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An innovative design of bipolar prosthesis

Professor Anil Kumar Rai, a renowned teacher, innovator and outstanding orthopaedic surgeon of national repute has 25 years of rich experience in teaching, research guidance and administration. Prof. Rai served as Head, Department of Orthopaedics (2017-2020), Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi-221005. As Head of Orthopardics department of IMS, BHU Prof. Rai established PMR division in orthopaedics in 2018 under the central government funding and by now about 400 patients have been treated. Under this scheme various educational programs, distribution of tricycle, free camp, workshop, and lectures from eminent faculties for the benefit of PG students and the students of B.P.T and B.O.T in the field was organized. During his headship, the department has been enriched with many world class modern equipments and the much awaited course B.P.T and B.O.T was started successfully. Swami Paramgyananand Ji Maharaj Paramhans MEMORIAL Gold Medal was started by the University for the best MS ORTHOPARDIC student in the memory and inspirational source for the INNOVATION OF BHU HIP DEVICE innovated by Prof AK RAI . A project under HEFA (higher education financing agency) on “ADVANCE CENTER FOR SPINAL INJURY AND REHABILITATION”was sent by the department to meet the heavy load of spinal trauma victims in this area by the department during the tenure as HOD orthopedics. Andproject is under consideration for establishment of a separate center for these victims suffering from quadriplegia and paraplegia these are the patients mostly not looked after properly and or not treated either in the private hospital or government setup, because of unpredictable resultsand they need special care and attention. His innovative design and development of bipolar Hip prosthesis in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU) for its potential use in fracture neck femur and multiple hip joint disorder is a path breaking work in the field of orthopaedics; especially in the poor. Thecost effective device developed by Prof. Raipermits patients to sit cross-legged and squat which is not possible after total hip arthoplasty; this invention has been granted National patent No.216800‘bicentric Hip Device’. The Banaras Hindu University has named it ‘BHU-Hip Device’. He is member of Confederation of Indian industries(CII) and registered with the intellectual property of India for this piece of work. The work was appreciated in Indian orthopedic association meeting(IOA) in Kini memorial lecture by the president at indoor(2017) as Varanasi Bipolar. He developed the department in revision arthroplasty and complicated spinal surgery.Spondylolisthesis and spinal deformity abook onhis innovation"DESIGN CHANGES IN BIPOLAR PROSTHESIS THE BHU HIP DEVICE"is for publication for postgraduate student and medical colleges. Prof Rai has gained wide professional experience in the country and abroad.

Tytuł An innovative design of bipolar prosthesis
Autor: Prof. Anil Kumar Rai
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2023
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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