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The Ritchie and Fitz. Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries. Books 1-3 okładka

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The Ritchie and Fitz. Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries. Books 1-3

This bundle contains the first three books in the Ritchie & Fitz Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries. Murder on the Intergalactic Railway For Murdina Ritchie, acceptance at the Oymyakon Foreign Service Academy means one last chance at her dream of becoming a diplomat for the Union of Free Worlds. For Shackleton Fitz IV, it represents his last chance not to fail out of military service entirely. Strange that fate should throw them together now, among the last group of students admitted after the start of the semester. They had once shared the strongest of friendships. But that all ended a long time ago.  But when an insufferable but politically important woman turns up murdered, the two agree to put their differences aside and work together to solve the case.  Because the murderer might strike again. But more importantly, solving a murder would just have to impress the dour colonel who clearly thinks neither of them belong at his academy. Murder in the Skies Murdina Ritchie put everything on the line to earn one chance to prove herself at the Oymyakon Foreign Service Academy. Just one chance. Despite the bad reputation that comes with her family name, despite the bullies desperate to see her fail, she refuses to back down from any opportunity to show her worth. Everyone at the academy knows her skill, knows her inability to compromise in the pursuit of excellence, and knows her drive for success at all costs that borders on desperation.  But all of that common knowledge works against her when a bullying upper class cadet dies in a freak training accident that looks a lot like murder. Because now everyone knows that Murdina Ritchie tops any possible list of suspects. Suddenly she finds a goal beyond proving her worth: proving her own innocence. The Body in the Catacombs Murdina Ritchie and Shackleton Fitz IV start their junior year at the Oymyakon Foreign Service Academy finally feeling like they belong in that world. They stand as equals among the other cadets. And the crushing load of schoolwork? Surprisingly manageable when you're not trying to solve a murder at the same time. But the rumors of big changes in the political universe reach even the depths of the Academy. Distrust and secretiveness invade the minds of all of the cadets. Something dark and tumultuous hangs over all of them, and not just the ever-present storms of Oymyakon. Then someone finds a body in the lower levels, and the accusations fly. A murder, but committed decades before. Long before the time of any of the cadets. But not before the time of the instructors. In fact, exactly at the time Colonel Hansen was Cadet Hansen. Can Ritchie and Fitz solve the coldest of cases and prove the colonel innocent? Or worse, guilty?

Tytuł The Ritchie and Fitz. Sci-Fi Murder Mysteries. Books 1-3
Autor: Kate MacLeod
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
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Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2024
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