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The Obsession for Perfection. Become a sport legend okładka

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The Obsession for Perfection. Become a sport legend

"The vision is an inspiration for the fighter. The desire and willpower changes it into reality."D. Piątkowski As a contemporary fighter you will be challenged with the self and forced to win the eternal battle with Ego – pain, doubts and fear. By defeating your Ego you will come to understand that you were the only obstacle standing in your way to discovering the truth. Who you are, your talents, trainings and accomplishments depend on you entirely. Become a legend. A real fighter will not give up until the last drop of blood has been shed. Spartan training is a real test of willpower. Where other people see adversity, the fighter sees a challenge. Self-control and self-improvement are his virtues. Discover the secrets of the power of the mind, which are key to efficient training and success in the sport of the future. Great internal metamorphoses of world athletes inspired the creation of this book. It is dedicated to professional athletes, their parents and trainers. What is this book about? "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." Pele It is the first book in the world devoted to personal growth of athletes, their parents and coaches, whose foundations are purely spiritual. The author unveils the secrets of the mind that have not been described until now; those that have a direct influence on the effectiveness of training programs and results achieved in sport. Success relies directly on the athlete’s mind – the ability to control thoughts, emotions, habits and the strength of character. He also proves that the most important qualities of distinguished athletes are hard work, willpower, fighting spirit and the desire that is driven by the overriding goal – dreams coming true. Only such approach will produce world’s greatest athletes. This book outlines how to change an athlete’s personality in a simple manner so that they can achieve results unattainable to them so far. What will you learn and what will you achieve if you take over the control of your mind? You will: Adopt an entirely new personality – you can literally choose your character qualities. Harness your emotions – no more self-destructive thoughts, emotions and habits. Sustain the state of perfection – an intuitive state of mind which brings out the best of you. Outlast the threshold of pain stepping outside your comfort zone during physical work-outs so that you will be able to see the results in a month’s rather than a year’s time. Practice with intention – a fast way to develop technical and physical skills. Get addicted to hard work – unwavering motivation and determination to do Spartan work-outs. Discover massive self-confidence – typical of prominent athletes. Begin your quest for greatness… "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination."Tommy Lasorda

Tytuł The Obsession for Perfection. Become a sport legend
Autor: Piątkowski Dawid
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: E-bookowo
Rok wydania: 2016
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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