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CMake Best Practices
Discover the cutting-edge advancements in CMake with the new edition of CMake Best Practices. This book focuses on real-world applications and techniques to leverage CMake, avoiding outdated hacks and overwhelming documentation. You’ll learn how to use CMake presets for streamlined project configurations and embrace modern package management with Conan 2.0. Covering advanced methods to integrate third-party libraries and optimize cross-platform builds, this updated edition introduces new tools and techniques to enhance software quality, including testing frameworks, fuzzers, and automated documentation generation. Through hands-on examples, you’ll become proficient in structuring complex projects, ensuring that your builds run smoothly across different environments. Whether you’re integrating tools for continuous integration or packaging software for distribution, this book equips you with the skills needed to excel in modern software development. By the end of the book, you’ll have mastered setting up and maintaining robust software projects using CMake to streamline your development workflow and produce high-quality software.
Szczegóły | |
Tytuł | CMake Best Practices |
Autor: | Dominik Berner, Mustafa Kemal Gilor |
Rozszerzenie: | brak |
Język wydania: | polski |
Ilość stron: | |
Wydawnictwo: | PublishDrive |
Rok wydania: | 2024 |
Tytuł | Data Dodania | Rozmiar |
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