Water Systems okładka

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Water Systems

"Water Systems" presents a comprehensive exploration of Earth's vital water networks, from the smallest molecular interactions to massive oceanic systems. This timely work examines how natural and engineered water systems interact to sustain life and shape our environment, particularly crucial as communities worldwide grapple with water security challenges and climate change impacts. The book skillfully navigates through three interconnected themes: natural water systems (including rivers, aquifers, and glaciers), human-engineered infrastructure, and their integration in modern resource management. Beginning with fundamental concepts like the hydrologic cycle, it builds a strong foundation before delving into more complex topics. The text employs clear explanations and practical examples, supported by detailed diagrams and data visualizations, making technical concepts accessible to both specialists and informed citizens. What sets this book apart is its holistic approach to water resource analysis, introducing new frameworks for understanding the intricate relationships between natural and engineered water systems. Through case studies from six continents, it demonstrates how water networks influence everything from climate patterns to urban development and public health. The book's systematic progression from basic principles to practical applications makes it an invaluable resource for environmental scientists, water resource managers, and policymakers seeking to address current and future water-related challenges.

Tytuł Water Systems
Autor: Yves Earhart
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2025
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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