Emergency and Crisis Management for All Situations okładka

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Emergency and Crisis Management for All Situations

"Emergency and Crisis Management for All Situations" addresses the complex challenges humanity faces today, including economic, social, environmental, and security crises. These destructive conflicts often lead to wars, causing thousands of deaths and displacing millions. Many of these conflicts could be avoided through wisdom, mutual interests, patience, and mediation over aggression and arrogance. Our book compiles state-of-the-art research and developments in emergency and crisis management. In Chapter 1, we cover modern academic work on crises, their links with other fields, crisis management theories, factors affecting crisis management, leadership in crisis situations, and ethics. Emerging trends in disaster risk management are also discussed. Further chapters highlight information support for crisis management, challenges in coordination, position tracking and GIS in search and rescue operations, local emergency management issues, public awareness and education on flooding disasters, and the connections between social capital, flood risk perceptions, and self-efficacy. We also explore individual and household disaster preparedness. Reflecting broader shifts in governance at global and local levels, our book examines the impacts of globalization and technological innovation on disaster risk management. We conclude with the emergence of a globalized system for disaster risk management and the challenges for appropriate governance.

Tytuł Emergency and Crisis Management for All Situations
Autor: Mandaakin Deshpande
Rozszerzenie: brak
Język wydania: polski
Ilość stron:
Wydawnictwo: PublishDrive
Rok wydania: 2024
Tytuł Data Dodania Rozmiar
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