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Ugly things that could breakdown your beautiful marriage okładka

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Ugly things that could breakdown your beautiful marriage

Do you know that you can purpose in your heart not to divorce or separate from your spouse, but if your spouse does not have the same mindset, you will divorce? Most divorces result from the couple not agreeing on many things during marriage. Suppose you do not agree to keep your family together in rough and smooth times. In that case, you will surely divorce or damage your life, family joy, oneness, children, the beauty of marriage, and many other aspects of uniqueness to your marriage. Remember that divorce is the most disrespectful entity. It does not fear anyone; color and rank are nothing to it. The only thing it fears is you to have the knowledge and the desire not to give it room to operate in your marriage. Many couples face different types of marital crises, including divorce, because they cannot read signs as and when divorce wants to strike their homes. Others, too, see the signs but ignore them, demonstrating a lack of knowledge. This is why I have written this points-to-point book to guide you through the bitew of your marriage if you only listen to counsel not to divorce or separate, especially if you are a newly married couple. It would be best not to divorce because divorce wastes a couple's time, money, and treasures. If you do not have an idea to divorce, it is not enough to make you not divorce by the end of the day. Knowledge to fight your marital crises is essential. If you are going through divorce too, I will urge you to take your time and consider the complicated things that come with divorce and how best you can solve your crisis before you finalize it. This book is at the right time to help you conquer what may seem difficult about handling marital crises. Say no to with knowledge, not your vain mouth. I hope you can be the right person to whom this book is available. Know the ugly things that could break down your marriage and avoid them by exercising daily obedience to what you have read. This excellent advice book will carry you through ugly times in your marriage. I advise you to help your marriage, family, and children stay together in the test of time. God bless you and always give you all the understanding you need in your marriage.

Tytuł Ugly things that could breakdown your beautiful marriage
Autor: Counselor Adams Kittson-Kotsinya
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2024
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