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Chrismas okładka

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A fairy tale is a question, but also an answer, a link that connects a parent with their child. A wonderful journey, an adventure that lives around us and in us, if we pay close attention, we can notice the miracle, the pages of the book come alive and we shot the characters of the fairy tale world, with whom we can experience their adventures. Whatever and whoever it is - we can overcome it, together, together! The adventure can be the smallest, the bravest, the most skillful and the most cunning, but together we can find the solution to the puzzle, the secret can be revealed, the most crooked mouth can be drawn into a smile, thus drifting off to sleep. Most of the time, adults tell stories to children, even though fairy tales are the terrain of children's soul and imagination, but in today's world, adults also need fairy tales more and more to find themselves. This Christmas storybook, which is about love, is a possibility. Love is the greatest gift we can give and receive. Love in it is not only our family and friends, but also the way we care about the world and everyone who lives. Love does not depend on external circumstances, but resides in our hearts. Love is shown not only in words, but also in actions. Love remains not only in happy moments, but also in difficult times. In this book, we can read stories that show different forms and manifestations of love. Stories that teach us how to love ourselves, how to love each other, how to love nature, how to love culture, how to love peace. Stories that make you laugh, move you, make you think, and inspire you. Such tales to warm our souls and recall the magic of Christmas on these gloomy, cold days. The message of this book is that love is the most important thing in life and that we should share love with others, with each other. Love is valid not only at Christmas, but every day of the year. Love is important not only in our personal relationships, but also on a social and global level. Love is not only an emotion, but also a value and a force that can change the world. Love is what binds us together and what helps us overcome difficulties. Love is what gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Love is what makes us happy! We hope this book brings joy and light to the lives of readers and helps them find and experience love every day. We wish everyone a Blessed, Happy and Peaceful Christmas!

Tytuł Chrismas
Autor: Abott Gary
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2023
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