowiek p9/ex3 1 D  2 A  3 C  4 E SŁOWNICTWO p9/ex4 p6/ex1 being strange: bizarre, unusual, odd, weird, eccentric Student’s own answers a person that is strange: weirdo, oddball, freak uneasy – someone who feels uneasy feels slightly nervous, worried p6/ex2 or upset hair: dyed, greasy, plait, extensions, frizzy, bunches, highlights, whizzkid – a young person who is very intelligent or very successful build: lanky, toned, underweight, skeletal, chubby, stocky, stooped, slight unwilling – if you are unwilling to do something, you do not want to distinguishing features: birthmark, mole, double chin, dimples, acne, do it or you refuse to do it designer stubble ridiculous – silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at opinions about appearance: stunning, nondescript, distinguished stunned – very shocked or upset, especially so that you are unable p6/ex3 to act normally 1 receding  2 shaven  3 piercing  4 distinguishing  5 auburn  6 loose p9/ex5 7 parting  8 high  9 clear  10 cheekbones 1 nature  2 courage  3 ears  4 conversation  5 in  6 kill  7 person  p6/ex4 8 time 1 residence  2 ethnic  3 kin  4 marital  5 maiden  6 distinguishing p9/ex6 7 landline, details Student’s own answers p7/ex5 1 sympathetic  2 materialistic  3 modest  4 cowardly  5 sensitive  CZYTANIE 6 bossy p10/ex1 p7/ex6 Student’s own answers 1 unadventurous  2 impolite  3 indecisive  4 unsociable  5 disobedient p10/ex2 6 intolerant  7 inconsiderate  8 immature  9 dishonest  Suggested answers 10 unimaginative  11 irresponsible  12 unpredictable 1 Many people think that new babies know their mother’s face p7/ex7 straightaway. Student’s own answers 2 But in reality newborn babies identify their mother mainly by recognising her voice. p7/ex8 3 According to specialists, it hasn’t been proven whether children 1 sensible  2 dependable  3 bubbly  4 likeable  5 moody  6 possessive under the age of three weeks can recognize anything by sight or not. 7 competitive 4 A newborn baby cannot see clearly, but its eyesight gradually p7/ex9 improves until it becomes ideal at the age of two. 1B 2C 3A 4C p10/ex3 p7/ex10 1 C  2 A  3 C  4 B 1 frustrated 2 smug 3 relieved 4 disillusioned 5 livid 6 alarmed p11/ex4 7 tense 1 While one section of the brain looks at the physical aspects another p7/ex11 part identifies the face as known or unknown. At the same time, a third 1 worn out  2 stunned  3 shattered  4 delighted  5 petrified  part of the brain is checking out the name 6 bewildered 2 This seems to be quite a common experience p8/ex12 3 (…) human beings can store as many as 10,000 faces in their 1 B  2 C  3 A  4 B  5 B  6 C  7 A memories and most of us can recognise about ninety per cent of our classmates up to thirty five years after we last saw them! p8/ex13 4 As they watched the person change, sophisticated equipment scanned 1 over the moon  2 knocked sideways  3 be on tenterhooks the volunteers’ brains to see which parts of the brain were lighting up. 4 have butterflies (in one’s stomach)  5 down in the dumps 6 scared out of one’s wits  7 all over the place p11/ex5 1 nagging feeling  2 can’t quite place  3 common experience  p8/ex14 4 raise questions  5 sophisticated  6 scanned Student’s own answers p11/ex6 p8/ex15 1 doubt  2 cold  3 voice  4 language  5 a text 1 a  2 d  3 e  4 f  5 b  6 c p11/ex7 p8/ex16 1 carried out (did, administered)  2 involved in (working on, on board 1 dinner 2 shirt 3 ballgown 4 outfits 5 strapless 6 pleated 7 heels of )  3 take part in (be part of )  4 lights up (is activated)  5 check out 8 cardigan 9 trouser 10 waistcoat 11 blouse 12 buttons (examine) p8/ex17 p11/ex8 1 up with 2 up 3 out 4 up 5 with 6 up 7 out Student’s own answers p8/ex18 1 euthanasia  2 genetic engineering  3 death penalty  ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 4 freedom of speech  5 gambling  6 corruption p12/ex1 Student’s own answers SŁUCHANIE p12/ex2 p9/ex1 1 looks, has  2 has changed, is thinking  3 will wear / will be wearing, Student’s own answers have already given up / are already giving up  4 is always borrowing, p9/ex2 has always been  5 seeing / going to see, have been  6 have been B (A – gentle voice; C – He turned out to be a weird but friendly guy. I took trying, I haven’t found one  7 are becoming, wants  8 will have to him straightaway.) started, is being © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 1 Strona 2 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi p12/ex3 5 A best because it’s the idea of not being selfish 1 had never taken part, was looking  2 were playing, were sunbathing B boring; could be something small, not idea of a celebrity 3 were, used to / would spend  4 had know, got  5 was getting / got, C sarcastic; misinterprets idea was raining  6 painted, did  7 had been walking, found  8 could not, had broken up VOCABULARY OVERWIEW p12/ex4 p17 1 It’s high time you lost some weight.  2 It’s the first time I’ve felt so 1 stunning  2 straight  3 complexion  4 freckles  5 boat necked  embarrassed.  3 The last time we saw Tom was in March.  4 I had never 6 pleated  7 high heels  8 gentle  9 cross  10 dishonest  11 look up to been to a beauty salon before.  5 I used to wear a pony tail when I was 12 raise  13 across a young girl.  6 When I have saved enough money, I’ll get some new outfits. 7 We’ll have been married for 10 years by next Friday. / By next Friday, we will have been married for 10 years. p13/ex5 1 up  2 across  3 off  4 for  5 down p13/ex6 1 up to  2 in for  3 on with  4 up with  5 down on  6 up to  7 up with  8 up to p13/ex7 1 D  2 D  3 A  4 C  5 B  6 A p13/ex8 1 C  2 B  3 A  4 A  5 A  6 B  7 C p13/ex9 1 put up with  2 face up to  3 told off  4 keep up with  5 go off MÓWIENIE p14/ex1 Student’s own answers p14/ex2 Suggested answers 1 In the photograph, I can see a fashionably dressed middle-aged woman.  2 The teenager in the picture looks like a model.  3 Today I am wearing a checked shirt, linen trousers and leather sandals. 4 The photograph shows an elderly man who looks sad. p14/ex3 No information about who is in the picture, how this person is feeling and where the person is. p14/ex4 Student’s own answers p14/ex5 Student’s own answers p14/ex6 Student’s own answers PISANIE p15/ex1 Student’s own answers p15/ex2 Suggested answers 1 In my opinion, celebrities should be role models for young people. 2 The first thing I did today was to have / take a shower.  3 I followed that by having a quick breakfast.  4 It’s hard to believe but I’ve never eaten tomato soup.  5 Justin Bieber has recently behaved badly in a public place. p15/ex3 1B A not interesting B it’s short, catchy, rhymes and gets the idea that it’s give and take = a game C quite formal and uninteresting 2C A boring B irrelevant C It relates to the contestants and their opinion of themselves, it is short and catchy. 4B © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 2 Strona 3 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 02 Dom p21/ex6 Student’s own answers SŁOWNICTWO CZYTANIE p18/ex1 p22/ex1 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p18/ex2 p22/ex2 Student’s own answers 1 We received an email from the estate agent just after we’d finished p18/ex3 breakfast. In it he told us about a new house that had just come on 1 C  4 B  6 A the market. We decided to view it immediately. 1 maintain, retirement, construction 2 At first, we’d looked at modern new builds that were within our 2 bedsits budget. After a while we decided that something older might be more 3 affordable, Housing appealing. We rather liked the idea of doing some renovation. 4 run-down, renovation, bid 3 We left the motorway after about ten miles. The road to Rose 5 sheltered Cottage wasn’t easy to find. The sign for it was half covered in 6 mobile, mod cons overgrown grass and the letters were so faint you could hardly read them. p19/ex4 1 track  2 middle  3 heart  4 isolated  5 hustle (and) bustle  6 lane  p22/ex3 7 central  8 walking  9 amenities  10 stone’s  11 transport  12 across  1 D  2 B  3 A  4 C 13 above p22/ex4 p19/ex5 1 E  2 D  3 A  4 B 1 C  2 A  3 C  4 A  5 C  6 B  7 B  8 C p23/ex5 p19/ex6 1 squashed  2 stain  3 blurry  4 stream in  5 embellished  6 snug  Student’s own answers 7 run-down  8 liked solitude  9 wrapped up in  10 roam p19/ex7 p23/ex6 1 interior  2 uncluttered  3 sleek  4 curves  5 minimalist  6 storage make out – to see, hear or understand something with difficulty 7 focal  8 unique  9 framed 10 neutral  11 wallpaper  12 Primary  make up – to invent 13 enhanced  14 accessory  15 Less p23/ex7 p19/ex8 1 up  2 off  3 up  4 out  5 for  6 out 1 floorboards  2 glazed  3 burglar, smoke  4 rail  5 flowerbeds, pond  p23/ex8 6 plants, windowsills, fingers 1 vivid  2 contented  3 roam  4 isolated  5 eternally  6 imaginary p20/ex9 p23/ex9 1 appliances  2 kettles  3 hoover  4 rack  5 utensils  6 ornaments  Student’s own answers 7 mantelpiece  8 bowls  9 antique  10 hand  11 shutters  12 net  13 oak  14 frames p23/ex10 Student’s own answers p20/ex10 1 well-maintained  2 badly-decorated  3 open-plan  4 stuffy  5 dusty ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 6 cramped  7 old-fashioned  8 airy  9 spacious  10 cosy  11 spotless p24/ex1 p20/ex11 1 was chosen  2 had been rented out  3 was given  4 telling everyone 1 Dust  2 Change  3 Scrape  4 rinse  5 soak  6 polish  7 scrub 5 are being  6 like to  7 criticising  8 I’m having my room painted. 8 declutter  9 hang  10 Put  11 clear p24/ex2 p20/ex12 1 used to be built out of wood  2 is being redecorated at the moment 1 deposit  2 per  3 in  4 charging  5 budget  6 bills  7 estate  8 tenant  3 the furniture in the kitchen going to be changed  9 housewarming 4 being told what to do  5 should be swept  6 was given a new p20/ex13 carpet as a housewarming gift  7 might have been sold by now  1 plot  2 take out  3 instalments  4 notice 8 the housework be done by tomorrow  9 being asked about my unpaid bills  10 this room been used by the guests SŁUCHANIE p24/ex3 p21/ex1 1 asked, wouldn’t recommend / won’t recommend  2 be trusted, sponge, dustpan and brush, broom, mop, washing-up liquid, rubber has been left  3 being advised, being criticised  4 was told, gloves, soap, bleach, washing powder, dishwasher tablets had already been sold  5 have just bought, be repaired  6 being taken, will be moving, has been invited  7 has shown, to be told  8 being p21/ex2 given, has belonged 1 don’t know what possessed me, must be off your head, I wish I hadn’t made that silly decision p25/ex4 2 kick up a terrible fuss about 3 doesn’t grab me 1 We’ve just put a new central heating system in. We’ve just had a new central heating system put in.  2 I’m going to wallpaper my room. I’m p21/ex3 going to have my room wallpapered.  3 I must repair my microwave. 1 B  2 B  3 D  4 B  5 A I must have my microwave repaired.  4 We replaced our windows only p21/ex4 last week. We had our windows replaced only last week.  5 We will be 1 H  2 G  3 I  4 B  5 E  6 A  7 C  8 F  9 D building our new house next year. We will have our new house built next year.  6 My parents are redecorating their kitchen at the moment. p21/ex5 My parents are having their kitchen redecorated at the moment. 1 You should be independent when you leave the nest.  2 A lot of teenagers know next to nothing about household chores.  3 It can’t p25/ex5 be easy to make the switch from urban to rural life.  4 Teenagers do 1 We are having our fridge fixed  2 If I don’t have my sink repaired by a disservice to themselves by not learning some basic life skills. tomorrow  3 My sister hasn’t had any new pictures put up  4 We’ve © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 3 Strona 4 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi just had our car stolen.  5 Tim had his windows cleaned  6 My parents Finally, I would like to point out that four smaller buildings with flats must have their roof repaired  7 My neighbours are going to have their would offer a much better lifestyle for families than one large block. new summer house designed  8 They are going to / will have their flat I look forward to hearing your responses to these comments. broken into Yours faithfully, p25/ex6 Ben Carter 1 had not been cleaned  2 Why haven’t you made  3 your garage VOCABULARY OVERVIEW was emptied  4 had made such a mess  5 ’ve had my bedroom redecorated  6 I prefer being told  7 to be given useful things p29 1 moved  2 dingy  3 detached  4 attic  5 airy  6 overlook  7 double  p25/ex7 8 rugs  9 floorboards  10 fashioned  11 appliances  12 ceiling  1 If I were you  2 I have stayed  3 wanted to be told  4 you have your 13 fireplaces  14 renting  15 off the beaten track car repaired  5 had this apartment been rented  6 is he always making 7 are having a garage built p25/ex8 Student’s own answers MÓWIENIE p26/ex1 Student’s own answers p26/ex2 Suggested answers 1 The flat is situated in the very centre of the city.  2 The rent includes all the bills except for electricity.  3 I could be responsible for the cleaning in the flat I share with a friend.  4 I can invite my friends as long as they leave before midnight. p26/ex3 Student’s own answers p26/ex4 Student’s own answers p26/ex5 Student’s own answers PISANIE p27/ex1 Student’s own answers p27/ex2 Suggested answers 1 The block of flats where I live is in a bad state.  2 There has been no money invested in the renovation of the building where I live for many years.  3 One solution might be to paint the walls.  4 The poor conditions affect the health of the residents.  5 It would be in everyone’s interest to check the water and electricity installations in the whole building. p27/ex3 Dear Sir, I have recently heard about your proposed redevelopment of the site in the town centre which would require the destruction of several of the town’s most beautiful and historic houses. I am writing to complain about this atrocious plan. As everyone knows, these houses are very old and date back several hundred years. They are part of the character of our town and are in fact a tourist attraction. Clearly they have not been well-maintained and some renovation is necessary but I believe it would be a profitable investment for the town in the long run to spend some money on this. Your plans would see these lovely buildings replaced by a modern, ugly, block of flats. I am aware that there should be more affordable housing offered in our town, but this is neither the right location, nor the right type of building. There is already a lack of parking facilities in the centre. I would suggest that instead you develop the old factory site on the edge of town. This is land that is immediately available for development and is currently an absolute eyesore for people who live in that area. It is close to schools and public transport and there is easy access to the countryside. © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 4 Strona 5 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 03 Szkoła p35/ex5 1 motivational  2 concentration  3 deserted  4 treasured  5 learning SŁOWNICTWO p35/ex6 p30/ex1 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH p30/ex2 p36/ex1 Student’s own answers Possible answers p30/ex3 delighted, delightful, behaviour, behavioural, behaviourism, unhappy, 1 primary  2 nursery  3 reception  4 comprehensive, funded  5 public, happiness, happily, slimmer, slimmest, less, least, lecturer, varied, preparatory  6 scholarship  7 grammar, selective, common  8 faith  various, variety, variable, typical, atypical 9 Higher, sixth  10 vocational  11 faculty  12 serve  13 loan p36/ex2 p31/ex4 1 noun / variety  2 adjective / typical  3 noun / behaviour  4 noun / 1 fees  2 streamed  3 boarding  4 an apprenticeship  5 public lecturers  5 adjective / delighted  6 adjective / happier p31/ex5 p36/ex3 1 adviser  2 prefect  3 deputy  4 lecturer 1 nouns: -ful, -ous, -ly p31/ex6 2 adjectives: -ness, -ify, -ate 1 cutting  2 periods  3 attendance  4 taking  5 punctuality  6 detention 3 verbs: -less, -ible, -ly, -or / er, -ist 7 raised  8 self-  9 forging  10 time p36/ex4 p31/ex7 Students’ own answers 1 up  2 down  3 through, through, in  4 in  5 out, out  6 for  7 forward, p36/ex5 up 1 -al: trial, original, practical, refusal p32/ex8 2 -ous: ambitious, courageous, anxious, various 1 B  2 C  3 C  4 A  5 B  6 A  7 C  8 A  9 B  10 C  11 A 3 -ion: discussion, permission, solution, education 4 -able: advisable, acceptable, believable, manageable p32/ex9 5 -ify: simplify, terrify, certify, qualify 1 grips, brains, away  2 flying, miserably  3 end, curve, hand  4 teach, 6 -ly: weekly, terribly, lovely, beautifully lesson  5 head, hang  6 blank, tip, guess, straight p36/ex6 SŁUCHANIE ‘en-‘ has a positive meaning p33/ex1 1 inexpensive, inability 1 Nie mogę się zdecydować, gdzie mam studiować.  2 Zazwyczaj 2 unprepared, unlock zdaję egzaminy celująco.  3 Nie jestem stworzony/stworzona 3 illogical, illiterate do studiowania na uniwersytecie.  4 Cenię sobie bezpośrednią 4 nonsense, non-stop komunikację.  5 Wykorzystuję wiele technik zapamiętywania. 5 impatience, imperfect p33/ex2 6 irresponsible, irregular 1 type  2 doing  3 score  4 recall  5 educational  6 devoted  7 misleading, misunderstand 7 attachment  8 crave  9 sanction 8 atypical, apolitical 9 discomfort, disagree p33/ex3 10 enable, encourage 1 B  2 B  3 A p37/ex7 p33/ex4 1 failure, laziness, immaturity  2 least, successful  3 discouraged, Student’s own answers politician  4 memorise, impatient  5 misleading  6 non-sense, analysed p33/ex5 7 insensitive, hurtful 1 C  2 F  3 A  4 E  5 D  6 B p37/ex8 1 outperforms the others in class 1 disappointment  2 inspiring  3 knowledge  4 encourages 2 skip classes 3 pay attention in class p37/ex9 4 commit (the most information) to memory 1 convinced  2 widely  3 creatures  4 participant 5 scraped through an exam p37/ex10 6 struggled to understand 1 boredom  2 selection  3 meaningful  4 independent p33/ex6 p37/ex11 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers CZYTANIE MÓWIENIE p34/ex1 p38/ex1 1 Nie mogę się zdecydować, gdzie mam studiować. 2 Zazwyczaj Student’s own answers zdaję egzaminy celująco. 3 Nie jestem stworzony/stworzona p38/ex2 do studiowania na uniwersytecie. 4 Cenię sobie bezpośrednią Suggested answers komunikację. 5 Wykorzystuję wiele technik zapamiętywania. 1 Working in a group is much more effective than working on your p34/ex2 own. 2 I’d go for learning English with a CD-ROM. 3 Using an online 1 O  2 F  3 F  4 O  5 F  6 O dictionary is the most interesting option for me. 4 Written tests appeal p34/ex3 to me more than oral exams. 5 I wouldn’t choose this idea because I 1 C  2 B  3 D  4 D  5 B do not like preparing oral presentations. p35/ex4 p38/ex3 1 in 2 up 3 up 4 to 5 with 6 for A – too short; no arguments for choosing this option © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 5 Strona 6 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi B – lacks reason(s) for not choosing other options Review 01–03 C – lacks arguments for choosing this option p38/ex4 p42/ex1 Student’s own answers 1 B  2 D  3 A  4 E p38/ex5 p42/ex2 Student’s own answers 1 D  2 B  3 E  4 A p38/ex6 p43/ex3 Student’s own answers 1 Making decisions has never been  2 Why didn’t you talk  3 is always leaving his things / belongings  4 as soon as he appeared PISANIE p43/ex4 p39/ex1 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p43/ex5 p39/ex2 Student’s own answers Suggested answers 1 There are several ways of looking at the problem of teaching a foreign language to young children. 2 One advantage of teaching a foreign language to children is they learn new skills very easily. 3 On the other hand, it may be a better idea to master your native language first. 4 There’s no simple answer to this question because we do not know everything about the human brain. p39/ex3 Student’s own answers p39/ex4 1 Many people believe that  2 On the one hand,  3 One advantage of 4 On the other hand,  5 In addition to this,  6 there are both advantages and disadvantages to the issue p39/ex5 Student’s own answers VOCABULARY OVERVIEW p41 1 high  2 minds  3 canteen  4 gymnasium  5 go for  6 truant  7 headmaster / headmistress / headteacher  8 detention  9 suspended 10 exams  11 term  12 revise  13 timetable  14 mock  15 pass  16 marked © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 6 Strona 7 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 04 Praca 1 Muszę dostać odpowiednią pracę aby się utrzymać. 2 Nie mogę wyobrazić sobie, abym mógł/mogła pracować w banku. SŁOWNICTWO 3 Cieszyłem/cieszyłam się każdą minutą mojej wakacyjnej pracy. 4 Nie wytrzymałbym/wytrzymałabym długo w pracy, która nie jest p44/ex1 kreatywna. 5 Marzę o znalezieniu lukratywnej posady. Student’s own swers p47/ex8 p44/ex2 Student’s own answers Suggested answers 1 social media editor, app developer, zumba instructor, selfie stick CZYTANIE maker, blogger, website copywriter  2 retail cashier, telemarketer, travel p48/ex1 agent, librarian, taxi dispatcher  3 examples from energy (esp. nuclear Student’s own answers reactors maintenance), transportation and construction industries  4 and 5 Student’s own answers p48/ex2 1 B  2 E  3 D  4 A  5 C p44/ex3 1 D  2 C  3 F  4 E  5 H  6 B  7 A  8 G p48/ex3 1 C  2 A  3 B  4 E  5 D p44/ex4 1 rewarding  2 monotonous  3 challenging  4 lucrative  5 dead-end  p48/ex4 6 undemanding 1 in this  2 this choice  3 it’s  4 In addition to all this  5 This means  6 which p45/ex5 1 refuse  2 security  3 spin  4 care  5 personal  6 personnel p49/ex5 1 C  2 E  3 D  4 A p45/ex6 1 on  2 to  3 up  4 at  5 to  6 in  7 in  8 in  9 up  10 down p49/ex6 1 made the headlines  2 yearly  3 staff morale  4 contagious  5 content p45/ex7 1 shifts  2 in  3 for  4 make  5 taking  6 in  7 running  8 make  9 for  p49/ex7 10 start  11 conditions  12 hours  13 pockets  14 profession  15 rut  1 Staff morale  2 made the headlines  3 contagious  4 content 16 breadline  17 loop p49/ex8 p45/ex8 Student’s own answers 1 D  2 E  3 F  4 B  5 C  6 A  7 G ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH p46/ex9 career prospects, job description, public holiday, minimum wage, p50/ex1 working conditions, hourly rate, probation period, pay rise, business 1 had, have  2 only, would  3 time, about  4 rather, than  5 shoes/place, trip up  6 would, time  7 could, would p46/ex10 p50/ex2 1 role  2 path  3 tracked  4 head  5 interpersonal  6 over  7 ladder  1 time reference: past, number of elements missing: 4, should have 8 headhunted  9 odds  10 sense  11 basis  12 perks  13 face  14 ceiling told me  2 time reference: present, number of elements missing: 5, are 15 world you supposed to have  3 time reference: past continued till present, number of elements missing: 4, has been looking for  4 time reference: p46/ex11 past, number of elements missing: 5, would have got the job  5 time 1 up  2 out  3 in  4 on  5 on reference: present, number of elements missing: 5, he wouldn’t shout at p46/ex12 p50/ex3 a) 1  b) 2, 3, 4, 5 1 my boss wouldn’t criticise me all the time / my boss stopped p46/ex13 criticising me  2 they started the work  3 you didn’t use my office  1 Make  2 Shake  3 Sit  4 fold  5 Develop  6 Take  7 collect  8 catch  4 you had got on with the rest of the team  5 we hadn’t argued during 9 Maintain  10 Stick  11 Follow the meeting, we would have reached some conclusions  6 I could speak some foreign languages, I would have got the job  7 work for SŁUCHANIE a multinational company than a local one  8 I had accepted the job you offered me  9 you need my help, please contact me  10 you help p47/ex1 me with the project, I will help you with yours Student’s own answers p51/ex4 p47/ex2 1 found, started 2 hadn’t saved, would be 3 would have come, hadn’t 1 absolutely vital for me  2 a must for me  3 that he’s allowed to work had 4 didn’t talk, keep, will leave 5 worked, would get 6 could be / exclusively for this one company  4 primarily because of were, would be 7 to change, would you go 8 was promoted, would p47/ex3 notice /noticed 9 finds, won’t have 10 wouldn’t be able, earned 1 E  2 B  3 A  4 D p51/ex5 p47/ex4 1 If only I earned more! I could afford to go on a proper holiday.  1 in addition to  2 I don’t have any idea whatsoever  3 manage to 2 You’ll get paid on condition that you complete the project on remain in the same situation  4 spend a lot of time and effort doing time. 3 I wish my boss would not watch me all the time! I’d like him something  5 appear to trust me.  4 I’d rather you had told me the truth about the job I’d p47/ex5 applied for.  5 I wish I had attended the course on IT skills. It would have helped me in my job.  6 My mum would sooner I had not left work-wise, computer-generated, art-and-technology-oriented, my summer job, but I resigned as it was badly-paid.  7 Were I to do money-minded something else, I would become a lawyer.  8 Had I known this job p47/ex6 would be so demanding, I would have never taken it. 1 from  2 off  3 under  4 about  5 up p51/ex6 p47/ex7 1 rather he looked for  2 I was working on  3 am not used to working 1 E  2 C  3 D  4 A  5 B 4 would have been employed by  5 If only I had known © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 7 Strona 8 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi p51/ex7 1 would be better for  2 high time he applied for  3 prepares for the interview  4 had not been fired from  5 provided he gets paid p51/ex8 Student’s own answers MÓWIENIE p52/ex1 Student’s own answers p52/ex2 Suggested answers 1 It happened a year ago.  2 It happened while I was doing an interview with a famous person during the summer holidays.  3 At first, I didn’t know what to do.  4 To my surprise, the job was quite stressful.  5 I earned enough money to buy a new computer and I was very proud of myself.  6 I didn’t feel stressed at all. p52/ex3 1 It happened not so long ago.  2 At first  3 I was a bit unsure  4 I had prepared  5 to my surprise  6 I felt very proud of myself. p52/ex4 Student’s own answers p52/ex5 Student’s own answers p52/ex6 Student’s own answers PISANIE p53/ex1 Student’s own answers p53/ex2 Suggested answers 1 I sat in on lessons with primary school children.  2 At first, I simply observed the teacher.  3 There are two ways of looking at this problem. 4 From my point of view, it is a useful skill.  5 The responsibility you learn is invaluable.  6 You can develop a lot of practical skills in this job. p53/ex3 B p53/ex4 Student’s own answers VOCABULARY OVERVIEW p55 1 vacancies  2 run  3 salaries  4 tax  5 experience  6 mind  7 colleagues 8 permanent  9 promotion  10 income  11 pension  12 freelancer  13 boss  14 rewarding  15 living  16 on  17 offered  18 part-time  19 tips  20 lucrative © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 8 Strona 9 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 05  Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie p59/ex5 Student’s own answers SŁOWNICTWO CZYTANIE p56/ex1 p60/ex1 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p56/ex2 p60/ex2 Student’s own answers A the peace of mind  B an additional cost  C cost  D downside p56/ex3 p60/ex3 1 newborn, toddler  2 childhood  3 youth  4 adolescence  1 B  2 B  3 A  4 C 5 dependents  6 pregnancy  7 grown-ups / adults, pensioners p61/ex4 p56/ex4 1 However, the day definitely didn’t go as smoothly as it could have 1 late  2 heart  3 twenty-five-ish  4 turned, age  5 getting done. 2 My sister had always insisted that she would not have p57/ex5 an ostentatious wedding. She wanted to settle for something quiet, 1 B  2 C  3 A  4 C  5 B  6 A intimate and inexpensive, with just close friends and family. However, p57/ex6 when it actually came down to it, she went for something grander than 1 sworn  2 best  3 complete  4 immediate  5 identical  6 distant  even I could have imagined.  3 (…) the arrangements they had made for 7 family the ten of us who went to the ceremony were very generous indeed.  4 (…) it meant that local people who had known them for years could p57/ex7 come along without spending a fortune. 1 freshen  2 run  3 put  4 pick  5 helps p61/ex5 p57/ex8 1 an absolute fortune  2 the equivalent of  3 an ostentatious  4 it 1 checks  2 catch-up  3 browsing  4 fills  5 chores  6 does  7 chill  actually came down to it  5 went for  6 backdrop  7 tie the knot  8 a lot 8 goes of fuss p57/ex9 p61/ex6 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p57/ex10 p61/ex7 1 takes  2 the most  3 recharge  4 switch  5 feet  6 take  7 quiet  1 B  2 C  3 A  4 B 8 head  9 whiling  10 unwind  11 scene  12 mind  13 about  14 up  p61/ex8 15 early  16 share Student’s own answers p58/ex11 1 F  2 I  3 E  4 H  5 G  6 D  7 A  8 C  9 B ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH p58/ex12 p62/ex1 1 handshake  2 treat  3 fancy  4 greetings 1 tasteful – w dobrym guście tasty – smaczny 2 careful – uważny caring – dbający p58/ex13 3 classic – klasyczny, typowy classical – klasyczny, poważny talk things through, stop sb’s allowance, lay down some ground rules, go ballistic, push the limits, be against one’s better judgement, get 4 pride – rzeczownik proud – przymiotnik your point across, give sb the silent treatment 5 deep – przymiotnik depth – rzeczownik 6 confidential – tajny confident – wierzący w siebie p58/ex14 7 reliant – zależny reliable – można na kimś polegać 1 push the limits  2 lay down some ground rules  3 go ballistic  4 give sb the silent treatment  5 talk things through  6 be against one’s p62/ex2 better judgement  7 stop sb’s allowance  8 get your point across sense – sensible, sensitive; break – breakable, broken, breaking; trust – trusting, trustworthy; history – historical, historic; love – lovely, p58/ex15 loving; child – childish, child-like; extend – extended, extensive; 1 push the limits  2 lay down some ground rules  3 go ballistic  argue – argumentative, arguable; inform – informational, informative, 4 give you the silent treatment  5 talk things through  6 against your informed; consider – considerable, considerate; care – caring, careful; better judgement  7 stop their allowance  8 get your point across regret – regretful, regrettable; use – useful, usable; addict – addicted, p58/ex16 addictive; freeze – freezing, frozen; like – likely, likeable; 1 up, out, away  2 out, out  3 out, off, back  4 with, out, up  5 off, up, need – necessary, needy back  6 in, down, together, back p62/ex3 1 sensitive, considerate  2 frozen, argumentative  3 sensible, childish  SŁUCHANIE 4 regretful, useful  5 trusting, broken  6 necessary, extended  7 historic, p59/ex1 informative  8 likeable, lovely English acronyms: OMG – Oh My God, LOL – Laugh Out Loud, YOLO p62/ex4 – You Only Live Once, CU – See You, THX – Thanks, B4N – Bye for now, 1 correct  2 correct  3 sociable  4 middle-aged  5 correct  6 regrettable BRD – Bored, IDK – I don’t know, PLS – please 7 correct  8 frozen  9 argumentative  10 correct Polish acronyms: ZW – zaraz wracam, JJ – już jestem, NWM – nie wiem, BDB – bardzo dobrze, CT? – Co tam?, CTR? – Co tam robisz?, p63/ex5 KC – Kocham Cię, NMZC – Nie ma za co adjective noun verb p59/ex2 1 deep depth deepen 1 O  2 W  3 M, O  4 O  5 W 2 wide width widen p59/ex3 3 long length lengthen 1 D  2 D  3 B  4 C  5 A 4 broad breadth broaden p59/ex4 5 high height heighten 1 fiddling  2 snub  3 socialise  4 reflect on  5 consider  6 value 6 dying / dead death die © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 9 Strona 10 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 7 born birth bear, give birth about the sort of problems that their children face as it helps them to understand teenagers’ actions and opinions better. 8 choosy, chosen choice choose To sum up, in my opinion, getting parental advice on the majority 9 proud pride pride oneself on of problems benefits both teenagers and their parents and brings 10 hot heat heat them closer together. I remain wholly in favour of reaching out to the people nearest to us when we need help. p63/ex6 Student’s own answers p65/ex5 Student’s own answers p63/ex7 1 widen / broaden (AmE)  2 birth  3 choice  4 broaden  5 length  VOCABULARY OVERVIEW 6 dying p67 p63/ex8 1 retirement  2 fiancee  3 going  4 engaged  5 broke  6 threw  7 treats 1 choice  2 approval  3 unlikely  4 emotionally  5 selfish  6 trustworthy 8 tidy  9 washing  10 lie-ins  11 chilled  12 reception  13 foster  p63/ex9 14 adopted  15 walked  16 argument  17 on 1 valuable  2 deepen  3 intimacy  4 length  5 discussions  6 sensitive  7 precisely p63/ex10 Student’s own answers MÓWIENIE p64/ex1 Student’s own answers p64/ex2 Suggested answers 1 If I were you, I’d sign up for a photo course because it is perfect for creative people.  2 I suggest you sign up for a karate course with a friend because it’s much easier to exercise together.  3 I think a graphic design course would be perfect for you.  4 My advice is to join a pilates class because it’s good for your mind and body. p64/ex3 Student’s own answers p64/ex4 Student’s own answers p64/ex5 Student’s own answers PISANIE p65/ex1 Student’s own answers p65/ex2 Suggested answers 1 Nowadays / Today / These days everything can be found on the Internet.  2 Parents do not need to know about all of my problems.  3 Of course, some people do not trust the Internet.  4 From a teenager’s point of view adults are not aware of kids’ problems. p65/ex3 1 gain  2 relatively  3 are aware  4 considered  5 beneficial  6 instance 7 offers p65/ex4 Today, if you have a problem, it is possible to find advice online from a variety of sources. A lot of teenagers browse the Internet to get advice instead of asking their parents. I personally believe, however, that there is no substitution for advice from someone who knows you well. From the teenagers’ point of view, the main advantage of asking your parents’ advice is that they know you well and therefore know the best advice to give you. They are aware of how you have dealt with similar problems in the past. Above all, they care about you and only want what is best for you in the long run. Of course, some people might think that online advice is more objective than parental advice but it is not always reliable and doesn’t take into account individual issues. From the parents point of view, there’s nothing more important than sharing things with their children. Firstly, the teenage years are a time when parents and children can grow apart and discussing problems brings them closer. What is more, parents also benefit from knowing © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 10 Strona 11 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 06 Żywienie CZYTANIE p72/ex1 SŁOWNICTWO Student’s own answers p68/ex1 p72/ex2 Student’s own answers B p68/ex2 p72/ex3 Student’s own answers 1 C  2 C  3 B  4 C  5 B p68/ex3 p73/ex4 fruit: blueberry, pineapple, gooseberry, prune, apricot 1 cut  2 resist  3 creaky  4 anticipation  5 myths  6 benefits  7 along vegetables: spinach, watercress, shallot, rocket meat and sea food: offal, mussel, herring, mackerel, game, veal p73/ex5 bread and cakes: scone, doughnut, cheesecake, crumpet Student’s own answers p68/ex4 p73/ex6 1 C  2 E  3 F  4 G  5 A  6 J  7 B  8 D  9 K  10 I  11 H Student’s own answers p69/ex5 ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 1 beetroot  2 venison  3 oyster  4 radish  5 aubergine  6 cod p74/ex1 p69/ex6 1 I won’t be able to make  2 high in calories  3 correct  4 correct  1 carton  2 jug  3 piece  4 rasher  5 pot  6 spoonful  7 box  8 tube 5 was not allowed to go out; correct  6 take into account p69/ex7 p74/ex2 Student’s own answers 1 of  2 at  3 in  4 from  5 into  6 to  7 on  8 for  9 for  10 for p69/ex8 p74/ex3 1 chew, swallow  2 Squeeze  3 rinse  4 Spread  5 Slice  6 sip, gulp 1 Cut the tomatoes into thin slices to make this salad.  2 Put the kettle on to make some tea.  3 If you want to add some flavour to this dish, p69/ex9 stir in some garlic.  4 Serve this salad with some toasted bread.  1 peel, dice, simmer (vegetable soup / sauce)  2 Break, season, 5 Turn the heat down if you don’t want to burn the sauce.  whisk (scrambled eggs, omelette)  3 Line, spoon (cake)  4 prick 6 Add the olive oil and season the salad with salt and pepper to taste. (microwaveable dinner)  5 Knead, roll (biscuits, tart, pasta)  6 Steam, wrap (steamed / baked fish)  7 Strain, fried (pasta with scallops)  8 Skin, p74/ex4 bite, marinate (spicy chicken)  9 Spread, sprinkle (cup cakes ) 1 out; run out of – zabraknąć  2 down; cut down on – ograniczyć  3 out; out of date – przeterminowany  4 up; heat up – podgrzać  p69/ex10 5 in, in; low in / rich in – mieć niską / wysoką zawartość  6 off; put sb 1 crockery  2 corkscrew  3 sieve  4 ladle  5 wooden spoon  6 cutlery  off sth – obrzydzić, zniechęcić  7 off; go off – zepsuć się (o jedzeniu)  7 chopping board  8 tin opener 8 with; be obssesed with – mieć obsesję na punkcie p70/ex11 p74/ex5 1 fusion  2 exorbitantly  3 set  4 priced  5 service  6 attentive  1 able  2 can’t  3 ought  4 allowed  5 might  6 may  7 could 7 mouth-watering  8 die  9 portions  10 advance  11 overpriced  12 inedible  13 main  14 heavily  15 cutlery  16 smeared  17 poor p75/ex6 1 can 2 mustn’t 3 could / were allowed 4 didn’t need to cook p70/ex12 5 must have put Student’s own answers p75/ex7 p70/ex13 1 He can’t have attended the same cookery course as me.  2 Do I need 1 culinary  2 delicacies  3 portions  4 dishes to wear an apron?  3 You mustn’t serve raw meat in this country.  p70/ex14 4 I was forced to eat spinach as a child.  5 It’s my dream to be able to 1 full  2 ready  3 junk  4 diet  5 crash  6 self-service cook very well. / I wish I was able to cook very well.  6 Len will eat junk food when he’s on his own.  7 I was not allowed to boil the kettle until p70/ex15 I was 10!  8 My mum must have made a meal for us.  9 I should not 1 diabetes  2 nutritional  3 boost  4 cholesterol  5 protein  have eaten so much during the party. / I should have eaten less during 6 supplements  7 fibre  8 preventing, bones the party. I have a stomachache now. SŁUCHANIE p75/ex8 p71/ex1 1 more  2 up  3 would  4 must  5 in  6 Despite  7 at Student’s own answers p75/ex9 p71/ex2, 3 1 which  2 into  3 ought  4 in  5 not  6 up  7 being B most of the students p75/ex10 (…) only a fraction were of the opinion that such classes would not interest Student’s own answers them. Approximately a quarter said they were quite keen to go to such lessons while the majority greeted the idea with great enthusiasm. MÓWIENIE p71/ex4 p76/ex1 1 A  2 B  3 A Student’s own answers p71/ex5 p76/ex2 1 D  2 B  3 A  4 E  5 C; 1 praiseworthy  2 nutritious  3 tender  4 aroma Suggested answers 1 In my opinion, eating out may / could be unhealthy.  2 As far as I’m p71/ex6 concerned, eating family meals together is extremely important. 1 eye  2 world  3 moon  4 nutshell  5 cup 3 I only agree with this statement to some extent.  4 One of p71/ex7 the advantages of eating at home is that meals are cheaper. Student’s own answers 5 Cooking at home has plenty of advantages.  6 Another negative side of eating out is the high cost of meals. © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 11 Strona 12 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi p76/ex3 Review 01–06 Student’s own answers p76/ex4 p80/ex1 Student’s own answers 1 B  2 D  3 A  4 A  5 A p76/ex5 p80/ex2 Student’s own answers 1 B  2 C  3 C  4 A p81/ex3 PISANIE 3 1 As soon as I left  2 take pride in telling  3 I would have told  p77/ex1 4 hates being talked to Student’s own answers p81/ex4 p77/ex2 Student’s own answers Suggested answers p81/ex5 1 Banning unhealthy snacks from school is a controversial issue.  Student’s own answers 2 The main advantage of teaching teenagers to cook at school is that they will learn a lot about eating healthily.  3 Some students will follow the advice on eating healthily whereas others will follow their stomachs!  4 An obvious drawback of banning junk food from school is that it will be difficult to implement it.  5 The outcome of the ban on eating chocolate and chips will depend on how strictly the school enforces it. p77/ex3 Advantages: – people can immediately see the health value of what they buy, eat and cook – people can read exactly, for example, how much of the average person’s daily intake of salt or sugar is in the product – this information will be used by people to eat a more balanced diet and to avoid the food that perhaps they previously ate in excess, unaware of what it contained – this information can encourage healthier eating habits Disadvantages: – the information on the product can be so detailed that it is difficult for consumers to understand it quickly – a simple, straightforward indication of the health value of a product would be more effective – it might make people become too obsessive about what they eat – scientific advice about healthy eating can change quickly – if the information is unclear consumers may be confused or irritated and ignore it completely p77/ex4 Student’s own answers VOCABULARY OVERVIEW p79 1 delicious  2 full  3 self-service  4 helpings  5 baked  6 rasher  7 slices 8 packed  9 soft  10 packet  11 home-made  12 tea  13 biscuits  14 courses  15 dry  16 spicy  17 pie  18 baked  19 crash © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 12 Strona 13 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 07  Zakupy i usługi p85/ex6 1 C part and parcel – to be an aspect of something that has to be SŁOWNICTWO accepted  2 D peace and quiet – a calm quiet situation in which you are not annoyed by noise or other people  3 E sick and tired – very p82/ex1 unhappy about something  4 B pick and choose – to have the chance Student’s own answers to choose the things that you prefer rather than simply accept what p82/ex2 someone gives you  5 A hit-and-miss – not planned or done in an Student’s own answers organized way p82/ex3 p85/ex7 1 flower  2 DIY  3 launderette  4 retail 1 a well-known retailer, a marketing department  2 savvy, clever  3 draw, attract  4 limits  5 account, consideration  6 touch, finger  p82/ex4 7 prompt, encourage Suggested answers 1 a ring, earrings (jeweller’s)  2 a pen, crayons (stationery shop)  p85/ex8 3 shoelaces, trainers (shoe shop) Student’s own answers p82/ex5 CZYTANIE 1 unaffordable  2 investment  3 overpriced  4 worthless  5 agreement, p86/ex1 instalments  6 monetary  7 delivery  8 excess Student’s own answers p83/ex6 p86/ex2 1 up  2 up  3 out, on  4 aside  5 of  6 around  7 in  8 on 1A2B3B4B5A6A p83/ex7 p86/ex3 1 keep  2 return  3 give  4 spend, make  5 going  6 give, speak  C 7 making, meet  8 leave p86/ex4 p83/ex8 1 otherwise occupied  2 indulge in  3 your bank balance has gone down Student’s own answers a little  4 ‘would-be’ shoppers  5 child’s play / effortless  6 fiddling with p83/ex9 p86/ex5 Student’s own answers 1 would-be shoppers  2 child’s play / effortless  3 otherwise occupied p83/ex10 4 indulge in  5 fiddling with  6 my bank balance has gone down a little 1 calling  2 placement  3 sponsorship  4 marketing  5 endorsement  p86/ex6 6 viral Student’s own answers p83/ex11 p87/ex7 1 prospective  2 highlight  3 effective  4 competitive  5 recognisable  1 B  2 A  3 A  4 C 6 seasonal p87/ex8 p84/ex12 1 C  2 D  3 A  4 E  5 B 1 D  2 H  3 F  4 B  5 G  6 C  7 A  8 E 1 cultural events p84/ex13 2 staple foods 1 prompt  2 convenient  3 reliable  4 inefficient, conflicting  5 flexible 3 common practice 6 unobtainable, frustrating 4 formidable opponent p84/ex14 5 strategic positions 1 small  2 renew  3 claims, premium  4 paid  5 fraudulent  6 cover  p87/ex9 7 quote Student’s own answers p84/ex15 1 token  2 cash, credit, debit  3 loyalty  4 coupons  5 transfer  ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 6 exchange rate  7 Chip, pin, contactless  8 statement p88/ex1 p84/ex16 1 I’ve been buying from you for three years. present perfect 1 current  2 rates  3 orders  4 overdraft  5 red  6 currency  7 exchange continuous  2 The old shopping mall is being pulled down.  8 windfall  9 bond 3 The man denied stealing / having stolen something from the shop.  4 Despite spending three hours in the shops, I didn’t find any SŁUCHANIE bargains.  5 Some people want to earn a lot of money so as / in order to buy everything they want.  6 I was made (by my father) to study p85/ex1 economics when I was sixteen. Student’s own answers p88/ex2 p85/ex2 1 Although I do not earn a lot 1 Stores invent more and more sophisticated techniques with the aim 2 No matter how hard I tried of seducing you.  2 This idea may spark off heavy criticism.  3 Financial 3 in order that she does not spend problems stem from overspending.  4 Debt often generates more 4 In spite of being in debt debt. 5 Trendy as it may seem p85/ex3 6 Much as I like shopping 1 results in, gives rise to  2 because 7 for fear of losing them / as he feared to lose them p85/ex4 8 so as not to spend too much 1 D  2 B  3 E  4 C 9 No matter how much he got 10 so that I can take p85/ex5 clothes, means, premises, goods p88/ex3 Martin worked hard, but he still couldn’t make ends meet. 1 Despite working hard, Martin still couldn’t make ends meet. © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 13 Strona 14 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 2 However hard he worked, he still couldn’t make ends meet. p91/ex4 3 Even though Martin worked hard, he still couldn’t make ends meet. Student’s own answers 4 No matter how hard Martin worked, he still couldn’t make ends meet. VOCABULARY OVERVIEW I opened a savings account because I didn’t want to keep my money p93 at home. 1 bargains  2 sick and tired  3 online  4 department  5 mall  6 quality 1 I opened a savings account so as not to keep my money at home. 7 low  8 card  9 fraud  10 courier  11 return  12 faulty  13 complaint  2 I opened a savings account so that I wouldn’t have to keep my 14 feedback  15 salon  16 dry  17 council  18 renewing  19 balance  money at home. 20 junk 3 I opened a savings account in order not to keep my money at home. 4 I opened a savings account to avoid keeping my money at home. p88/ex4 1 go  2 split  3 sign  4 to save  5 investing  6 to take  7 buying  8 borrowing  9 to be  10 paying  11 to study p89/ex5 1 I remember paying, I don’t remember paying  2 have been meaning to phone / call; means not having  3 to try not to spend, went on doing it  4 I regret buying / having bought, stopped working  5 We stopped to take out / withdraw; had forgotten to take  6 forgot ordering  7 went on to buy  8 try not taking p89/ex6 1 went shopping was a week ago  2 going shopping  3 stopped to drink  4 is being built  5 to deal  6 not allowed to take  7 as the car was 8 not to have p89/ex7 1 needs repairing / needs to be repaired  2 if / wether I had ever used  3 what the price of  4 is no point in buying / no need to buy  5 convincing the salesperson was  6 had not sold  7 was made to leave p89/ex8 Dad, do you feel like saving some money so as not to have any debts in the future / so that we do not have any debts in the future? I’d love to do this, son. What do you suggest I (should) do? Why not buy me a bike / Why don’t you buy me a bike? I won’t go on wearing my shoes out so fast! MÓWIENIE p90/ex1 Student’s own answers p90/ex2 Suggested answers 1 To my mind, the woman in the picture will sit down on a bench to rest after shopping.  2 It looks like the friends will go for a coffee.  3 To my mind, she may ask for trousers in a different colour.  4 I wouldn’t be surprised if this woman forgot to take her debit card with her.  5 I can’t be sure, but they may buy this car. p90/ex3 Student’s own answers p90/ex4 Student’s own answers p90/ex5 Student’s own answers PISANIE p91/ex1 Student’s own answers p91/ex2 Suggested answers 1 The documentary covered many aspects of advertising aimed at children.  2 The programme included interviews with both parents and children.  3 The film made me aware that advertising affects us in many ways.  4 There is no clear cut solution to the problems caused by the advertising industry.  5 My opinion is based on what I’ve read about marketing techniques.  6 I know well from first-hand experience that advertising makes us want more and more things. p91/ex3 1 C  2 D  3 F  4 G  5 E  6 B  7 A © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 14 Strona 15 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 08  Podróżowanie i turystyka CZYTANIE p98/ex1 SŁOWNICTWO Student’s own answers p94/ex1 p98/ex2 Student’s own answers 1 C  2 A  3 D  4 B p94/ex2 p98/ex3 Student’s own answers 1 be in the enviable position  2 within a stone’s throw  3 be sought p94/ex3 after  4 on daily basis  5 take for granted Student’s own answers p99/ex4 p94/ex4 Student’s own answers 1 D  2 E / F  3 A / G  4 A / G  5 C  6 B  7 E / F  8 H p99/ex5 p94/ex5 1 E  2 A  3 C  4 B 1 track (railway / underground station)  2 crossing (railway line) p99/ex6 3 runway (airport)  4 roundabout (road)  5 tunnel (railway / road / 1 F  2 C  3 A  4 D  5 G  6 E  7 H  8 B underground)  6 line (underground) p99/ex7 p94/ex6 Student’s own answers 1 take  2 wear  3 get, ask  4 keep, get  5 take  6 rush, get stuck p99/ex8 p95/ex7 Student’s own answers 1 crossing  2 speed camera  3 rush hour  4 seat belt  5 speeding ticket 6 travel sickness p95/ex8 ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 1 bike  2 car  3 train  4 car  5 bike  6 train  7 car  8 bike  9 car  10 train p100/ex1 p95/ex9 1 make, take  2 get 3 made  4 tell  5 took  6 take  7 keep 1 rough  2 take  3 isolated  4 up  5 by  6 site  7 wild  8 supply  p100/ex2 9 tinder-dry  10 sparks  11 creepy  12 zipping up  13 bags  catch do take make say tell 14 glamping  15 intimidating  16 reasonably  17 dormitory  18 mixed a ferry somebody a suggestion a demand a few the truth 19 bunk  20 communal  21 first-hand  22 earplugs  23 padlock  24 l l l l l l fire good a ferry a suggestion words a lie spread l l l l lsomebody’s l damage l photos l the most of l what you l the time p96/ex10 attention l an l a seat l fun of think l the 1 throngs  2 odds  3 location  4 bracing  5 catering  6 retreat experiment l care of l a difference difference 7 friendly  8 essential  9 provisions  10 ripped l one’s best l a route p96/ex11 l place 1 flight  2 journey  3 excursions  4 trips  5 tour  6 travel  7 voyage p100/ex3 p96/ex12 1 The British Song Festival took place in Warsaw last week.  2 I take lots 1 trip  2 flight  3 travel  4 tour  5 excursion of photos during my holidays.  3 All the passengers took their seats on the coach.  4 The route we took was very scenic.  5 Try to make p96/ex13 the most of your stay at the seaside.  6 Do holiday brochures still catch sandy beaches, breathtaking views, winding roads, thrilling rides, people’s attention?  7 Some travel agencies tell lies to their clients. ancient ruins, scorching temperatures, architectural wonders p100/ex4 p96/ex14 1 get  2 come  3 take  4 make  5 do  6 keep 1 out  2 jet  3 get, soak  4 shoestring  5 light, for  6 take  7 solid  8 in  9 about, look p100/ex5 Student’s own answers p96/ex15 1 picked  2 backing  3 collided  4 followed  5 joined  6 slip  7 round p101/ex6 8 drive  9 overtaking  10 swerve  11 oncoming  12 mounted  1 We took the blame for the accident, off early in the morning, interest 13 took  14 jumped  15 piece in the offer of an extreme holiday, the travel agent’s advice, confidence in this tour operator.  2 We followed the directions, the path, the SŁUCHANIE travel agent’s advice.  3 We lost sight of our guide, confidence in this p97/ex1 tour operator, interest in the offer of extreme holiday.  4 We set off Student’s own answers early in the morning, foot in a jungle for the first time.  5 We made a reservation, all the necessary travel arrangements.  6 We got lost, off p97/ex2 the train. 1 A  2 D  3 C  4 A  5 B p101/ex7 p97/ex3 take something into consideration – wziąć coś pod uwagę 1 C  2 A  3 B  4 E  5 D keep an eye on somebody – pilnować kogoś, mieć na kogoś oko p97/ex4 get in touch with somebody – skontaktować się z kimś 1 in the way  2 with package  3 to them  4 about the idea  5 in need make up your mind – zdecydować się 6 to the people put pressure on somebody – wywierać na kogoś nacisk pay somebody a visit – odwiedzić kogoś p97/ex5 1 rush  2 take  3 mind  4 lift p101/ex8 1 I’ll get in touch with you when I get back.  2 It wasn’t easy to make p97/ex6 up my mind.  3 When we are in Rome, we’ll pay you a visit.  Student’s own answers 4 The teacher promised to keep an eye on the children during © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 15 Strona 16 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi the school trip.  5 When I think about where to go on holiday, I’ll take your suggestion into consideration. p101/ex9 1 have just made / introduced some changes  2 in handy / useful at a campsite  3 in case you get lost  4 came to my  5 always kept me 6 refused to take care p101/ex10 1 had made a reservation  2 might / may / could have got lost  3 coming to terms with it  4 will take place the moment  5 is considering doing business with  6 Has anyone taken into consideration p101/ex11 Student’s own answers MÓWIENIE p102/ex1 Student’s own answers p102/ex2 Suggested answers 1 I see your point, but I still think holidays in the mountains are too tiring.  2 You’re right to some extent, but I think that climbing is worth trying out.  3 What I mean is that not everybody likes to be passive during holidays / to spend their holidays in a passive way.  4 I guess I couldn’t spend my holidays alone. p102/ex3 Student’s own answers p102/ex4 Student’s own answers p102/ex5 Student’s own answers PISANIE p103/ex1 Student’s own answers p103/ex2 Suggested answers 1 I’m afraid I have several complaints about the arrangements of the winter holidays.  2 The condition of the bathroom and the hotel restaurant was unacceptable.  3 We were not the only guests who were unhappy with the service.  4 The manager of the campsite refused to listen to our complaints.  5 I strongly suggest that you train your representatives better.  6 It goes without saying that without introducing changes, the company will lose customers. p103/ex3 1 I’m sorry but…  2 full of problems  3 When we arrived / got there 4 delayed for ages  5 there were no announcements at all  6 wrong 7 short  8 had a lot more / a whole list  9 really low  10 would like / want p103/ex4 Student’s own answers VOCABULARY OVERVIEW p105 1 book  2 advance  3 travel  4 festivals  5 passes  6 terminal  7 checked  8 lounge  9 flight  10 representative  11 coach  12 temperatures  13 share  14 single  15 en suite  16 excursion  17 tour  18 guide  19 trips  20 runway © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 16 Strona 17 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 09 Kultura p109/ex8 Student’s own answers SŁOWNICTWO CZYTANIE p106/ex1 p110/ex1 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p106/ex2 p110/ex2 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p106/ex3 p110/ex3 1 D  2 G  3 F  4 I  5 J  6 A  7 B  8 E  9 C  10 H Student’s own answers p106/ex4 p110/ex4 1 rhyme  2 sequel  3 blurb  4 chorus  5 illustrations  6 close-ups 1 D  2 A  3 B  4 D  5 B p107/ex5 p111/ex5 Student’s own answers 1 B  2 C  3 D  4 A p107/ex6 p111/ex6 1 novel  2 tale  3 music  4 fiction  5 music  6 novel  7 verse  8 poem 1 wave  2 rescue  3 price  4 skipped p107/ex7 p111/ex7 1 bring  2 take  3 hang  4 hum  5 prompt  6 play  7 frame  8 play  9 sit Student’s own answers 10 sketch p107/ex8 ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 1 edition  2 forgery  3 supporting  4 designer, manager  5 soothing  p112/ex1 6 dressing  7 understudy 1 word order; Not only is he talented  2 wrong grammar (tense) p107/ex9 – it should be a mixed conditional; had kept on playing  3 wrong 1 a painter  2 an actor  3 a writer  4 a musician  5 a writer / film director grammar; No sooner had I stopped  4 wrong grammar (tense); does not 6 a painter  7 a sculptor  8 a singer  9 a ballerina finish on time  5 too many words; Under no circumstances can you  6 word order; Seldom do we go to p107/ex10 1 glued  2 edge  3 caught  4 off  5 gave  6 put  7 death p112/ex2 Expressions used in inversion: Never – nigdy; Rarely / Seldom – rzadko; p107/ex11 No sooner (…than) – kiedy tylko; Under no circumstances – pod żadnym Student’s own answers pozorem; Little – wcale nie (z czasownikami typu know, realise); p107/ex12 Only – tylko; Hardly / Barely / Scarcely (…when) – kiedy tylko; Not only 1 make, write, did  2 cast, playing, lines  3 shortlisted, recorded  (… but also) – nie tylko (… lecz także); Not until – dopóki nie; 4 putting, playing, steal, get At no point – nigdy p108/ex13 p112/ex3 1 title  2 ovation  3 reviews  4 ghostwriter  5 Supporting  6 read  1 Little  2 Hardly / Barely / Scarcely  3 Not until  4 Rarely / Seldom / 7 auction  8 editions Never  5 Never  6 Only  7 Not only  8 Under no circumstances / At no point p108/ex14 1 review  2 contestant  3 autograph  4 stage fright p113/ex4 1 have I seen such a terribly dull film  2 no point did the audience p108/ex15 laugh during the play  3 sooner had the singer started singing than 1 C  2 E  3 D  4 A  5 F  6 B the audience clapped their hands  4 had Helen passed her final exams p108/ex16 when she got a job at the Opera House  5 when the man took off his 1 editions  2 subscription  3 broadsheet  4 tabloid  5 newsprint  hat, did I realise he was a famous actor  6 until the last few pages, was 6 access  7 skimming  8 features  9 scanning  10 classified  11 aside  it clear how the book was going to end  7 no circumstances will this 12 depth  13 subtitles  14 breaking  15 rolls  16 newsflashes  film director want to change the cast  8 did we know that the film 17 columnist  18 informed would have so many bloody scenes SŁUCHANIE p113/ex5 1 If I had a mobile phone, I would have rung you from outside of the p109/ex1 theatre.  2 If I had practised the piano more as a teenager, I could play Student’s own answers it better now.  3 If my sister had not married a circus performer, she p109/ex2 wouldn’t have to travel (with him) all the time.  4 If we had submitted 1 B  2 A  3 C our film for the competition, we could have won a prize.  5 If my friend was older, she could have got a part in the musical.  6 If the TV p109/ex3 programme had not been so long, I would have watched it till the end. Student’s own answers 7 If paparazzi did not follow this actress everywhere, she wouldn’t be p109/ex4 so unhappy. Student’s own answers p113/ex6 p109/ex5 Suggested answers 1 E  2 B  3 D  4 C 1 But for my parents’ help, I would not have become an actor.  2 If I was older, I would have got that role yesterday.  3 I’ll go to the p109/ex6 cinema with you provided / on condition that you don’t want to see 1 D  2 E  3 B  4 C  5 A a horror film.  4 If you hadn’t lost the tickets, we would be at the p109/ex7 concert now!  5 As long as there are no surprises, this film will win 1 belief  2 indebted  3 knowledgeable  4 infectious  5 passionate  the competition.  6 You’ll be a good dancer on condition that you 6 rehearsals devote your life to it. © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 17 Strona 18 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi p113/ex7 Review 01–09 1 My brother would have never succeeded as a top journalist if it wasn’t for his hard work.  2 Not until the next day did they let me p118/ex1 know the results of the art competition.  3 If I had studied harder, 1 B  2 A  3 C I would not have failed my exams.  4 Only if you practise writing a lot, will you become a good journalist.  5 This artist’s work will be p118/ex2 displayed in our gallery on condition that we agree on the dates.  1 A  2 B  3 D  4 D  5 B 6 Why didn’t you tell me about the concert? I would have come.  p119/ex3 7 No sooner had Matt started to play the piano than I knew he was 1 furniture / furnishings  2 independent  3 affordable  4 exceptionally a real talent.  8 Rarely do we have art workshops at our school. p119/ex4 p113/ex8 Student’s own answers 1 had not discouraged me from  2 Scarcely had the show begun  3 will you succeed in becoming / will you succeed and become  p119/ex5 4 in spite of being  5 had not been Student’s own answers p113/ex9 1 had a gift for singing  2 admitted causing a  3 Not only is the show 4 give me a hand  5 did I realise how brilliant p113/ex10 Student’s own answers; 2 C MÓWIENIE p114/ex1 Student’s own answers p114/ex2 Suggested answers 1 I like the idea of seeing the photo exhibition the most.  2 I’d rather go to the concert than to the cinema because listening to live music appeals to me much more than watching a film.  3 Watching TV programmes appeals to me more than reading books.  4 I like the idea of watching the theatre play because I like theatre the most. p114/ex3 Student’s own answers p114/ex4 Student’s own answers p114/ex5 Student’s own answers PISANIE p115/ex1 Student’s own answers p115/ex2 1 To start with  2 Personally  3 While it is generally assumed that  4 Not everyone agrees  5 We cannot underestimate  6 I strongly believe  7 In conclusion / To sum it up / All in all  8 Contrary to popular belief p115/ex3 These days, Firstly, Secondly, Of course, While p115/ex4 Student’s own answers p115/ex5 Student’s own answers VOCABULARY OVERVIEW p117 1 bookworm  2 daily  3 novels  4 paperback  5 trilogy  6 based  7 blockbusters  8 effects  9 directed  10 subtitles  11 glued  12 fright 13 violin  14 turned  15 classical  16 ballets  17 folk  18 live  19 stage  20 clapping © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 18 Strona 19 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi 10 Sport p123/ex4 1 C  2 A  3 E  4 B SŁOWNICTWO p123/ex5 p120/ex1 1 G  2 B  3 F  4 C  5 D  6 E  7 A 1 weightlifting  2 volleyball  3 shot put  4 canyoning  5 kayaking  p123/ex6 6 karate  7 wrestling  8 ski jumping  9 cycling 1 goes back  2 motives  3 prompted  4 perceived p120/ex2 p123/ex7 Student’s own answers Student’s own answers p120/ex3 place: pitch, court, ring, course, track, rink, pool, club CZYTANIE equipment: oar, net, racket, bow, club, board, boots, wetsuit p124/ex1 clothes: gloves, goggles, helmet, boots, wetsuit, tracksuit Student’s own answers p120/ex4 p124/ex2 pitch: football, cricket, rugby, field hockey 1 B  2 A  3 B court: tennis, squash, basketball, badminton, volleyball, netball p125/ex3 p120/ex5 1 C  2 A  3 A  4 B 1 hurdles  2 pole vault  3 base jumping  4 fencing  5 curling  p125/ex4 6 long jump  7 relay 1 gruelling  2 friction  3 word  4 conviction  5 duration  6 countless p120/ex6 p125/ex5 1 bat  2 baton  3 pads  4 cue  5 oars  6 stick, puck  7 shuttlecock, net Student’s own answers p121/ex7 1 court  2 race  3 water  4 goalposts  5 shot  6 headway  7 eye  ZNAJOMOŚĆ ŚRODKÓW JĘZYKOWYCH 8 count  9 win-win  10 ball p126/ex1 p121/ex8 on and off – sometimes, because – since, for ever – for good, Suggested answers nowadays – these days, having thought it over – on second thoughts, 1 tennis  2 sprinting  3 swimming  4 football  5 rifle / shooting  when – the moment 6 sailing 7 tennis  8 boxing  9 general reference to competitiveness  p126/ex2 10 early ball games 1 from, to  2 being  3 days  4 far  5 on  6 age  7 (every) now  8 Ever  p121/ex9 9 very  10 long 1 top  2 prize  3 personal  4 photo  5 false  6 league  7 talking  8 time  p126/ex3 9 hat  10 final  11 free  12 final  13 home 1 while  2 for  3 by  4 today  5 since  6 still  7 moment p121/ex10 p126/ex4 1 A spectators B audience  2 A qualified B succeeded  3 A stadium at ease, random, the expense of, first sight, fault B podium  4 A game B match by accident, chance, profession, surprise, far p121/ex11 for a change, good, the sake of, hire, certain 1 football  2 tennis  3 tennis  4 boxing / wrestling  5 long jump  in need of, pain, touch, detail, person; 6 high jump  7 golf  8 relay  9 tennis / volleyball  10 horse racing  on average, good / bad terms, the whole, purpose, behalf of, second 11 Formula One thoughts at ease – spokojny, at random – losowo, at the expense of sth – p122/ex12 kosztem czegoś, at the first sight – od pierwszego wejrzenia, at fault Student’s own answers – w błędzie, by accident – przypadkiem, by chance – przypadkiem, p122/ex13 by profession – z zawodu, by surprise – niespodziewanie, by far – o wiele, 1 defending  2 gap  3 finish  4 retain  5 neck and neck  6 approach  zdecydowanie, for a change – dla odmiany, for good – na dobre, 7 pulling  8 length  9 clear  10 cross  11 running  12 got  13 a lead  for the sake of sth – przez wzgląd na coś, for hire – do wynajęcia, 14 point  15 keep  16 field wypożyczenia, for certain – na pewno, in need of – potrzebować czegoś, in pain – w bólach, in touch – w kontakcie, in detail – p122/ex14 drobiazgowo, in person – osobiście, on average – przeciętnie, średnio, 1 up, off  2 in, up  3 off, up  4 up  5 by, off, on  6 off  7 on, to on good / bad terms – w dobrych / złych relacjach, on the whole – p122/ex15 ogólnie rzecz biorąc, on purpose – celowo, on behalf of sb – w czyimś 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 A 7 B  8 A imieniu, on second thoughts –po namyśle p122/ex16 p126/ex5 1 pay-check  2 pro  3 force  4 barred  5 liable  6 gruelling  7 recreational  1 On average, On the whole  2 in pain, by accident  3 by far, for certain 8 incentives 4 at fault, in detail  5 at ease, for a change  6 in person, at first sight  7 is in need of, at the expense of SŁUCHANIE p127/ex6 p123/ex1 A for  B from  C to  D to  E of  F for  G to  H with  I in  J in, with / to scuba diving, bungee jumping, motocross, free skiing, hang-gliding, K with  L of  M of  N with, to  O in whitewater rafting, paintball p127/ex7 p123/ex2 Student’s own answers 1 A  2 D  3 B  4 C  5 D p127/ex8 p123/ex3 front runner – the person or thing considered the most likely to 1 the technology of kitesurfing  2 the fact that kitesurfing is not a new win a competition, game, election etc.; jump the gun – to do or say sport  3 kitesurfing  4 physics book  5 kitesurfing something too soon, before you know that it is suitable or correct; on the ball – quick to understand what is happening and what must © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 19 Strona 20 Repetytorium dla uczniów liceów i techników. Poziom rozszerzony – klucz odpowiedzi be done; race against time – a situation in which someone must VOCABULARY OVERVIEW do or finish something very quickly because they only have a limited p131 amount of time to do it; skate on thin ice – at risk of upsetting or 1 wrestling  2 rowing  3 taking  4 equipment  5 rackets  6 wetsuits annoying someone; get the ball rolling – to make something start 7 pitch  8 courts  9 train  10 trophies  11 championship  12 atlethe  happening; play by the rules – follow what is generally held to be 13 jumper  14 broke  15 round  16 gymnast  17 went  18 part the correct line of behavior; neck and neck – involved in a close race, competition etc. p127/ex9 1 plays by the rules  2 front runner  3 jumped the gun  4 race against time  5 get the ball rolling p127/ex10 1 D  2 B  3 A  4 B  5 B  6 A p127/ex11 1 B  2 C  3 A  4 B  5 C  6 D p127/ex12 Student’s own answers MÓWIENIE p128/ex1 Student’s own answers p128/ex2 Suggested answers 1 This photograph shows an excited person.  2 In the foreground, I can see people practicing / doing yoga.  3 In the background, we can see sports fans watching a match.  4 The man in the picture gives the impression of being strong.  5 The woman in the picture looks as if she has just finished running / jogging.  6 I get the impression that the people in the photograph are not satisfied with the results they have achieved. p128/ex3 Student’s own answers p128/ex4 Student’s own answers p128/ex5 Student’s own answers PISANIE p129/ex1 Student’s own answers p129/ex2 Student’s own answers p129/ex3 Student’s own answers p129/ex4 Student’s own answers 1 But is that right?  2 Some people in the class thought that it was a good idea, but I was amazed that a lot of students were against it, especially as regards young children. People made many different points, but the final vote showed that most of the class thought that more competition among young children was not a good thing  3 I definitely agree with that view.  4 I feel very strongly that young children should be encouraged to enter competitions, but not be forced. Then, they will be more likely to continue playing sport when they are older and lead a healthier lifestyle. p129/ex5 Student’s own answers p129/ex6 Student’s own answers p129/ex7 Student’s own answers © Macmillan Polska 2016. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 20