Mastering UI Development with Unity okładka

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Mastering UI Development with Unity

A captivating, fully functional UI is necessary for player interaction and engagement. Unity's tools give you the opportunity to create fascinating UIs to make your game stand out. Written by a skilled game designer and programmer, Mastering UI Development with Unity begins by describing various design considerations for developing stellar UIs for different genres and platforms. From laying out UIs and creating movements through animation and particle effects to optimizing UI performance, every aspect is meticulously covered. Next, you’ll learn the technicalities of implementing UIs with all three UI systems provided by Unity as well as both the Unity input systems. You'll be able to breathe life into your game with visually engaging heads-up displays, pause menus, health bars, circular progress bars, animated menus, and more. This book not only teaches you how to lay out visual elements but also how to program these features and implement them across multiple games of varying genres. With practical examples, you'll understand how to develop and implement UIs across multiple platforms and screen resolutions with minimal changes. By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills you need to develop game UIs confidently with both technical and aesthetic considerations using Unity’s versatile UI elements.

Tytuł Mastering UI Development with Unity
Autor: Ashley Godbold
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2024
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